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So while on a cut, I should focus on Low Reps (3-5) and high weight?

I've been doing it wrong..Been doing High Reps (10-14) and high weight.
I know iLLest isn't IF'ing but, is anybody still Intermittent Fasting? I'm going on Week 4 and going strong. if it matters, i'm 5'7" at 146lbs. I started on Jan 6 at 152lbs. I'm trying to get to that Dominick Cruz status at 135-140lbs.



It's more than just going to the gym fellas. It's a lifestyle.
It's wanting it bad enough to sacrifice beers on a friday night.
It's wanting it bad enough to choose grilled chicken over your friends pizza.
It's wanting it bad enough to workout even after a 9 hour work shift.

Just a little sunday motivation for my Team Fit Bros.

Set some goals. Create some dreams. Then Go Get It. :nthat:

So while on a cut, I should focus on Low Reps (3-5) and high weight?

I've been doing it wrong..Been doing High Reps (10-14) and high weight.
If you're cutting you should be doing high reps till exhuastion. 

Low reps are used to develop strength. If you're cutting weight (unless you're holding an inordinate amount of fat), developing strength can't be your main goal. 
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A long watch , but it's worth it. The guy has worked with countless elite Pros. I recently watched this and it just reinforced the reason why I've never believed in bulking or cutting. Off season, fine but you must not let your bf get much higher than when you're "lean".

The carbs after your workout is personal preference I believe, because everyone is different. He mentions suppressing your raised GH levels or something like that, but the amount of GH your body produces after a workout is almost insignificant to affecting gains. But whatever works for you is always the best answer.(I personally gain well off of a post workout meal which includes carbs )

Also, pay attention to how he explains the importance of cardio year round.
The entire bulk/cut regimen originated because of various gear that became available to BB'ers. As anabolics (and also insulin use) became more versatile, you had various types of juices. Some anabolics are known for increasing metabolic rate while maintaining strength and/or mass. In that case, why not bulk?

Also, during the really heavy era of gear use in BB'ing, size became the dominant factor. Holding an extra few pounds or some extra water didn't matter. Coleman, Cutler, Ruhl, etc. were all ugly aesthetically. 

In the past half decade they seem to be starting to emphasize symmetry and aesthetics much more. They realized that BB'ing was becoming a joke of sorts. It was transforming into who could ingest the most gear and stay alive instead of who developed their physique in the best way. 

 Therefore, like Green said, bulking begins to work against competitive BB'ers in this era. An extra 15 or 20 lbs of muscle may actually work against a BB'ers because it can ruin his symmetry and/or be unpleasing to the judges eyes. 
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honestly I like Kai Green as a person, but him phil green, etc etc all have ugly bodies to me that just arent something that motivate me, Idk if Kai just started doing roids because I didnt know who he was prior to last year but I saw pics where he was appeared smaller and he looked good but now that huge belly stuff is ugly. I think thats why alot of cats made Zyzz so popular, he wasnt worried about strength or health or any of that, just getting gainz to look good lol. 8)
honestly I like Kai Green as a person, but him phil green, etc etc all have ugly bodies to me that just arent something that motivate me, Idk if Kai just started doing roids because I didnt know who he was prior to last year but I saw pics where he was appeared smaller and he looked good but now that huge belly stuff is ugly. I think thats why alot of cats made Zyzz so popular, he wasnt worried about strength or health or any of that, just getting gainz to look good lol.
Phil Heath...I Agree Tho..Thats what BB has become these days. The Biggest Monster Looking dude wins..Kai is 300lbs in the off season
 and cutting/bulking like that cant be healthly.. The BB's of today make the Arnold's Era look natural..
Personally I am aiming for more athleticism and speed then being so big you can't really use your size to your advantage. Those guys are just the extreme end of this lifestyle and there are plenty of people out there that wouldn't want that body, but it is impressive none the less. 
Phil Heath...I Agree Tho..Thats what BB has become these days. The Biggest Monster Looking dude wins..Kai is 300lbs in the off season:x :smh:  and cutting/bulking like that cant be healthly.. The BB's of today make the Arnold's Era look natural..

word, I look at Arnold and Rich Gaspari and dudes look natty lol
Yeah I'm in the boat of lifting to look aesthetic as hell. Ofcourse I want to be as strong while always having a lean body, but I understand I'll never be massive with that mindset. It's still funny to me when people tell me they that they don't wanna lift and get too big though, like they don't even know 1/10th of what they would have to do to get "too big"

Adrian Peterson physique has always been my goal, but I understand I'd probably never be like that given his elite genetics and just way of working out/living.

