STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

This should help you.

All about building that balance, knowing what you can do, and pushing yourself for speed and distance.

It also keeps it fresh. Running for speed or distance over and over again WILL get boring. If you set goals for both and ran at 2 different paces it'll help keep the workouts entertaining. We're not pros, we can't sit and do the same thing over and over, it starts to suck, it's just the truth
Agreed running is about pushing yourself. I think your running location and time in which you do it plays a role in when you get bored. When I was in graduate school training for a marathon I would do 13 miles in about an 1:40 every other day. I was running in a beautiful park so i always had something to look at and with my music playing I would hit runner's high and just be mediating the whole time. There is nothing like it, I would run during the day and hoop at the park at night summer time had me feeling like a kid, I was always outside. One thing I always recommend to anyone who want to start running is to do the insanity program. You can download it for free via piratebay, the program puts you in amazing shape and really increases your endurance. Those who I recommend it to can do 6-7 miles easy once they are done with the program.

I thought I was doing it big but one of my friends dads qualified for the boston marathon dude ran 26 miles in under three hours and he is around 55... beast and he is the nicest man on earth. Feels like i heard the beetles for the first time whenever i meet him.
Just bought a box of quest bars. I didn't see the buy 3, get 1 promo. They definitely changed the box price from what I saw...

Still said $34 for member price on the box of 12. I had the guy there price check, and it was $24.99.
question for those who do the 5x5 strong lifts. Do you stick exactly to the program doing only the 3 movements per session or do you incorporate the concepts of the 5x5 program into you specific splits

For example, I still do a leg, back, shoulder, chest split. Chest day my first lift is flat or incline bench 5x5, then after that its other chest exercises for 4X8 or whatever. Shoulder day first lift is shoulder press 5x5, then whatever else for 4x8 or whatever. Back day first lift row 5x5 then whatever else, leg day will be squat 5x5 then other leg stuff

 Just curious about how others approach the 5x5 concept. Since doing 5x5s in my lifts i have noticed an increase in strength.
I've altered my program where the main lifts are 5x5 and the accessory work during my splits are high reps for hypertrophy. I try and get a bit of both.

Squats and DL'S are 5x5 3x week
Then I have my back/bi, shoulders, and chest/tri splits
So I got a heavier set of dumbbells but I'm not able to do as many reps as I could with dumbbells I was using previously that were of less weight. (Which was obvious)

Should I just keep going at it with the heavier dumbbell set and do as many reps as possible?
question for those who do the 5x5 strong lifts. Do you stick exactly to the program doing only the 3 movements per session or do you incorporate the concepts of the 5x5 program into you specific splits

For example, I still do a leg, back, shoulder, chest split. Chest day my first lift is flat or incline bench 5x5, then after that its other chest exercises for 4X8 or whatever. Shoulder day first lift is shoulder press 5x5, then whatever else for 4x8 or whatever. Back day first lift row 5x5 then whatever else, leg day will be squat 5x5 then other leg stuff

 Just curious about how others approach the 5x5 concept. Since doing 5x5s in my lifts i have noticed an increase in strength.
If you only do the 3 movements per session don't expect to ever look like you lift lol

I use the 5x5 concept mixed with Prilepins Chart and do it in a PPL type split. I would personally only use 5x5 for squat, bench, DL and OHP. Everything else should be in the hypertrophy rep range.
If you want a tad bit more variation in your lifts (in comparison to 5x5), look into the Texas Method.
So I got a heavier set of dumbbells but I'm not able to do as many reps as I could with dumbbells I was using previously that were of less weight. (Which was obvious)

Should I just keep going at it with the heavier dumbbell set and do as many reps as possible?
Reps of what? Curls?

That isnt going to give you the results youre imagining. Im telling you man, in your situation, pullups and pushups will be far better than the curls youre doing with those dumbbells.
Reps of what? Curls?

That isnt going to give you the results youre imagining. Im telling you man, in your situation, pullups and pushups will be far better than the curls youre doing with those dumbbells.
Yeah curls.

