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did a 9 month cut with proper diet, exercise (230 to 190)

feel like bulking up again... what is the best LEGAL test boost on the market right now where I WONT have to take 9 pills a day (liver stuff, estrogen recovery, etc)???? :nerd:
How old are you? Those things are pointless in my opinion, if your not doing the real deal then its a waste of time. just eat big to get big playa.

30 years old... last time I did a test boost I got incredible results, and want to do the same but cut down on the fatty foods during my bulk

anyone know what the top grey market supp is right now? :nerd:
30 years old... last time I did a test boost I got incredible results, and want to do the same but cut down on the fatty foods during my bulk

anyone know what the top grey market supp is right now? :nerd:
honestly, id stay away from "test boosters" not because they dont work but because people dont run PCT.
Alot of them are basically legal steroids that have the same negative side affects. I believe its the reason im on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) now.
Even before I went to the dark side I knew something was off with my hormones from taking Superdrol and this other stuff.

As bad as it sounds, the "real" sutff is a better bet cause there's tons of research on everything related
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30 years old... last time I did a test boost I got incredible results, and want to do the same but cut down on the fatty foods during my bulk

anyone know what the top grey market supp is right now? :nerd:
honestly, id stay away from "test boosters" not because they dont work but because people dont run PCT.
Alot of them are basically legal steroids that have the same negative side affects. I believe its the reason im on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) now.
Even before I went to the dark side I knew something was off with my hormones from taking Superdrol and this other stuff.

As bad as it sounds, the "real" sutff is a better bet cause there's tons of research on everything related

thanks for the input man!

the last cycle I did I had to do the PCT, to the point I was taking 9+ pills a day. everything was "legal" but grey market like you mentioned. when I went to my doctor about my elbow pain, I brought everything with me and even he said that it was basically steroids but with more question marks because of the additives.

there is a HRT clinic here that offers to boost your test if it is low, and I doubt mine is low enough to warrant therapy.

I plan on having another kid in the next year, so maybe it is best that I stay away from those products and just eat my pounds up while lifting heavier
chest day. and some more ab work. been working them a ton lately, steady dropping fat, increasing some slight muscle mass, leaning out. Deciding how low I want to go. I'm not planning on competing, so this is just for my own personal goals and aspirations, I'm thinking 7ish is a decent % and maintainable for a decent period of time while also maintaining my sanity, so maybe there. IDK yet, the jury is out. Figuring I may bulk this winter if I want, may not need to, or I'll do a super clean bulk
30 years old... last time I did a test boost I got incredible results, and want to do the same but cut down on the fatty foods during my bulk

anyone know what the top grey market supp is right now? :nerd:
honestly, id stay away from "test boosters" not because they dont work but because people dont run PCT.
Alot of them are basically legal steroids that have the same negative side affects. I believe its the reason im on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) now.
Even before I went to the dark side I knew something was off with my hormones from taking Superdrol and this other stuff.

As bad as it sounds, the "real" sutff is a better bet cause there's tons of research on everything related

thanks for the input man!

the last cycle I did I had to do the PCT, to the point I was taking 9+ pills a day. everything was "legal" but grey market like you mentioned. when I went to my doctor about my elbow pain, I brought everything with me and even he said that it was basically steroids but with more question marks because of the additives.

there is a HRT clinic here that offers to boost your test if it is low, and I doubt mine is low enough to warrant therapy.

I plan on having another kid in the next year, so maybe it is best that I stay away from those products and just eat my pounds up while lifting heavier

Why do you want to use a test booster man?
How do I cut fat in my face? Got baby cheeks and eyes are starting to look smaller but I'm not fat. I have a beard so I don't know how chiseled my jaw might be but it doesn't feel like much
thanks for the input man!

the last cycle I did I had to do the PCT, to the point I was taking 9+ pills a day. everything was "legal" but grey market like you mentioned. when I went to my doctor about my elbow pain, I brought everything with me and even he said that it was basically steroids but with more question marks because of the additives.

there is a HRT clinic here that offers to boost your test if it is low, and I doubt mine is low enough to warrant therapy.