Cristiano Ronaldo build is more my physique that I want since I play soccer often and due to burning so many calories, I'll never be football player build. Though I see some soccer plays (playing pro or whatever) and their so skinny...I could never be that. I understand 90% of soccer players don't lift, but Geesh, at least hit the bench once in a while
Personally I am aiming for more athleticism and speed then being so big you can't really use your size to your advantage. Those guys are just the extreme end of this lifestyle and there are plenty of people out there that wouldn't want that body, but it is impressive none the less. 
Indeed.. Im In the Military and i have to be able to run/gun so that physique was never ideal. More of a motivational tool if anything.
^ Just wondering, why are you cutting at 146?
Strong this.

So while on a cut, I should focus on Low Reps (3-5) and high weight?

I've been doing it wrong..Been doing High Reps (10-14) and high weight.

i do triathlons and i perform best when i'm at 140.
Hmm I guess that makes sense.

honestly I like Kai Green as a person, but him phil green, etc etc all have ugly bodies to me that just arent something that motivate me, Idk if Kai just started doing roids because I didnt know who he was prior to last year but I saw pics where he was appeared smaller and he looked good but now that huge belly stuff is ugly. I think thats why alot of cats made Zyzz so popular, he wasnt worried about strength or health or any of that, just getting gainz to look good lol. 8)
Kai claims to be natty I think...
Ya HGH gut ruins a lot of guy's physiques tho.
On Zyzz, I think it's also the fact that his physique was relatively attainable for the average skinny fat video gamer. A cycle or two plus following a strict diet, plus some bro-sciency gym training, fake tan, tats, and a goofy haircut would get you there. To get to an elite BBers level physique wise, it takes very impressive dedication, consistency, and time (not to mention riding several bicycles).

Personally I am aiming for more athleticism and speed then being so big you can't really use your size to your advantage. Those guys are just the extreme end of this lifestyle and there are plenty of people out there that wouldn't want that body, but it is impressive none the less. 
I agree that I'm impressed by pro bodybuilders physiques but I'm not trying to attain that myself. I do think size can play an important part in many athletic pursuits - contact sports, many strength sports, etc. But you're right there is a tradeoff between speed and size in a lot of situations.
I think dudes were more fasicanted with Zyzz personality than his physique, his brother Chestbrah had a better build imo
I've lurked this thread for quite a while and finally decided to post.

I keep my diet real strict eating 6-7 small meals every couple hours and I've seen great results. Don't underestimate the added benefits you will get from proper nutrition.

Meal 1- :nerd:z liquid egg whites, 1 piece of whole wheat toast, and 2 servings of PB2

Meal 2 (after workout)- protein shake (i use chocolate milk as my liquid for the nutritional benefits after a workout and for needed calories).

Meal 3- 6oz chicken breast

Meal 4- 4oz buffalo patty

Meal 5- protein bar

Meal 6- 6oz chicken breast

and on lifting days ill have an additional protein shake.

With my chicken breasts and buffalo i will also have a salad, broccoli or green beans depending on what my family is having.

As far as my lifting goes, I am in the gym 6 days a week. 4 days of weights and 2 of cardio and abs. I'm following Bill Starr's 5x5 method for my chest only at the moment to increase my bench. I'll cycle the 5x5 method every couple months between bench press and squats so i really have something to focus on. So on Monday and Friday I will start my workout with flat barbell bench press and Wednesday with incline. From that point on I also do biceps, triceps, and back on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday respectively with legs and shoulders on Saturday. On Tuesday and Thursday I'll do 30 minutes of steady state cardio just to get the blood flowing and then I hit my abs.

Any diet or workout suggestions, let me know. I'm always looking for ideas to keep my workouts fresh and diet not so boring lol  
I'm starting Kris Gethin's 12 week program tomorrow. I've hit a plateau with my weight and need something to trick my body. With iCloud it automatically reminds me on my phone each day 
where do you guys get your protein from? i take pro 7, buy it from nutrishop. Wondering if there's sites online where i could find it cheaper. 
Whats up guys. For those of you who took breaks from the gym for a period of time, how did you maintain your strength?

Since school started I haven't been able to hit the gym.

Anybody know a gym calisthenic workout?
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the body fortress whey isolate supplement from wal-mart has a great profile and is relatively cheap. great bang for your buck IMO.

 EDIT: It also tastes great in both the vanilla and chocolate flavors.
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