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I deadlift, I just don't pull from the ground anymore because I'm taller.

How many sets and reps do you guys do for deadlifts if you mix them in on back day?

Used to be sets of no more than 5 when I was going heavy.

Now it's 4-5 sets of 10, low weight.
Used to be sets of no more than 5 when I was going heavy.

Now it's 4-5 sets of 10, low weight.

I'm def going to start experimenting with a little lighter resistance and really try to maximize time under tension.
I deadlift, I just don't pull from the ground anymore because I'm taller.

How many sets and reps do you guys do for deadlifts if you mix them in on back day?

Been doing about 4 sets of 8-10 at lighter weight recently but man I much prefer doing heavy weights at 3-5 reps. :lol:
I remember Sohee Lee posting something similar on IG and I was skeptical at first, but she knows her stuff and it's all scientifically backed. Definitely interesting. Need to read more on this.

Scientific backed information > Bro intellectualism on a message board.

So what the article is saying is that high reps/low weight or low reps high weight doesn’t really make a difference , right ?
So what the article is saying is that high reps/low weight or low reps high weight doesn’t really make a difference , right ?

I think in regards to muscle growth. I'd like to read it though if anyone has the full text.

If you're a competitive powerlifter, obviously you need bigger weights.
Do you have the full text to that article? I'm getting c*ck blocked by the NY Times.
Upending conventions about how best to strength train, a new study finds that people who lift relatively light weights can build just as much strength and muscle size as those who grunt through sessions using much heftier weights — if they plan their workouts correctly.

Strength training has long been dominated by the idea that to develop a physique like that of Charles Atlas or even Zac Efron, we — and I include women here — must load our barbells or machines with almost as much weight as we can bear.

In traditional weight training programs, in fact, we are told to first find the heaviest amount of weight that we possibly can lift one time. This is our one-repetition maximum weight. We then use this to shape the rest of the program by lifting 80 to 90 percent of that amount eight to 10 times, until our affected arms or legs shake with fatigue.

This approach to weight training is very effective, says Stuart Phillips, a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who has long studied muscles and exercise. It builds muscle strength and size, possibly, many experts believe, by sparking a surge in the body’s production of testosterone and human growth hormone.

But many people find lifting such heavy weights to be daunting or downright unpleasant, which can discourage them from taking up or continuing with a resistance-training program, Dr. Phillips says.

So in recent years, he and his colleagues have been looking into the effects of a different type of weight training, which employs much lighter weights hefted through as many as 25 repetitions.

Since 2010, his lab has published several studies in which volunteers followed either the traditional regimen using heavy weights or an alternative that employed much slighter weight stacks. In general, the lifters’ results were comparable.

But those studies had been small and featured volunteers who were new to the gym, potentially skewing the outcomes, Dr. Phillips says. Almost everyone who takes up weight training shows significant improvements in strength and muscle size, making it difficult to tease out the impacts of one version of training versus another.

So for the new study, which was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and published this month in the Journal of Applied Physiology, he and his colleagues recruited 49 young men who had been weight training for a year or more. (The scientists plan to study women and older people in future studies.)

All completed tests of strength, fitness, hormone levels and muscular health, then were randomly divided into two groups.

One group was assigned to follow the standard regimen, in which weights were set at between 75 and 90 percent of the man’s one-repetition maximum and the volunteer lifted until he could not lift again, usually after about 10 repetitions.

The other volunteers began the lighter routine. Their weights were set at between 30 and 50 percent of each man’s one-repetition maximum, and he lifted them as many as 25 times, until the muscles were exhausted.

All of the volunteers performed three sets of their various lifts four times per week for 12 weeks.

Then they returned to the lab to have muscle strength, size and health reassessed and their hormone levels re-measured.

The results were unequivocal. There were no significant differences between the two groups. All of the men had gained muscle strength and size, and these gains were almost identical, whether they had lifted heavy or light weights.

Interestingly, the scientists found no connection between changes in the men’s hormone levels and their gains in strength and muscle size. All of the men had more testosterone and human growth hormone flowing through their bodies after the workouts. But the degree of those changes in hormone levels did not correlate with their gains in strength.

