Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Are squats an absolute necessity to pack muscle? Whenever I do legs I usually just lunge, leg press, and a few other stuff.

No broscience but I was told by my trainer that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increases testosterone. Hence, why doing squats could help you build bigger biceps.
it is broscience.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Are squats an absolute necessity to pack muscle? Whenever I do legs I usually just lunge, leg press, and a few other stuff.

No broscience but I was told by my trainer that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increases testosterone. Hence, why doing squats could help you build bigger biceps.
it is broscience., it isn't.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by blackxme

Your core is getting plenty of work when you do compound lifts like squats and deadlifts, so it is true that isolation exercises aren't necessary.

Regardless of what you do for abs, it's important to remember that abs are made in the kitchen. Without the proper diet you won't have visible abs.

How do you make your abs bigger? I know dieting is crucial for stripping away the fat that covers them, but how do you actually make your abs larger so they stick out? Or is it all genetics?

Especially the lower abs... I feel like even when other parts of my body are getting a little bigger, my abs are still small

Your abs are like any other muscle group, they require some sort of stimulation to grow. So doing something like cable pulldowns is a good way of working your abs with weights. 
So along with some compound lifts, it's not a bad idea to add an ab exercise or two after you've completed the rest of your routine. That should help in stimulating some growth.

Although shape your abs take is all genetics, and the abs are one muscle group so really there's no such thing as 'lower abs'. You can't isolate the lower part of the abs, they work as a whole. But I can't stress enough how important the diet is( which you're aware of). Hopefully others chime in, there are way more knowledgeable guys on here than me.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Your abs are like any other muscle group, they require some sort of stimulation to grow. So doing something like cable pulldowns is a good way of working your abs with weights. 
So along with some compound lifts, it's not a bad idea to add an ab exercise or two after you've completed the rest of your routine. That should help in stimulating some growth.

Although shape your abs take is all genetics, and the abs are one muscle group so really there's no such thing as 'lower abs'. You can't isolate the lower part of the abs, they work as a whole. But I can't stress enough how important the diet is( which you're aware of). Hopefully others chime in, there are way more knowledgeable guys on here than me.

Yeah I always do either hanging leg raises, or leg raises in a dip position, or kettlebell swings to work on my abs at the end of my workouts.

I have yet to get a six pack. Right now I'm eating a lot of food to try and gain weight before I try and cut, but I'm a little worried that when I manage to get that 6 pack it'll look like one of those frail, skinny packs. The kind where you can see the lower rib cage
Basically I want the entire abs section to be bigger so when I cut it'll be clean and visible.
Damn, that Martin Berkhan guy's physique is crazy. I wonder what his BF is at in those pics.

Regarding the testosterone hormone levels increasing when doing squats and other compound exercises, I've heard that as well. I don't know any research articles with hard data, but it's been reiterated through several sources, if I recall correctly.
Yo anybody else gain like 15 lbs in the past 3 months? I feel kinda bad and I think I went a little overboard with this "bulking" phase
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Are squats an absolute necessity to pack muscle? Whenever I do legs I usually just lunge, leg press, and a few other stuff.

No broscience but I was told by my trainer that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increases testosterone. Hence, why doing squats could help you build bigger biceps.
it is broscience.
Its sort of broscience.

Heavy compound lifts do increase test, however, the increase in test  doesnt mean an increase in muscle strength, size, or power.
Sup guys. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I ballooned to over 260lbs in undergrad (I'm 5'7" smh).  This thread has been motivation.  I've been working out consistently and am now a little over 240.  Still a long way to go but the tips and stories in this thread are good motivation.  I've been doing a workout from and wanted to post my supplements (got all the recommended supplements from to get your opinions on the stuff I am taking and if there is anything you would recommend.  I know diet is the most important factor and I have been very vigilant about my eating.  This is what I am currently taking:

Universal Animal Pak (multi-vitamin)
Universal Animal Omega (essential fatty acids)
Gaspari Nutrition MyoFusion (whey protein)
MusclePharm Shred Matrix (fat burner)
PrimaForce Max CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
SciVation Xtend (branch chain amino acids)
GENR8 Vitargo S2 (carbs)

I workout every other day and do cardio 5-6 days a week.  Currently working and in grad school (not sure if that matters).  If you would change anything or have any tips your info is much appreciated.  If you do have any suggestions do not worry about budget, money is not a problem, I am 100% committed.  Thanks for the help and added motivation.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

No broscience but I was told by my trainer that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increases testosterone. Hence, why doing squats could help you build bigger biceps.
it is broscience.
Its sort of broscience.

