Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Am I wrong for thinking because I had an aneurysm in my left bicep when I was five/six years old that it's the reason why my biceps haven't gotten noticeably bigger, or am I really just slacking on working them out?
i posted about this in the boxing thread but what do you guys think about this? im currently cutting and thinking about taking boxing mainly because its something ive always wanted to learn with my aesthetics in mind as well. should i put my gym membership on hold for a few months and rely on boxing and calisthenics until i get the bare basics down? or should i just do both? any feedback is appreciated.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Am I wrong for thinking because I had an aneurysm in my left bicep when I was five/six years old that it's the reason why my biceps haven't gotten noticeably bigger, or am I really just slacking on working them out?
Well your right bicep hasnt had an aneurysm too, right?
Originally Posted by dubg34

Guys I need advice, when is the best time to work out? Morning or Afternoon? Does it really matter at the end of the day?

I've never gotten into protein shakes or supplements at all, so i'm really green. Whats a good brand or supplement to start off with? if this helps I'm working my upper body for the next 6 weeks (and more beyond) and my sched is m-w-f. I've been on a healthy diet the past 4 weeks and been doing running the past 6-7 weeks and started off 79-80 kgs but now dropped to 76.5.

Obviously I will stop running for the next 6 weeks as I noticed alot of you experienced heads mention its not good to mix hard running/cardio and weight training.

All in all, I just need a good supp to help me recover on my rest day. I'm assuming its gonna be a rough first week since I havent lifted weights since 2005 lol

thanks in advance.
I usually work out in the morning at the gym. I avoid the afternoon cause it's hectic and these guys kept staring at me and following me around with that glazed homoerotic look in their eyes. It's probably better to switch it up between morning and afternoon once in a while. If I don't go to the gym in the morning I'll work out at night at home though.

As far as supplements, Optimum Nutrition is good. Just buy the double rich chocolate. Don't start out with vanilla ice cream like I did back then. Tastes like someone threw up in your mouth. Gaspari Myofusion is also good if you can find it.
I wanna become a little more toned. If i were to purchase a workout program which would be better/more suitable, P90x or Insanity? ...Or neither, thing is i know i have to stick to a diet, and unless its on paper, and has a strict workout routine to it, its hard for me to stick to. So plz help me i wanna bring my sexy back. Im not fat though, just have a little work to do. Im 5'10'' 170ish
Thanks for the responses so far guys.

I hopped on the scale last night and am proud to say I dropped from 80-81kgs at the start of june to 75.2kgs. All through doing cardio and doing pushups. And I've started my first day of weight training using free weights at home for now, it consists of the following to start off since I haven't lifted since 2005 lol:

Db bicep curls
Db standing shoulder press
Db bent over rows
One arm db rows
Db side laterals
Db shrugs
Db deadlifts
Modified pushups (count 4 secs on the way down, hold 2 at the bottom, then push up)

I've been reading this link :

And it suggests that I should be on a fat burning supplement. As I really feel I still have alot of body fat on me. Have you guys tried any fat burning supplements and have possible suggestions?

Any help would be great. thanks
Originally Posted by dubg34

Thanks for the responses so far guys.

I scaled myself last night and am proud to say I dropped from 80-81kgs at the start of june to 75.2kgs. All through doing cardio and doing pushups. And I've started my first day of weight training using free weights at home for now, it consists of the following to start off since I haven't lifted since 2005 lol:

Db bicep curls
Db standing shoulder press
Db bent over rows
One arm db rows
Db side laterals
Db shrugs
Db deadlifts
Modified pushups (count 4 secs on the way down, hold 2 at the bottom, then push up)

I've been reading this link :

And it suggests that I should be on a fat burning supplement. As I really feel I still have alot of body fat on me. Have you guys tried any fat burning supplements and have possible suggestions?

Any help would be great. thanks

Consider the source. I love, but when it boils down to it, they're trying to move some product. See where the "use fat burning supplement" is in the article? Right by the bottom. Don't worry about it. Keep up the hard work and pay attention to the other things they say concerning diet. Cut down those bad fats, limit alcohol intake, etc. As I stated above, the best way to change your body is to get on a plan and stay consistent (I struggle with this too, haha).
Yep I see, I've been disciplined in my diet too. This is what I normally eat during most days:

Breakfast - lunch : Muesli bar x1 or 2, nestle yoghurt 150g (one tub daily), assortment of fruits (mostly, oranges, apple, mandarin)
Dinner : Potato and egg salad + half of prime steak. If not steak alternate with mince meat or chicken. Occasional soup with veggies and thin noodles. No pork, No rice rule.
No liquid carbs, only water

I have the occasional cheat day once or twice a week, maybe get some takeaway. or even eat rice if I cbb cooking lol As well as drink every weekend. I will try and stop consuming mixed drinks (mostly with coke/sprite) but my friends do like their mixed drinks haha. but I'll start cutting down and just have straight liquor instead.
had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating
Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

As a bachelor, it's easier for me to just not buy crappy foods. I only purchase the healthier things and that way I don't have to fight temptation.

