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Reading all these cardio posts as I do my Post workout cardio and REALLY starting to contemplate my existence. Lol I'm right there with the rest of y'all, this **** is awful most of the time
As a guy over 30, I now see the value of cardio so I don't think anybody should feel any kind of way about cardio. As long as you're lifting as well, no problem. If all you do is cardio though, you need to rethink things.
I need to get back on HIIT. Have flag football starting up soon. Getting burned because I'm gassed by the second half :smh:
Yeah I don't feel any type of way about cardio. I just don't do it. If I was trying to lose weight I'd be working on my mile times before lifting.
Cardio is just awful man. If it ain't pickup basketball or soccer, I want no parts
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Damn matt ogus is getting super shredded and looking beastly
Dude not even looking human now 
I wish I knew how to embed instagram vids. Ilya showing some nice bboy skills in his latest post. Not eem fair for a big bulky guy like that to be that agile lol.
bruh, I hit chest and triceps today... later in the day i fell down my stairs.. 

my lower back is killing me right now smh
cardio is a waste of time imo (unless you're conditioning your body/heart for endurance). Better incorporate that into your need to be a hamster. Besides, its been proven lifting burns more fat than cardio at the end of the day.

Why is cardio a waste of time? You talking purely fat loss reasons?

Correct. Personally, I found it to be ineffective for maintaining muscle and burning fat. Moreover, if lifting doesn't get your heart rate up, then you probably need to go harder.

I got to the lowest body fat % of my life in recent years w/o cardio. Your muscles burn fat regardless throughout the entire day so theres no need to run on the treadmill. Plus we all know what long distance runners look like compared to speed runners (and HIITers).
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Yeah it's hard to know if the two are related from that post.

Did you scorpion or something on the stairs?
Yeas lol. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. But damn the way hes looking now is hard to believe he is

Funny, I NEVER give botd when it comes to people claiming Natty. I look at it this way: if their livelihood is their physique or something related to their physique, they are going to be doing whatever it takes to make the most they possibly can out of it and be as freaky as possible. Plus, most of them have sponsors that aren't down with being open about gear, so they need to keep their sponsorship dollars. Plus, most fans are against it, but don't know how to tell if someone is or isn't using. So they have everything to gain and nothing to lose (except their Heath) by using. And if they're shredded year round 24/7, they almost guaranteed aren't natty. I can't speak for every big name in the fitness industry, but based off of the ones I know personally, there way more fake nattys than real nattys
I think Chris Jones is natty.

I don't think Panda or the NattyProfessor are. TOC is so short that its hard to tell, I would say Ogus isn't.
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Don't even know who dude is, but I think it's ironic as hell if dude with the moniker Natty Professor isn't natty
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