I plan on having another kid in the next year, so maybe it is best that I stay away from those products and just eat my pounds up while lifting heavier
ya if you're planning on having a kid I wouldn't touch anything that could potentially mess with your hormones. Big reason why I don't think I'll ever touch anything like that
How do I cut fat in my face? Got baby cheeks and eyes are starting to look smaller but I'm not fat. I have a beard so I don't know how chiseled my jaw might be but it doesn't feel like much

facial aesthetics come from lowering your body fat overall. and cut the beard if you want a slimmer face. Beard always makes my face look larger and less defined, as does body hair in general.
Killed back today, hit 3 plates of Dead lifts x4, then worked up to 340lbs x1.
Then did 5 sets of different grip pullups with 20 lbs added + some t-bar rows.
Did chest too, but was pretty much done after the back session.
Really feeling like taking creatine is helping my strength, lost some pounds but not any strength, my weight is 150lbs at 5'10. :smh:
Need to start gaining some lbs!
How do I cut fat in my face? Got baby cheeks and eyes are starting to look smaller but I'm not fat. I have a beard so I don't know how chiseled my jaw might be but it doesn't feel like much

My issue right now, it's looking slimmer but at a lower rate than my body at the moment.

facial aesthetics come from lowering your body fat overall. and cut the beard if you want a slimmer face. Beard always makes my face look larger and less defined, as does body hair in general.

I loathe body hair, manscaping ftw. Don't give no dambs.
Hell of a chest/ab day. finished with some hiit elliptical, just for 315cals.

I'm been working to keep my weight lifting to around an hour, which is tough since i can easily go 2hr+. but i've been keeping it about an hr-hr.5 and really limiting the rest time to about 20 secs. keeps my HR up and i dont have to do as much cardio, plus its a killer on my muscles. I just try and squeeze in as much at i can in that time period.
Havent posted in here in a min

Right now sitting at 246lbs. No.supps no nada. Havent trained in months but finally made my the gym today. Though ive been this heavy before, my body has finally adjusted to the weight, so my cruise weight is around 240lbs with a lil body fat. Still vascular, veins poppin put of quads yada yada.

I thought about upping to 260lbs, but remembering what I went through body to.get accustomed to 240's I dont know.

Thinking of PTing as a side hussle because of the new fda ruling. Close.PT my.gym.already raked in 400k so.far this year alone (ive seen his bank account) and is waiting for me to.get certified. Plus us two.being the most inshape dudes at the gym, people always want us to train them.
Time to.make moves.

What about the 400k in half a year training tho...
The who
For those of you with nagging injuries caused by not being able to move correctly I highly suggest you check out Kelly Starrett's book Guide to Becoming a Supplr Leopard or whatever its called. Despite the corny title, it's a very good book definitely worth the 40 bucks. Haven't finished it and fully implemented everything but some of the stuff he discusses has helped me out a lot

That books gianing in popularity, mostly due to who its by and the fact that its from a Crossfit-backed book. I own it, read it and liked it. Some of the info im not a huge fan of, but a vast majority of the stuff in it is quite useful.
facial aesthetics come from lowering your body fat overall. and cut the beard if you want a slimmer face. Beard always makes my face look larger and less defined, as does body hair in general.
I wish I could grow a solid beard. I'm stuck staching it for the time being.

That books gianing in popularity, mostly due to who its by and the fact that its from a Crossfit-backed book. I own it, read it and liked it. Some of the info im not a huge fan of, but a vast majority of the stuff in it is quite useful.
Word. I was curious about what you would have to say about the book as someone involved in the fitness industry. I really appreciated the way he applied language (especially that from the physics and engineering disciplines) to fitness

Missed my 4th rep at 275 on the bench today - was going for 5. Didn't have a spotter set up either so I had to rock it off my chest. Kind of embarrassing but I don't even care.
Long shot, but any Houston folks in here know of a good, cheap place to get a hydrostatic weight test done?

Only place I've come across is MH for $40.00, is that a decent price?

