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Anyone take a week off from lifting and just do cardio and calisthenics? Thinking of doing a cardio/Cali workout every other day. Tons of pull-ups and push-ups , dips, and core work. Will probably still squat though. Thoughts?
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Just keep working with the pvc pipe and do shoulder dislocations with the pvc pipe.

Try to experiment with grip width too.
Anyone take a week off from lifting and just do cardio and calisthenics? Thinking of doing a cardio/Cali workout every other day. Tons of pull-ups and push-ups , dips, and core work. Will probably still squat though. Thoughts?

Usually if I take a week off, I'll just do cardio to let my CNS recover
See like 90% of people at my gym doing quarter squats and badly rounding their backs deadlifting.... feel as if I should say something but then again *Kermit the Frog Meme*

Meanwhile... TJ's Holiday season finds 
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It honestly takes time to get that form. I say why not atleast go up to them and be like, hey my man be a little careful

I know my form was all types of messed up when i first started. and I was doing heavy weight thinking i was the man.

how wrong I was once they showed me correct form .
It honestly takes time to get that form. I say why not atleast go up to them and be like, hey my man be a little careful

I know my form was all types of messed up when i first started. and I was doing heavy weight thinking i was the man.

how wrong I was once they showed me correct form .

I've had people correct my form before and as long as it's coming from someone who knows what they're talking about, it's always appreciated.

Been out of the gym for 2 weeks dealing with kidney stones :x still managed to get on the court and shoot around a couple days though
Rounding back is really only an issue with lumbar flexion, and even if the lumbar is flexed, as long as it doesn't move significantly under load, which is a much bigger problem than some rounding. Mike Robertson makes the point that as long as you stay out of end range  flexion or extension, and don't move under load, you're probably fine.
Stay in your lane
This. Never give advice unless someone asks for it or is going to harm themselves or others.

Along with what @byukid  said, the whole rounding of the back equals snap city is kind of misconstrued. Majority of guys who lift 6,7,800 pounds have rounding in their upper back. Ive heard Jeremy Hamilton and Jay Nera talk about it before and its actually more beneficial to elite level lifters.
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Stay in your lane

This. Never give advice unless someone asks for it or is going to harm themselves or others.

Along with what @byukid
 said, the whole rounding of the back equals snap city is kind of misconstrued. Majority of guys who lift 6,7,800 pounds have rounding in their upper back. Ive heard Jeremy Hamilton and Jay Nera talk about it before and its actually more beneficial to elite level lifters.

But just because someone can move weight from a poor position doesnt mean its alright to do it. You cant look at anyone "elite" ( in pretty much any activity) and use them as the example to as why "X" is ok to do. Theyre outliers. General populations arent capable of what they do so they shouldnt try and emulate it.

BTW, rounding of the back is lumbar flexion. Its the same terminology, and lumbar extension cant be called a rounded back.
Finally got my Rehband knee sleeves

A lil upset that I had leg day today and they didnt arrive till after
Took this pic a couple weeks back. Lowest I can get with a broomstick lol. Right here it doesn't look like shoulder mobility is the issue, I know there are others but when weight is added my stability is thrown off more than it should be.

I just thought of something that may or may not help you.

Your squat stance. For overhead squats try to see if a wider squat width (than normal) will help.

I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner. I had the same problem as you bro.

It's been a long time since I've had a problem with the overhead position that I kinda forgot about the squat width part.
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See like 90% of people at my gym doing quarter squats and badly rounding their backs deadlifting.... feel as if I should say something but then again *Kermit the Frog Meme*

Meanwhile... TJ's Holiday season finds :pimp:  

im not much into bagels but damn, those pumpkin ones any good? :nerd:
But just because someone can move weight from a poor position doesnt mean its alright to do it. You cant look at anyone "elite" ( in pretty much any activity) and use them as the example to as why "X" is ok to do. Theyre outliers. General populations arent capable of what they do so they shouldnt try and emulate it.

BTW, rounding of the back is lumbar flexion. Its the same terminology, and lumbar extension cant be called a rounded back.
Oh yeah in no way should a beginner try to use that same kind of form, and both lifters I mentioned even say that in their tutorials on DLing. 

I just think you can DL safely without having perfect textbook form each time, as long as your lifting it with your legs and not all back. I feel like Im tight when I do them but i know I have rounding.
The problem is with that though, dudes get in there wanting to do Deadlifts every week, that in correct form may catch up with them.
quick question nt fit fam.  It seems like the norm is chicken.  But i get tired of it sometimes and do turkey, ground or cooked.  Both are lean and high in protein right.  The little bit of research i did seems like turkey has less fat but slightly less protein (this was all over the place in the articles though some said chicken has way more protein others said they are basically equivalent). Does anyone one else have pros vs cons of either or is it a wash really?
In the long run, as long as your macros, and overall calories are right... It doesn't matter.

When bulking, chicken isn't my choice since it's so low in calories.
In the long run, as long as your macros, and overall calories are right... It doesn't matter.

When bulking, chicken isn't my choice since it's so low in calories.
Everyone in my family is on the whole30/paleo right now and it is getting ridiculous 
.  I need a new protein source since all i seem to eat is chicken and fish.

I live with my sister and she is on this stupid whole30 diet.  My mom lives in florida but is a personal trainer and is all about paleo.  My dad is a body builder lives about 20 mins from me...only person in my family right now currently eating carbs.
Willpower Wizardry: How-To Stick to the Gym Even When You're Feeling Lazy

I was out bowling and it was a Glow-In-The-Dark themed alley. Couldn’t see much, except the bright pins. So I go up to bowl, and it’s going straight for the gutter--until it hits a bumper that the last person must have left up!

It was too dark in the alley to see before I bowled. First thing I thought--’Some scrub must have left these up!’ Second thing I thought--’Maybe no one will notice if I don’t take them down...’

I realized then, we can use ‘bumpers’ in other places in our lives, like to get in shape or beat procrastination.

We’ve all tried to go to the gym more, and bombed. For me, I’d come up with EVERY excuse not to go when my alarm went off in the morning.

One hack that I used? Packing my gym bag the night before, and leaving it by the door. I didn’t have to stumble around my room at 6am to find workout clothes. Adding this bumper skyrocketed my success rate.

This is one of the tools I put into my FREE course on how to stick to the gym, Autopilot Workout. You can check it out here.
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In the long run, as long as your macros, and overall calories are right... It doesn't matter.

When bulking, chicken isn't my choice since it's so low in calories.

thats why you just eat a lot of chicken :wink: dat protein tho and chicken is delicious
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