STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

geez added 5 mins to my morning fasted cardio.
You feel that pain when you're hungry and have to do an extra lap around the neighborhood.

Hey yall. I sprained my ankle about 2 weeks ago. The only cardio I can do is the bike. I'm 32 and I keep my hr at about 120-130 during the bike. I lift weights first. I used to play ball but thats not Gonna happen anytime soon. Any other tips. Can squt or deadlift anymore either. [emoji]128545[/emoji]. Kinda sucks. I just do a lot of machines and stuff.

how bad did you sprain if you're still out of commission. you don't need to squat and deadlift to build your legs so don't worry.
eliptical or rows for cardio
Come on guys hate the game not the playa baby

Some of yall might want to hit the weights harder though and get off that DYEL status instead of worrying about big daddy BOSS
geez added 5 mins to my morning fasted cardio.
You feel that pain when you're hungry and have to do an extra lap around the neighborhood.
how bad did you sprain if you're still out of commission. you don't need to squat and deadlift to build your legs so don't worry.
eliptical or rows for cardio
get this hippie **** outta here
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geez added 5 mins to my morning fasted cardio.
You feel that pain when you're hungry and have to do an extra lap around the neighborhood.
how bad did you sprain if you're still out of commission. you don't need to squat and deadlift to build your legs so don't worry.
eliptical or rows for cardio
Pretty sure I have a hairline fracture. I'm walking without a cane now. But when I touch the ankle or do certain movements it still hurts like hell. No jogging or anything yet also. Gonna do X-rays later this week
My wife started making me fruit, kale and protein shakes in the morning after the gym.  I feel so energized after having them!!!!
Hats my morning go to. Energy level hiring bout the day is awesome. Once in awhile I throw an avocado in there
Hit a squat PR of 405x1 today; it felt like light work too.

I know that's baby weight to some of you guys in here but I was feeling myself so much that I didn't even realize the girl that asked for the rack after me was flirting. Welp.
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Hit a squat PR of 405x1 today; it felt like light work too.

I know that's baby weight to some of you guys in here but I was feeling myself so much that I didn't even realize the girl that asked for the rack after me was flirting. Welp.
Props on the squat PR. Mine is 415 for a single. I've been focusing on repping out 315 for a while, though, and I can get 12 reps of that.
Good work guys, your both stronger than the haters (Jew) in here.
This is gonna be weird.

Is it weird that I talk to myself to keep motivated during cardio? I use an inner voice to give me encouragement like a coach would?
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