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yea I think Im do like yall and just get some cheap ones... might just cop the same ones I lost they were only 40 dollars.
This is that bodybuilding approach of "chasing the pump". All you're doing is pumping more fluid into the muscle, most of which will leave within hours following your workout. You're not actually building any substantial strength that will translate into your compound lifts. Training like this will increase the volume of fluid in your muscle, but won't build strength. Alternatively, training for strength will increase your strength and build real muscle.

this couldnt be more wrong. 

Which part and how so?
I do a thumbless grip on most of those back exercises cept the deadlift but because my hand is pointing down its ok.

If the bar is on top of my thumb joint as it is on bench press or squat, it re aggravates the sprain

Still seems weird u can't squat

But u can still kill legs doing other leg stuff

i break blue tooth headphones like once every 3 months. I had one pair of headphones i got for a gift they were like $80. I got two replacement pairs from the company and then they stopped responding to my emails and phone calls. But i stay in the sub $30 headphone range since they never seem to last...but wireless is a must now. I have wired for backups just in case my wireless die at the gym. Gym with no music is not acceptable :lol:

Good to know im not the only one that breaks headphones on a regular basis lol. Thought something wrong with me. Im like u i stay with the cheaper ones cuz they all end up breaking for me so id rather spend 25-30 than like 80

Yeah I break/lose them too often to be spending that much. The $10 joints off amazon have been plenty sufficient.
Used the belt for back squats for the first time....what a difference.


Jefferson deadlift

Bradford press as warm up


Shoulder and leg accessories
I tried those reeve deadlifts today

Feel pretty nice. I dunno how much I'll do em but I'll mix em in

I used the regular 45 lb bar. Started 135 for 10, 185 for 8, 235 for 8. Then switched to conventional
Someone in here mentioned overhead squats.... damn they are hard AF. I need to watch some YouTube before trying. I didn't research them but just tried the motion to see how it felt with the bar. Feels so awkward and makes me think I'm unbalanced when I squat. When I held the bar up, I had it hella out in front.
i bought some Jamz wireless earbuds from walmart for 40 bucks, have had no problems out of them for a whole year. accidently washed them twice after leaving them in the pants pocket and still work
had 1pair i stepped on. all i did was go back to wal mart pick up the same pair switch em out and told them they were defective (which they send straight back to the company) practically a loop hole to a faster get of the lifetime warranty.

As far as gear and not being an athlete using it....
I dont see the problem. You're doing it to change your physique which is the name of the game anyway. it may not be as safe as an option of the stuff you were doing before hand but its way more effective.
I just bought those Sony extra bass wireless earbuds. And I gotta say I'm pretty surprised with how good the sound is for some 50 dollar earbuds.
Please, enlighten me.
to say that someone who is chasing a pump is making no gains that can help with a compound lift.

you can have a pump doing heavy weight with low reps and a pump by doing lighter weight but more reps.

either way you will make gains as long as the principle of progressive overload is applied. that includes doing isolation movements like triceps to help you have a bigger bench.

also, when you said training strictly for "strength" will build "real muscle".... training for hypertrophy will do the same.

I know power lifters who strictly train for strength and they can move big weight, but dont even look like they lift.

and on the other side are people who train strictly for hypertrophy... they may not be as strong, but they'll have more size on them.

of course this is just the general idea. everyone's body is different and reacts differently when lifting.
to say that someone who is chasing a pump is making no gains that can help with a compound lift.

you can have a pump doing heavy weight with low reps and a pump by doing lighter weight but more reps.

either way you will make gains as long as the principle of progressive overload is applied. that includes doing isolation movements like triceps to help you have a bigger bench.

also, when you said training strictly for "strength" will build "real muscle".... training for hypertrophy will do the same.

I know power lifters who strictly train for strength and they can move big weight, but dont even look like they lift.
and on the other side are people who train strictly for hypertrophy... they may not be as strong, but they'll have more size on them.

of course this is just the general idea. everyone's body is different and reacts differently when lifting.