But only pullups and pushups? I'm on the heavier side, so I can't do many pushups and pullups. I'm also trying to lose weight as well.
Just bought a box of quest bars. I didn't see the buy 3, get 1 promo. They definitely changed the box price from what I saw...

Still said $34 for member price on the box of 12. I had the guy there price check, and it was $24.99.

That's strange, bought a box 2 days ago for $14 with the code and I live in LA.
Just bought a box of quest bars. I didn't see the buy 3, get 1 promo. They definitely changed the box price from what I saw...

Still said $34 for member price on the box of 12. I had the guy there price check, and it was $24.99.

That's strange, bought a box 2 days ago for $14 with the code and I live in LA.

Yeah, I paid $15, and some change for a box today. I was just saying how their marked prices were $34, but their system had em for $24.99. Add the code, and that's $15.
Just bought a box of quest bars. I didn't see the buy 3, get 1 promo. They definitely changed the box price from what I saw...

Still said $34 for member price on the box of 12. I had the guy there price check, and it was $24.99.

That's strange, bought a box 2 days ago for $14 with the code and I live in LA.

Yeah, I paid $15, and some change for a box today. I was just saying how their marked prices were $34, but their system had em for $24.99. Add the code, and that's $15.

Good info, stopped by today and the sign still says 34
Yeah curls.

But only pullups and pushups? I'm on the heavier side, so I can't do many pushups and pullups. I'm also trying to lose weight as well.
Youre doing it entirely wrong.

Curls, no matter how much you struggle with them, wont do ANYTHING for the goals that you have. You want to lose weight? Fix your diet, start by cutting out fast food, soda, etc. You dont have to "diet" per say: eat salads and grilled chicken. Its harder for someone to start like that, I would just eat normally (while avoiding fast foods) but portion control. Instead of 3 huge scoops of rice with your chicken, go to the store buy a measuring cup set and eat 1/2-1 scoop of rice. Portion control man. Then go jog, run, whatever the hell makes you sweat. Shoot some hoops, just be active. Look into HIIT and combined with a diet you'll drop weight fast. You dont need access to a gym to eat clean and run.

Ive lost 20lbs this summer, just by portion control, cardio and weight training. You can do the same, its how bad you want it, not how many curls you can do with a dumbbell.

Goodluck, feel free to PM whatever questions you have.
Just bought a box of quest bars. I didn't see the buy 3, get 1 promo. They definitely changed the box price from what I saw...

Still said $34 for member price on the box of 12. I had the guy there price check, and it was $24.99.

That's strange, bought a box 2 days ago for $14 with the code and I live in LA.

Yeah, I paid $15, and some change for a box today. I was just saying how their marked prices were $34, but their system had em for $24.99. Add the code, and that's $15.

Good info, stopped by today and the sign still says 34

Tell them to ring it up. That's what I did. That's what I was talking about a few pages back when I said they change the prices.
Btw, hows that GNC deal work if you dont have a gold card?

And how much would it cost if I applied for a GC and that code/promotion? I need to re-stock.
Take back what I said about no nonsense in my gym. Saw a guy today with a bane mask / muzzle on. Wtfffff. Someone help me make sense. I wanted to ask but I figure not disturb this dude during his workout or maybe it was medical reason.
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It's to reduce the amount of oxygen you take in. It's beyond silly though :lol:

For almost the same results you can put on an everyday mouth guard and breath out your nose the whole time. But how cool would that be?
Btw, hows that GNC deal work if you dont have a gold card?

And how much would it cost if I applied for a GC and that code/promotion? I need to re-stock.

It's not even worth it if you don't have a gold card. The coupon won't work, so you'll be paying $34-36 a box. The gold card is $15 for 1 year, or $20 for 2.
It's to reduce the amount of oxygen you take in. It's beyond silly though :lol:

For almost the same results you can put on an everyday mouth guard and breath out your nose the whole time. But how cool would that be?

But all he was doing was cable pulls lol
Jogged for about 30 mins this morning. Did a 100 push ups in increments of 25 20 20 20 15 10 10 this evening after homework... studying for my A+ certificate
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