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Just eating protein all the time is not the answer :lol:

I believe protein are beneficial when eaten at the right time and right amount. Just have to make sure you have carbs to balance it out.

Now if you want to get big, lift heavy and just eat. Point blank
Need some advise. So I feel I'm in a tough spot. I'm only 5'11, 150, but feel out of shape, and want to cut down on my body fat. Particularly upper body.

What do you guys think is the best approach for someone in my position? 
I'm not an expert but I'm currently trying to cut my body fat down too,so I can tell you what I'm doing. I was at 13% bodyfat 2 weeks ago and trying to cut to 10. I cut my carbs down to 30g
Just eating protein all the time is not the answer :lol:
I believe protein are beneficial when eaten at the right time and right amount. Just have to make sure you have carbs to balance it out.

Now if you want to get big, lift heavy and just eat. Point blank

Carbs? You mean fat right?
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Just eating protein all the time is not the answer

I believe protein are beneficial when eaten at the right time and right amount. Just have to make sure you have carbs to balance it out.

Now if you want to get big, lift heavy and just eat. Point blank
He doesnt need to worry about cutting at 5'11 and 150lbs.

Eat balanced meals that are high in protein and lift heavy, thats a good size frame to fill out. 
lol right. Protein and fats is basically all Ive been eating to cut.
Along with spinach and asparagus to get in some greens.

So you not eating any carbs?

Or, you keeping your carbs low? You need it for energy. Complex carbs?

So you just eating protein and fats with no carbs thought out the week?

If so, impressive.

All I'm saying you need to balance your diet out protein, fats, and carbs.
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So you not eating any carbs?

Or, you keeping your carbs low? You need it for energy. Complex carbs?

So you just eating protein and fats with no carbs thought out the week?

If so, impressive.

All I'm saying you need to balance your diet out protein, fats, and carbs.
keeping it low. 30g or less.

Sure I see what you're saying. I thought you meant balance as in equal amounts of all three.
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Fats have more energy than carbs tho......

But of course I eat carbs as well lol. Just saying, you don't REALLY need to eat carbs if you wanna cut. It's just hard to do. And most people don't wanna drink metamusal for fiber :lol:
I'm trying to incorporate more greens into my diet..

I want to incorporate Kale but I don't want to chew it.. Anybody got recipes for making a Kale smoothie?
kale isnt that bad.....
but buy a bag, throw it in the freezer over night. take out the freezer and it all crunches like potato chips when it's frozen. sprinkle it in any smoothie, or hell sprinkle it in your eggs when you cook them.
Was never a kale guy either but found this recipe and I never get tired of it:

Just raw kale dressed up in a lemon juice/olive oil mixture and topped with parmesan. I actually grate and blend garlic into the dressing and leave it overnight. Citric acid breaks everything down. Super flavorful.

If not that steamed broccoli sprayed with olive oil and topped with either parm or some Old Bay type seasoning is easy and cheap as heck.
from my understanding carbs are your fluff and burn first. Then fats, then protein. thats why you up your fat and eat less carbs to cut. Fats burn off second then protein third.
I always thought fats were the last thing to go since is so important to the body and takes a really long time to digest...

Dont see why people are so scared of carbs, theyre not bad for you lol. 30gs of carbs? That doesnt even seem possible lol.
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When I actually used to lift and was cutting, I ate so many carbs mainly from potatoes but did not hold back and I was sub 10%

Haven't been anywhere near that shape since :smh:

3 years ago I think
The other day some chode was doing military press in the squat rack :stoneface: . Most ridiculous thing I've seen in the gym to date, outside of this buff dude pop locking between sets, another guy that walks around in leggings, and some super douche who works out in super high shorts. Mind you he probably had to roll the bench a good 30 feet to get it over there when the military bench is maybe 40 feet away and wasn't being used. To top off his douchebaggery he finishes his set and just walks off, leaving the bench and the plate he used to stabilize it there for the next poor sap (me) to deal with it.

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:lol: i do military press in the power rack. Thats only cuz my gym doesnt have an actual military bench.
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