Instead, the key to getting stronger for these men, Dr. Phillips and his colleagues decided, was to grow tired. The volunteers in both groups had to attain almost total muscular fatigue in order to increase their muscles’ size and strength.

That finding suggests, Dr. Phillips says, that there is something about the cellular mechanisms jump-started in muscle tissue by exhaustion that enables you to develop arms like the first lady’s.

This data does not prove, though, that one approach to lifting weights is necessarily better than the other, Dr. Phillips says.

“But some people will find it much easier or less intimidating” to lift lighter weights, he says, even though they need to complete more repetitions in order to tire their muscles. They also may experience fewer injuries, he says, although that possibility has not yet been tested.

For now, someone hoping to strengthen his or her muscles should choose a weight that feels tolerable and then lift it repeatedly until the effort of the final lift is at least an eight on a scale of one to 10, Dr. Phillips says. “There should be some discomfort,” he says, “but the dividends on the back side” in terms of stronger, healthier muscles “are enormous.”
I remember Sohee Lee posting something similar on IG and I was skeptical at first, but she knows her stuff and it's all scientifically backed. Definitely interesting. Need to read more on this.

skimmed through the study real quick. these were the lifts they were testing their 1 rep max on.

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 1.37.18 PM.png
So what the article is saying is that high reps/low weight or low reps high weight doesn’t really make a difference , right ?
Well, what they are really saying that use the weight that you can use for maximum intensity. Lighter versus heavier is relative, so to speak. They've simply done more research to check and see what actually happens, a better case study.
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I think in regards to muscle growth. I'd like to read it though if anyone has the full text.

If you're a competitive powerlifter, obviously you need bigger weights.
For the past year and a half, I have been working with 4/25 rep scheme, for a total of 100 reps on one exercise, most notably squats and leg extensions. My vertical is solid after such, and I get a ridiculous pump in the glutes and quads after doing do. The sets go 135 for 25, 185, 205, then 225. I then hit the leg extension for 4x25 with the 250lb stack. I dig high reps due to the immediate return of a great pump.
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Ultimately it’s finding the best amount of resistance vs reps. Everyone is stuck on doing 10x3 or 6x4 or whatever. The “risk v reward” is the amount of wear your body takes v the benefit you receive. It’s not the same for every exercise let alone muscle group. Efficiency to your goal and minimal wear
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For the past year and a half, I have working with 4/25 reps scheme for a total of 100 reps on one exercise, most notably squats and leg extensions. My vertical is solid after such, and I get a ridiculous pump in the glutes and quads after doing do. The sets go 135 for 25, 185, 205, then 225. I then hit the leg extension for 4x25 with the 250lb stack. I dig high reps due to the immediate return of a great pump.

I've been doing something similar to this on the 2nd round of PPL every week

do a 20-15-12-10-8 rep scheme tho

def. great for hypertrophy
For the past year and a half, I have working with 4/25 reps scheme for a total of 100 reps on one exercise, most notably squats and leg extensions. My vertical is solid after such, and I get a ridiculous pump in the glutes and quads after doing do. The sets go 135 for 25, 185, 205, then 225. I then hit the leg extension for 4x25 with the 250lb stack. I dig high reps due to the immediate return of a great pump.

Hm that sounds great for a hyper leg day.

I was doing 25-20-15-10 on squats before I switched to my routine to a PPL 6 days a week with a heavy and hyper leg day.

Think I might go back to that on the hyper days.
im surprised most of yall dont use the RPE scale to determine your working sets. its a great tool if you use it properly
Hm that sounds great for a hyper leg day.

I was doing 25-20-15-10 on squats before I switched to my routine to a PPL 6 days a week with a heavy and hyper leg day.

Think I might go back to that on the hyper days.
I first got hip to this down at the University of Texas during a visit a few years back. Watching the sessions in the training room, they had the kids hitting these rep goals, which in turn improved their overall 40 times. Schools like this are a great case study as to what actually works, as their training and diet are controlled by the staff. You also get a good idea about recovery, and how that stimulates muscular strength and growth. Another good study to see are the NFL combine training programs. They run for about twelve weeks, and the results are undeniable.
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