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Creatine? Im
I know we talked about this before I've just never got a clear answer.
Creating on a cut good or bad or doesn't Matter
as much as i hate dieting and being so low on carbs.
I woke up the other morning. after my first cheat day in a month. looked at myself in the mirror and was like damn where these cuts come from.
I did my body fat last week and was at 14.4. I'ma do it again maybe Thursday to see where I am, having my self a refeed tomorrow can't wait.

Creatine? Im still on it. Just water, so i dont think it matters. Will lose more strength without it so ill just stay on it year round.

When you say cheat, you go over your cals for the day? I only have a cheat meal per week with the wife and kid. But still on a deficit for the whole day. Usually carb and sodium heavy tho with less protein haha. Tomorrow is mexican food. Cant wait.

It helps that my wife is cutting too. We dont eat out as much so that's a big factor.
So far oh yeah! Bars are keeping me sane in this cut. I look forward to my treat at the end of the day. Chocolate brownie and cinnamon rolls are good damn
Right now since I'm on stoppages plan I'm at .5 grams of carbs per pound.
6 days a week

Rest day day 7. Is a carb up/cheat day. Just up the carbs to 2 grams a pound.

So for me mon-sat I'm at 92 grams a day. Tom I'll be at 364grams

I've usually carb cycled or just went all low carb. But I'm trying out his plan.

Just came of gethins who doesn't let you cheat but I was dying because his workouts are very muscle taxing.
Stoppanis is a bit more cardio base so even though I know my heart rate and metabolism is up I don't feel nearly as fatigued as I am on gethins
Went to a cookout last night at my boys house.. I ate an ungodly amount of food :lol: I tend to fill the alcohol void with food at functions now :lol:
I always get a bad kink in my neck the day after I bench press. Should I hang my head off the bench?

Ive had that before, i dont know how to help u but i took time off benching. Overall ive gotten so much stronger in my whole body, especially back, and i believe that strength and muscular balance has helped make sure that weird pain hasnt ever come back

Edit-Actually i just realized u said the kink comes the day after, not during. I think could be form, but also muscular balance can only help imo

I always had a hump in my neck - so does my dad and so did his mom. Always thought it was hereditary but I got rid of mine and it's made everything better. Not sure it's your problem but it would make sense if your neck isn't properly supported - you'll strain it that way.

I found these 3 exercises a few years ago and they work for me - straight neck, 1" taller and less neck ache. It is designed to alleviate the sort of head forward posture that is common in people who spend a lot of time at a desk.

You need to do them all standing against a wall - your back should be against the wall and your head needs to also touch. If your head doesn't touch put a cushion between it and the wall so you can keep pressure from your head into the wall - then after a few weeks you should be able to remove the cushion. There's no point just leaning back, you need the neutral spine position.

Then you do three things while keeping your head pressed back against the wall/cushion.

1. Flap your wings. Put your arms straight out to the side, move them down to your sides and then back up again - slowly and carefully. Repeat that 10 times.

2. Cover your ears. Start with your arms at your side and lift your hands up to cover your ears. Repeat 10 times.

3. Climb the ladder. Same position then with raise one hand as far as it can go without tilting your shoulders and pull it down (as if climbing a ladder) at the same time as pushing the other one up. Repeat for 10 reps.

Then repeat the whole thing.

Only takes 2 minutes but really worked for me.
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2 weeks ago i tried to pull dl for 410-failed and posted it in here. Someone recomended to wait for 2 weeks...

Well today i got up to 430 for a rep easy! :pimp: thanks nt!
What's your pr squat? Did you just say **** it and try and jump 50 pounds?
thats exactly what I did 
 i can hit 315 like 5-6 times and i was like screw it, let me try an extra 50 lb lol
I like it. :pimp: I did that with dl. Jumped 50 pounds and hit 475. That was a grinder. I'd never try that with bench though, I'd be dead or my arm would fall off or something.

23kidd 23kidd :pimp:


Speed DL

Stiff leg DL- 225x8
Bent over rows- 225x8
Reverse grip latpull- 270x8
Goodmornings- 115x8

Pull ups
420 dl with no food and water??

My man!! :pimp:


I never eat before working out anyways. Usually just smoke a cig and get it in :lol:. Thats been tough too no cig :lol:

The waters tough but more mental tbh. Discipline still.
You gotta quit that **** my dude. I smoked from when I was 16-22. Thinking back, it was probably one of the worst decisions I ever made.

I never eat before working out anyways. Usually just smoke a cig and get it in :lol:. Thats been tough too no cig :lol:

The waters tough but more mental tbh. Discipline still.

My father is Muslim so he's going through it now. But when you think about it; it's the same thing as intermittent fasting just with a wacky eating window, so it's not that bad. Now it you're participating in Ramadan AND doing anything hard on the body i.e. Sports, weightlifting, construction job the got damn hats of to you. When I was in highschool playing football had a kid on the team participate while we had spring conditioning smh. Son was running mad sprints on an empty stomach and more importantly no water. He was da realest after doing that [emoji]128514[/emoji]
You gotta quit that **** my dude. I smoked from when I was 16-22. Thinking back, it was probably one of the worst decisions I ever made.

U right, it is wack. Hate to admit it but i am addicted. Deep down i do want to quit but its so much BS going on in my life right now its not even close to being a priority tbh. I be stressed af

My father is Muslim so he's going through it now. But when you think about it; it's the same thing as intermittent fasting just with a wacky eating window, so it's not that bad. Now it you're participating in Ramadan AND doing anything hard on the body i.e. Sports, weightlifting, construction job the got damn hats of to you. When I was in highschool playing football had a kid on the team participate while we had spring conditioning smh. Son was running mad sprints on an empty stomach and more importantly no water. He was da realest after doing that [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Word it is like IF. I just love drinking water :lol:. Nothing beats an ice cold glass of water on a hot day
I used to lift with a pouch in. Quit drinking cold turkey and never had an issue. Smoking and chew took forever.
I used to lift with a pouch in. Quit drinking cold turkey and never had an issue. Smoking and chew took forever.

I quit trees like that, just woke up 1 morning said f it. I dunno how you did chew bro :lol: i tried it once damn near threw up everywhere
:lol: idk man. It was more for like airplanes and work when I couldn't go outside but then I ended liking it more because it was stronger.
Atleast with intermittent fasting you can drink some water lol.

My father was a heavy smoker, was forced to quit since its killing him slowly,so im not even going to bother with those. BUT trees on the other hand is a different story. Like ill have a puff every other hour of the day, especially after the gym.
Yeah I used to smoke HEAVY then I got a cdl. My tolerance is so low now :lol: let's just say I figured out the DOTS tricks but I'm not going hard like I used to because I can't blaze all day everyday at work like when I was cooking.
I use to also smoke mad trees. I just made the decision to quit one day. Being sober with a clear mind is amazing. Been well over 2yrs now
Yeah I mean I am most the time now and if I'm not I'm not going hard in the paint like the old days.

Drinking was my biggest issue, I'd do some dumb *** stuff while I was drunk so I'm good on that. I've always been cool with everything else and known my limits.

Life is easy now since I'm not constantly doing some dumb drunk stuff and digging myself in holes.
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