Starting my cut soon and want to see my progress, probably every 3 months or so.
honestly, id stay away from "test boosters" not because they dont work but because people dont run PCT.
Alot of them are basically legal steroids that have the same negative side affects. I believe its the reason im on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) now.
Even before I went to the dark side I knew something was off with my hormones from taking Superdrol and this other stuff.

As bad as it sounds, the "real" sutff is a better bet cause there's tons of research on everything related

Dropten, I've read a bunch of your posts in the past and they've always been very compelling. I've appreciated your candor and honesty, so if you are comfortable doing so, would you telling ys more about your history (ie. your backstory, what motivated you take what you were taking, some of the mistakes you made, what you would do differently, and how you are paying for those mistakes today)?
I wish I could workout for just one hour, either im doing too many sets or reps, because by the time I look at my watch im 30mins OVER, and still not done, lol. Tonight is chest, and I'm sure I cant do it under an hour.

How many different chest exercises do yall do in an hour? I do

Bench press
Dumb bell press
Dumb bell flys
Dumb bell incline
Dumb bell incline fly
Chest Cables

and than maybe chest machine or fly machine. I do 4 sets of everything btw.

I'm already over an hour... easily
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I wish I could workout for just one hour, either im doing too many sets or reps, because by the time I look at my watch im 30mins OVER, and still not done, lol. Tonight is chest, and I'm sure I cant do it under an hour.

How many different chest exercises do yall do in an hour? I do

Bench press
Dumb bell press
Dumb bell flys
Dumb bell incline
Dumb bell incline fly
Chest Cables

and than maybe chest machine or fly machine. I do 4 sets of everything btw.

I'm already over an hour... easily
I wouldn't do both flies and chest cables. It's pretty much the same exercise, just a slightly different angle. You
'd get pretty much the same results from just straight benching your whole workout rather than doing all the complex stuff.
I wish I could workout for just one hour, either im doing too many sets or reps, because by the time I look at my watch im 30mins OVER, and still not done, lol. Tonight is chest, and I'm sure I cant do it under an hour.

How many different chest exercises do yall do in an hour? I do

Bench press
Dumb bell press
Dumb bell flys
Dumb bell incline
Dumb bell incline fly
Chest Cables

and than maybe chest machine or fly machine. I do 4 sets of everything btw.

I'm already over an hour... easily
No need to do flat bench and dumbbell, go heavier on one of the 2 and then do one form of incline pressing and then whatever accessory work you like. I am a big fan of weighted dips as well.
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Dropten, I've read a bunch of your posts in the past and they've always been very compelling. I've appreciated your candor and honesty, so if you are comfortable doing so, would you telling ys more about your history (ie. your backstory, what motivated you take what you were taking, some of the mistakes you made, what you would do differently, and how you are paying for those mistakes today)?
Back story would probably start in Jr high. I always had an interest for bodybuilding and started off curling water filled laundry detergent bottles I grew up kind of poor so I couldnt afford actual weights. In high school I had weight training as one of my classes. I remember not being able to bench 140lbs :lol:. 6 months after later I was able to bench 185. One day an issue of PUMP magazine showed up at my door. I dont know how if got there but I read it page by page. This was when supps were at its boom and creatine just hit the scene. Id just gotten a job then, and decided to give some supps a try. The first thing I got was probably some type of protein but cant recall. That summer, I went crazy trying different supps. Thats when things like Andro was legal. I had no idea it was such a powerful supp. and no idea what affects it would have on my body. Magazines didnt tell you that stuff, and there wasnt research on those negative affects. None that I knew of myself anyway. I tried any andro the magazine told me to get. Popped them like it was nothing. I didnt go over the recommended doses, but there was no protocol for cycling nor was there pct. At that time was when ephedra came into the scene. Xenadrine, Ripped Fuel, Stacker 2, hydroxycut and all the other brands. That **** worked and worked well. People had energy for days and lost a ton of weight while curbing appetite. I wonder why the FDA banned it >D . I dont think Mcdonalds liked it one bit :lol: The best stack ive taken to date was Cell Tech, Cytoplex protein and Ripped Fuel. I got so lean and hard off that stuff, it was nuts. At that time all I had was 2-25lb dumbbells and pushups since school was out, but I made it work. I got away from the supps at around 20yo. I think andro and ephedra was banned by then. I just stuck to creatine and protein. At around 23yo I found out about Superdrol. Man that stuff was strong. Its the first time I felt aggression from supps. **** had me in another zone for real. But I would pop it when I remembered not really cycling or nothing. When I stopped I felt so drained and weak. I tried superdrol about 3times and just didnt want to mess with it anymore.

