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Kobe aint  hitting no 400. maybe if he had 50,000 attempts at it.

Y'all overrating him in weightlifting and basketball.
Kobe aint  hitting no 400. maybe if he had 50,000 attempts at it.

Y'all overrating him in weightlifting and basketball.

Instagram with the hot take ( basketball part not the weight lifting part ) [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Lebron played football though, pretty sure he went hard in the weightroom.

A lot of the basketball guys under 6'0 are pretty jacked, didn't earl boykins bench 315 lbs?
He been in the NFL and on every type of steroid for 13+ years, not surprising.
Crazy thing is he doesnt really out bench me 
lol I think a lot of y'all are underestimating how much weight that is. Boss said it earlier very few folks in here are probably hitting that and I'm sure the avg for us is like 2+ years of serious weightlifting. What makes y'all think someone who isn't required to lift heavy for their sport can get it so quickly? Basketball players don't lift heavy like other sports. More focus on conditioning/light weights and high reps. And when basketball players squat, most don't squat to depth/parallel
Thank you.

I think some of y'all that squat 315 or less should just got pu 405 on your back and walk it out one time, I promise you'll have a new perspective. 

Its the same as being farm boy strong, you can get a big white cornbread boy thats a beast O lineman thats lifted bails of hay his whole life,  but if you put him under a bench his numbers are not impressive compare to someone who trains solely for strength. Like my example above, if you put me and Harrison side by side everyone will say he's stronger than me but in reality its not the case. Insert humblebrag here 
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Anybody ever try these mighty muffin things. I got a bunch of different flavors. The only decent one I've tried is s'mores and I added peanut butter. Hahaha. Apple cinnamon tastes like cardboard with cinnamon on top
They were playing the glow music video from the last dragon at the gym this morning :pimp:. Had ya boy feeling nostalgic. I looked up and seen at least 3 other dudes fixated on the screen :lol:. So of course I had to hit a pr on the bench of 275 :pimp:. Up to a set of 70 push-ups too. 3 plates soon come
variation day for me.
started off with some lowbar squats to warm up.
245 4x8 then transitioned to some pause squats. 255 5x3

pause deadlifts 295 2x8 and 305 x7. Once I hitched that 7th rep I didn't want to risk the fail on the 8th, knew my back was toast.

All the pauses felt like an eternity but on video it's like nothing. Lol gotta setup a timer or something to alert me when it's been 3 seconds

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variation day for me.
started off with some lowbar squats to warm up.
245 4x8 then transitioned to some pause squats. 255 5x3

pause deadlifts 295 2x8 and 305 x7. Once I hitched that 7th rep I didn't want to risk the fail on the 8th, knew my back was toast.

All the pauses felt like an eternity but on video it's like nothing. Lol gotta setup a timer or something to alert me when it's been 3 seconds

Those some quick pauses :lol:

Count 5 secs going down then 3 secs then up. (For the squats)

1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi

Good depth and good form. Keep it up
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Those some quick pauses :lol:

Count 5 secs going down then 3 secs up. (For the squats)

1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi

Good depth and good form. Keep it up

hahahah. felt like an eternity doing them then i peep the footage and it's less than half a second pause....fml. I'll try the missisppi count next week
Lol weeeerd pauses always feel longer than it looks.

I got called out on my pauses a few times and coulda sworn in my head I was pausing long enough
Day one of Yoga going down tonight. Figured if I do it twice it week it can't hurt with flexibility/mobility. 
2nd bench day of the week. Dunno if i can do this after ed coan DL day once the weight goes up lol. 225 today, im good for 3more weeks til i get to my max weight then the fun starts.

Back,legs, traps were on fire this morning.
Those some quick pauses

Count 5 secs going down then 3 secs then up. (For the squats)

1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi

Good depth and good form. Keep it up
I think the length of those pauses are fine, better advice would be to stop thrusting your hips forward before you squat, its probably not good to flex your knees that way but more importantly it wastes energy. 

Also on pause squats once you stop you should never go any lower to generate speed out of the hole, it defeats the purpose of them, thats just a FYI for everyone I think yours were fine JV.
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