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3 biceps and 3 triceps exercises is what I did, too. 16 sets total. Now that I look back, I would think 16 sets for arms seems a little excessive, but it's what worked for me. I've always stuck in the 8-10 range for arms and sometimes get up to 15 (or however many to failure) on my last set of and exercise.

I've never gone below 8 reps for arms. For one, I don't care to go that heavy in weight to the point where my reps are
3 biceps and 3 triceps exercises is what I did, too. 16 sets total. Now that I look back, I would think 16 sets for arms seems a little excessive, but it's what worked for me. I've always stuck in the 8-10 range for arms and sometimes get up to 15 (or however many to failure) on my last set of and exercise.

I've never gone below 8 reps for arms. For one, I don't care to go that heavy in weight to the point where my reps are
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Bulking up is harder than I thought, I have to worry about not consuming too many carbs to bloat, consuming enough water to prevent it, rationing out more of my portions. I swear I think it's easier to lose weight.

Bulking is way easier than cutting. On a bulk you never go hungry, but yes you need to force feed yourself high carbs & protein with moderate fat for gains. I hate cutting because I have to eat less and my overall gym intensity and volume is lower as opposed to when I'm bulking. I can't wait to start lean bulking next month. High carb days make a big difference when lifting for strength or hypertrophy in the gym.

What are your macros looking like on a cut? Say...for a 1500 cal day? 40/40/20? Thanks.
So, you can get up to 20 sets alone for a puny muscle like the bicep? Sheesh.
Well...if that's what works for you. I really don't think that's necessary, though.
But yes, 3 exercises for 8-10 reps. I did dips for triceps and would always go to failure, which would be 15+.
More like 4-5 exercises for biceps, same for triceps.

I could get away with 3 sets, but if I do 3 sets of 3 exercises , my viceps are not done at all. If I go up in weight, then my form just sucks.
is it possible to bulk up for a half a year and cut fat around the mid section and keep it tight?  

What are your macros looking like on a cut? Say...for a 1500 cal day? 40/40/20? Thanks.

I'm pretty content with how I look right now, so my current cut isn't as strict. I'm only keeping track or protein and calories. At the very least, I'll get in 150g of protein, but I'm usually in the 180-200g range. Carbs and fats can be filled in however and aren't consistent. Cals can end up anywhere from 2300-3000, with the latter still putting me in a deficit. I never took the time to figure out my maintenance, but I know it's up there.

For past cuts that were more strict, I'd keep protein the same as above, carbs between 100-200g, and the rest fats (usually 100+g). Fats are important and I like to keep them high. Tried 40/40/20 for maybe 2 weeks and didn't like my fats being that low, so I switched it up.

I've, also, used keto to cut. I honestly feel like it gave me the best results. Fat seemed like it would just literally melt off by the day. It definitely got me to my leanest (around 6%). But my calories were way lower than they should've been during that time and I'm sure that had something to do with it, as well. If you can handle it, I'd definitely recommend it. I was refeeding every 4th (this is only recommended if your body fat is sub 10%, otherwise, once a week) day and I would want that day to come more than I wanted to live. :lol: My refeeds would just be a free for all gorge. Easily 8-10k calories, which was more than enough to undo the previous 3 days of dieting, yet I would always end up looking better than before once my massive bloat went down. How this would happen, I can't explain. The only reason I can think of is that my metabolism was temporarily boosted by like 300%, which is just ridiculous. :lol:

So, you can get up to 20 sets alone for a puny muscle like the bicep? Sheesh. :lol: Well...if that's what works for you. I really don't think that's necessary, though.

But yes, 3 exercises for 8-10 reps. I did dips for triceps and would always go to failure, which would be 15+.

More like 4-5 exercises for biceps, same for triceps.

I could get away with 3 sets, but if I do 3 sets of 3 exercises , my viceps are not done at all. If I go up in weight, then my form just sucks.

IMO, that's excessive. Both muscles are very small and don't need that much work to be stimulated.

But yeah, like Durden said... How do you know they're not done? Just because they don't feel fatigued or pumped like you'd like doesn't necessarily mean they didn't get enough work.

If you feel you've been stuck at the same weight for too long, you need to either increase your reps or increase your weight and maybe start off with 5-7 reps and work your way up. You could even add an extra set to make up for the lower reps if you'd like. Although, I'd say increasing sets is the last thing you need to be doing. :lol:
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Maybe im conforming to what everyone else in my gym does/suggests for me. And its not like im taking advice from little guys either. These guys are pretty huge (post is becoming more and more ayo by the second). The kind of pic newbs refer to when they say "I dont want to get THAT big". They do 4-6 excercises each muscle group, failure each set. It looks/sounds brutal, but hey...guess it worked for them.
3rd week of HIIT

Still fat.


Need to fix the diet.

Tell me if this is a bad idea.

Week 1 HIIT
Stationary Bike
2min rest 1min hard

Week 2 HIIT
1.5min rest 1.5min hard

Week 3 HIIT
1.5min rest 1.5min hard

Week 3 HIIT
1min rest 2min hard

I'm doing this 3x a week and lifting 15reps x 3sets 2x a week

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Id just stick to the treadmill or hit a trick and forget about bike and elliptical, tahts if your body can handle it.

And yeah, if your diet isnt on point you arent going to make progress bruh.
If I`m working out/ walking every day and my caloric intake is under maintenance, the macros dont matter right? lol it seems like it doesnt from what Ive read.
sneakerking, you've gotten hella bigger since last i've been around here. the hell man. makes me want to get serious again.
this IF thing... i get it, it seems legit, i just need to figure out my macros. Tried doing so a while back and i believe i came up with outrageous for everything...

sneakerking, you've gotten hella bigger since last i've been around here. the hell man. makes me want to get serious again.
Been going hard, man. :pimp:

Someone told me about the 777 bicep curls.. When do you do these and how many sets?

Never heard them called that before, but I'm sure you're referring to 21s.

If it's during an arm day, you can do them whenever. If you work biceps on the same day as a larger muscle group like chest or back, then afterwards.
Someone told me about the 777 bicep curls.. When do you do these and how many sets?

If I do these on arm day I save it towards the end. Really fatigues your biceps so doing it in the beginning of your workout will burn you out. At least thats the way I look at it.
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