At around 24 I stared researching about the roids. I researched for about a year then finally took the plunge. I did the
beginner cycle" which was 500mg Test-E/week and 40mg on Dianabol/day. I blew up and blew up quick. Not sure how much weight I gained but it was around 30lbs or so. I felt great when i was ON. Sex drive was up, energy was up. I felt great all around. Then I came off did PCT which wasnt that bad. But something clicked in my head. When I came off I went back to feeling how I normally felt and thought why dont I feel normally like I do when im on the test. I always thought I had a hormone issue, but this time it became more apparent.

Now this is where I made a mistake I regret. For my second cycle I decided to try the "god" of all steroids. Trenbolone Ace. :smh: It's advised all over the net that tren is one of the last you should touch because its so powerful. But it was like the apple to eve, It was tempting, I just had to try it. I did Tren Ace and Test Prop at "beginner" doses for 6 weeks. It was the worst cycle of my life :lol: . Not because it didnt work, but because it made me emotionally unstable. I was a woman on her period times 100. Ive read some dudes cry while watching romance movies and what not, but it had me on a whole nother level. I was balling at the end of ' Seven pounds' with Will Smith :lol:. At work, driving, every thing that gave me a sad thought id cry. My mind was so messed up. I couldnt even finish the cycle. I cant lie and say it just came out of no where, it was a life even that triggered the emotions. 3 weeks after cycle I finally started to get myself together. I lost all my gains cause I was depressed and didnt eat, all my strength, everything.

Third cycle was test prop and dianabol. It was good, nothing special. Forth cycle was probably the same. in 2010 I had a breakthrough. I went to a doc and told her I think I have low test. She was reluctant because of my age, but convinced her to check it anyway. Results came back at 111. As a comparison the levels of a 85-100 year old man should be around 376. So off to an endocrinologist I went. She tested my levels about 3 times just to make sure and put my on HCG. I wanted the HCG as apposed to Test because I still wanted kids. After my levels stabilized I felt great. Felt like how I felt when im on cycle. Then in 2011 I decided to do a bodybuilding contest. I felt it was something I needed to do cause I always loved it as a sport. But I knew I had to try tren again. I gave it a long hard thought and thought about why it made me feel the way I did and figured since im on HCG it wont affect me the same. So, I bit the bullet, got on the tren and test prop and began my prep. It was the easiest cycle by far. The dieting was the worst part. Came in 2nd place, came off cycle with no PCT and had no ill effects kept 80% of my gains and my weight. HCG was a god send for me.

Last year I did my last and most powerful cycle ever. I got HUGE and solid. But it made me too aggressive, I wouldnt look guys in their eyes in the gym cause I felt I would fight them. Id hit the gym for 2 hours go home and still want to train. I would never get tired, and if I missed a workout id be cranky as hell. I was supposed to compete with that cycle but messed up my prep by stuffing my face with pop tarts for a week :lol:. After that cycle, I felt out of breath often. I put on too much weight too quickly and my body couldnt adjust. It took me months after the cycle to adjust to the weight. But it was my best cycle to date.

And this is where im at now. Im pretty much over juicing. Compared to alot of other people, I think I played is safe as far as health. But then again, everyone is different and some people can tolerate alot more.

My 2 regrets was trying Tren for my second cycle and not getting help for my hormones sooner. I also wish I knew more about the affects of andro, but I dont think there was readily available info back then. I dont think im paying for anything. My health is fine, I get blood work done every 4months, my heart is fine, sex drive fine, balls fine :lol: , Test levels are fine and I have a great endo. One thing I would change though was trying clenbuterol. After awhile it made me feel like crap. My last cycle I didnt use it and got crazy cut. So basically I didnt need it all that time.
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