My point is, if you want a stronger bench, tricep extensions and chest flys won't get you there. You get a stronger bench like you get stronger at any lift: by doing it repeatedly (with proper programming of course)

Also, there is a difference between sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibrillar hypertrophic. This was what I was alluding to when I said "real muscle". It's also the difference between the two examples you gave (the power lifter and "hypertrophy" people)

Is that to say you won't build muscle by training specifically for hypertrophy? Of course not, there is overlap. You'll build strength and size either way, although in different proportions.

In sum, if you want to strengthen your compound lifts then train them. Ticep Pushdowns won't help your bench nearly as much as simply benching.

That's all I was getting at.
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I know a bodybuilder who doesn't dl except like once every 6 months or less for fun.

Pulls 700...
Yo some people really have no sense.

I was doing incline bench in the rack and this guy shows up and sits on the lat pulldown machine and just watches me do my sets. So after i was done im tryna set it up for floor press and he takes the weights off 1 side of the bar. Im like what r u doing? Hes like ur not done? Im like i was gonna do floor press, u tryna hop on? So i ask him what lift hes doing to see if we could work in. The man says incline bench....


Why didnt u just ask to work in with me...
I wouldn't take the weights off while you were obviously not done but... maybe it's just me: I don't mind at all if people ask to work in with me but I usually won't ask to work in with someone, I'd rather just wait or do something else
I wouldn't take the weights off while you were obviously not done but... maybe it's just me: I don't mind at all if people ask to work in with me but I usually won't ask to work in with someone, I'd rather just wait or do something else

I got no problems working in with someone, im all for it. I ask people all the time if its cool if i work in sets with them. Dude was just sitting there watching me. I just assumed he was wanting to do a diff exercise (like squats or something). Thats why i asked him after i was done with incline what he was gonna do, and if it was possible i could work floor press in with him. When he said incline i was just like damn, u know you coulda asked to work in? I let him hop on the rack while i did reverse grip bench.

I feel you not wanting to work in with someone else but tbh i dont really wanna wait around for equipment to free up. Unless its like 4 guys on the bench or something im asking the person if its cool to work in with them. Im tryna get in do work and get out.
I always get a bad kink in my neck the day after I bench press. Should I hang my head off the bench?

Ive had that before, i dont know how to help u but i took time off benching. Overall ive gotten so much stronger in my whole body, especially back, and i believe that strength and muscular balance has helped make sure that weird pain hasnt ever come back

Edit-Actually i just realized u said the kink comes the day after, not during. I think could be form, but also muscular balance can only help imo
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I've been working on muscle balance too.

I can pull up the same weight as my max bench now for a few more reps even so I'm pretty happy about that. Still can't row it yet but close.
Cut continues. Weighed in today at 184 from a 205 start. I wanna get down to 170 I think. I'm starting to notice a loss of strength at this point though. Well maybe not a loss, but I'm not seeing gainz anymore
Cut continues. Weighed in today at 184 from a 205 start. I wanna get down to 170 I think. I'm starting to notice a loss of strength at this point though. Well maybe not a loss, but I'm not seeing gainz anymore
Keep up the good work bro. I'm at 190 this morning. When did you start cutting? My last week has been good strength wise with the carbs being upped from an earlier part of the day.
Cut continues. Weighed in today at 184 from a 205 start. I wanna get down to 170 I think. I'm starting to notice a loss of strength at this point though. Well maybe not a loss, but I'm not seeing gainz anymore

Keep up the good work bro. I'm at 190 this morning. When did you start cutting? My last week has been good strength wise with the carbs being upped from an earlier part of the day.

I'm also on a cut. My last weigh was last Sunday and I was 198.6. My start weight was 219.6.

Funny that this came up because I was just ask to ask if anyone was experiencing strength loss. For me I have. It's not drastic but everything just feels heavy lol; and I don't even get a pump anymore. Only my pushing movements seem to be effected. Chest day has been demoralizing to say the least. My current macros are 200 C 200 P 50 F. I think imma up my carbs by 50 starting Monday.
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