Those of you who live with family, who keep snacks heart goes out to ya'll. It's TOUGH to fight temptation when you have to stare it in the face everyday.
Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

i mean, i doubt you ate THAT many cookies
and even if you did it was just one time, its not really gonna do anything, but if you're still feeling guilty, just go extra hard in the gym tomorrow
Originally Posted by dubg34

Yep I see, I've been disciplined in my diet too. This is what I normally eat during most days:

Breakfast - lunch : Muesli bar x1 or 2, nestle yoghurt 150g (one tub daily), assortment of fruits (mostly, oranges, apple, mandarin)
Dinner : Potato and egg salad + half of prime steak. If not steak alternate with mince meat or chicken. Occasional soup with veggies and thin noodles. No pork, No rice rule.
No liquid carbs, only water

I have the occasional cheat day once or twice a week, maybe get some takeaway. or even eat rice if I cbb cooking lol As well as drink every weekend. I will try and stop consuming mixed drinks (mostly with coke/sprite) but my friends do like their mixed drinks haha. but I'll start cutting down and just have straight liquor instead.
If you wanna lose weight switch your potato and egg salad plus steak for a piece of grilled chicken or turkey with some sweet potatoes and spinach or some other leafy green. Brown rice actually has benefits, by the way, so don't boycott it.
OK i see, i might try the sweet potatoes and grilled chicken route for next week. Thanks.

Anyone else go suggestions?
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by dubg34

Yep I see, I've been disciplined in my diet too. This is what I normally eat during most days:

Breakfast - lunch : Muesli bar x1 or 2, nestle yoghurt 150g (one tub daily), assortment of fruits (mostly, oranges, apple, mandarin)

Dinner : Potato and egg salad + half of prime steak. If not steak alternate with mince meat or chicken. Occasional soup with veggies and thin noodles. No pork, No rice rule.

No liquid carbs, only water

I have the occasional cheat day once or twice a week, maybe get some takeaway. or even eat rice if I cbb cooking lol As well as drink every weekend. I will try and stop consuming mixed drinks (mostly with coke/sprite) but my friends do like their mixed drinks haha. but I'll start cutting down and just have straight liquor instead.
If you wanna lose weight switch your potato and egg salad plus steak for a piece of grilled chicken or turkey with some sweet potatoes and spinach or some other leafy green. Brown rice actually has benefits, by the way, so don't boycott it.

Exactly. Egg yolks should be limited to TOPS one per day. Egg whites will benefit you greatly. Low in calories, high in protein. Leafy greens are another great call. I'm not even a big kale/chard/mustard green (the top 3, I think) fan, but spinach goes down pretty easy. Put a bunch in a pan with a touch of olive oil (when you're cooking, use olive oil as your cooking fat instead of butter or another oil. it can be a little more expensive than plain cooking oil, but it has GREAT fats in it and has natural anti inflammatories) and it will cook down to a fraction of its normal size. Goes great in an omelette.

As far as the meat goes, stick to the light, thin cuts of meat. Grill them, don't fry them. Fish does pretty well here too, and they help get you your Omega-3s.
Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

Unless you ate them all or licked all batter out of the bowl, you'll be fine.
Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

Just the reason why you were pissed. I know that the seconds of gratification won't outlast how guilty and upset I will feel having felt like I wasted a full days worth of progress. It truly is about the mind.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

As a bachelor, it's easier for me to just not buy crappy foods. I only purchase the healthier things and that way I don't have to fight temptation.

Those of you who live with family, who keep snacks heart goes out to ya'll. It's TOUGH to fight temptation when you have to stare it in the face everyday.

Just drink some ice water. Itll keep you busy and thinking about eating for a sec, plus a lot of the time cravings for food are actually misunderstood signals from your body saying its thirsty.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by bkmac

Am I wrong for thinking because I had an aneurysm in my left bicep when I was five/six years old that it's the reason why my biceps haven't gotten noticeably bigger, or am I really just slacking on working them out?
Well your right bicep hasnt had an aneurysm too, right?
Nope. So maybe it's just me that's been slacking off that hard on bicep workouts
Put a bunch in a pan with a touch of olive oil (when you're cooking, use olive oil as your cooking fat instead of butter or another oil. it can be a little more expensive than plain cooking oil, but it has GREAT fats in it and has natural anti inflammatories) and it will cook down to a fraction of its normal size. Goes great in an omelette.

But under high heat, olive oil (and most vegetable oils) break down and lose their health benefits. Oils with saturated fats such as Coconut Oil or Palm Oil do not break down over high temps and contain MCT's, which can help you become/stay thin.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by bkmac

Am I wrong for thinking because I had an aneurysm in my left bicep when I was five/six years old that it's the reason why my biceps haven't gotten noticeably bigger, or am I really just slacking on working them out?
Well your right bicep hasnt had an aneurysm too, right?
Nope. So maybe it's just me that's been slacking off that hard on bicep workouts
I dont really agree with cats that specifically work out their biceps. I prefer to do my full body thing, and work my biceps during that, especially back exercises and then throw in curls after rather than focusing explicitly on them.
Originally Posted by Thisismyvibe

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by dubg34

Yep I see, I've been disciplined in my diet too. This is what I normally eat during most days:

Breakfast - lunch : Muesli bar x1 or 2, nestle yoghurt 150g (one tub daily), assortment of fruits (mostly, oranges, apple, mandarin)

Dinner : Potato and egg salad + half of prime steak. If not steak alternate with mince meat or chicken. Occasional soup with veggies and thin noodles. No pork, No rice rule.

No liquid carbs, only water

I have the occasional cheat day once or twice a week, maybe get some takeaway. or even eat rice if I cbb cooking lol As well as drink every weekend. I will try and stop consuming mixed drinks (mostly with coke/sprite) but my friends do like their mixed drinks haha. but I'll start cutting down and just have straight liquor instead.
If you wanna lose weight switch your potato and egg salad plus steak for a piece of grilled chicken or turkey with some sweet potatoes and spinach or some other leafy green. Brown rice actually has benefits, by the way, so don't boycott it.

Exactly. Egg yolks should be limited to TOPS one per day. 

no this is a myth. eggs won't raise your cholesterol, eat up
I3 wrote:
Zyzz dead?

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