Heavy compound lifts do increase test, however, the increase in test  doesnt mean an increase in muscle strength, size, or power.
But increased testosterone levels do increase the rate at which muscles grow right? Why else would people take testosterone boosters as "roids"?
Which leads me to my next question... has any research been done on the effects spiking ones test by not ejaculating in relation to muscle growth? Apparently guys see a 50% increase in their natural test levels at the end of a 7 day period, and then the test levels return to normal. Is a 50% increase significant enough to make a difference on the rate of muscle growth? I've been googling, but it seems like no research has been done.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

it is broscience.
Its sort of broscience.

Heavy compound lifts do increase test, however, the increase in test  doesnt mean an increase in muscle strength, size, or power.
But increased testosterone levels do increase the rate at which muscles grow right? Why else would people take testosterone boosters as "roids"?
Which leads me to my next question... has any research been done on the effects spiking ones test by not ejaculating in relation to muscle growth? Apparently guys see a 50% increase in their natural test levels at the end of a 7 day period, and then the test levels return to normal. Is a 50% increase significant enough to make a difference on the rate of muscle growth? I've been googling, but it seems like no research has been done.
An increase in test doesnt automatically mean the test will be involved in the production or regeneration of muscle though.

I highly doubt that increase will have any effect on muscle growth.

Test levels are highest in the morning, and time of the workout has no effect on muscle growth.

Edit:  Most test and ejacualtion studies are done with animals.  It would be incredibly difficult to get a study like that through the IRB.  I dont even know how a study would be designed to test that either.
Originally Posted by chickhien

^Whats your workout routine and diet like throughout the week?

I workout every other day.

Lower Body Day: lunges, deadlift, leg curls, extensions, press, calf raises, and dumbbell step ups
Upper Body Day: upright rows, bench press, curls, triceps press, lat pull downs, dumbbell rows
Full Body Day: power cleans, squats, push press, Romanian dead lift, bent over rows, stiff leg barbell good morning, wide grip lat pull down, rear lunges

My workouts usually last an hour and a half.

I run this nature trail by my house almost everyday.  It's a few miles long but I'm not conditioned enough to run all of it.  I alternate between sprinting and jogging.  I try not to let myself walk.

I eat 5 times daily.  Egg whites, lots of fruit and veggies, baked chicken, oats, fish, brown rice.  I don't drink any soda at all.  I do go out on the weekends and keep my drinking to a minimum if I do decide to drink. 
Diet is the hardest part because I can cook very well (that's how I got so big) and I'm used to eating good.  I try not to eat out but when I do I hit up Soul Veg or Everlasting Life. 

I got my workout and diet plan from  All suggestions are welcome.
Patience is the key to working out. 10 lbs off and i'll be cut.. but i cant see myself going that low in weight.. too light.
ALright so I figure I would try this thread for my problem. I lift 5 days a week. Chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. I have done a 4 day split as well but whatever. I do everything right, I rotate exercises, switch things up, have done 5/3/1 and currently on FST-7. I have been lifting like this and also been on my nutriton as well ( getting about 4000 calories a day) FOR TWO YEARS! And everyweek I just kinda do the same weight on EVERYTHING. Maybe 5-10 pounds overall increase in my lifts. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Why have i not seen gains?  I keep track of my lifting stats and its just all so similar.  PLEASE HELP
Are you maxing out?
Are you really pushing yourself to your limit?
Are you squeezing out that last rep?
I guess you could say the one thing I DONT do is really get the last rep on certain things but mainly just the chest exercises because I dont have a spotter. But other than that I go to the last rep. And I maxed out during 5/3/1 several times
an issue I need some help resolving.

I can't seem to be able to push myself when doing squats because of a pain on my left hip.

I was in an accident that fractured it and I am now experiencing a similar pain when doing squats. I thought that it was due to not stretching properly before doing some sets or warming up, but even walking up stairs or even having to hop over something and adding pressure to my left leg causes a bit of an ache, so I know it isn't cause of improperly stretching.

My question is, are there any other exercises that I can replace squats with?

I honestly don't know how long I will go without squats, but wish not to refracture my hip again.
whats the best way to clean your workout gloves? i usually buy new ones.. they say hand washem on the package.. but how do you exactly hand washem?
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

the best way to clean your workout gloves is to throw them away. real men don't wear gloves! RAWR


and leave your straps, lifting belt, and fancy footwear at home!
Nah you need gloves for heavy dead lifts and some dumb bell exercises. The skin folds near your fingers are gross
I dont wear gloves. The skin on my hands has gradually gotten tougher so I dont see the need. My calices are minimal.
I get callouses from lifting that rip off when I play bball, they can't heal quick enough.

I don't wanna be that guy in gloves though.
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