STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Since summer is almost over I'm gonna try going on a Crazy Strict Cut from Sept 1to Thanksgiving. When I say crazy strict I'm just saying no cheat days. If I go out to eat I will still eat in a deficit opposed to having 1 day a week to eat at maintence. Summer is usually the time where we tend to eat the worst so this should be pretty good.

I've been somewhat slacking too but fixing to get back on my strict diet like you. Really wanna get down to 200 so that is my next goal
Just did my 3 miles how much cardio u guys do?

I don't really pay attention to distance, but more so, calories burned. At the end of every workout, I hop on the elliptical and drop off an extra 3-400 cals right quick through interval training. It's every efficient, and quick, it'll be over before you know it. Helps me to lean out and it works out some of the lactic acid that started building throughout the work out. And even after a long workout, it makes me sweat like a crackhead, I enjoy it.
I've been somewhat slacking too but fixing to get back on my strict diet like you. Really wanna get down to 200 so that is my next goal

Word lol I think summer should be the time where we show off our hard work from the winter months. I noticed during. The cold months I was super on point and even when I had my days of going out to eat I would have been clean all weak and fasted until I went out. From June until now I have been getting leaner but the scale isn't moving at all even though I can see change. I think my increased activity level has offset my wreck less days so I've been at a weight loss hault even though I have more than likely been gaining muscle slowly because since I stopped cutting so hard all my lifts have gone up and my deadlift alone has increased almost 100lbs in 2 months.

I'm gonna get on my Rocky 4 steez, maybe even let my beard get thicker and go hard on this last stretch. I'm not wreckless to the sense where I'm gonna balloon back up because I'm in the gym too much but I've come to far to be satisfied with where I am.

I'm going back to the drawing boards this week and next week to recalculate my macros and caloric intake. At 230 I don't think I should be trying to lose 2lbs per week like i was before so idk.
Lucky I've been following your post and it seems like I'm at where you started. I wanted to know how tell are you? My goal weight is around 220-240 so I just wanted a picture of what I'd look like at that size. 
Lucky I've been following your post and it seems like I'm at where you started. I wanted to know how tell are you? My goal weight is around 220-240 so I just wanted a picture of what I'd look like at that size. 

I'm 6'3, its gonna be tough to gauge how you will look because we all may weigh a similar number but still we could have different amounts of muscle mass due to genetics
So bros, I know diet is the most important thing when it comes to losing belly fat, however no matter what I do besides following an extreme clean diet I can't get rid off some stubborn belly fat, I only take protein and multivitamins as my sups, and although I consume bread, other than that I eat pretty there any other sups I should be consuming?...or an actual diet plan design to target that stubborn fat?...I also know you can't target specific body parts, but I'm not really trying to lose weight, just tone that area...we do a lot of core work at Xfit and it seems as though every other part of my body is slowly progressing but that...any advice?
I've been reading green tea extract is good as a sup, just need to find the most natural form of it, don't want to be pulled into a gimmick of buyin something that's nothing more than a laxative
Since summer is almost over I'm gonna try going on a Crazy Strict Cut from Sept 1to Thanksgiving. When I say crazy strict I'm just saying no cheat days. If I go out to eat I will still eat in a deficit opposed to having 1 day a week to eat at maintence. Summer is usually the time where we tend to eat the worst so this should be pretty good.

about time, you been cheating too much.

after a few weeks, you wont care about cheat meals. at least thats how it usually is for me. my body gets used to no sweet/salty/cheat foods so i just crave veggies and chicken all the time

make greek yogurt your cheat meal
i blew my knee out the SAME way McGahee did....


GMO frankenstein fruits and veggies? like the apple that tastes like grape? would prefer something like broccoli that tastes like steak or corn on the cob with the same macros as chicken breast.


The jedi mind tricks people play on themselves in order to eat clean lol.

I've been reading green tea extract is good as a sup, just need to find the most natural form of it, don't want to be pulled into a gimmick of buyin something that's nothing more than a laxative
Why not just brew actual green tea?
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Since summer is almost over I'm gonna try going on a Crazy Strict Cut from Sept 1to Thanksgiving. When I say crazy strict I'm just saying no cheat days. If I go out to eat I will still eat in a deficit opposed to having 1 day a week to eat at maintence. Summer is usually the time where we tend to eat the worst so this should be pretty good.

Holidays is pretty bad for me, office parties, pastries all the time, holiday food, pot lucks... :smh:

Thinking the same thing with the 9/1 to Thanksgiving strictly clean, heavy Paleo.
What's the best cardio for burning fat?  I've been walking at 3.5mph at the highest incline on the treadmill for 30 minutes or so a day and want to start mixing it up a bit.  Any help is appreciated! 
What's the best cardio for burning fat?  I've been walking at 3.5mph at the highest incline on the treadmill for 30 minutes or so a day and want to start mixing it up a bit.  Any help is appreciated! 
Stair climber and treadmill
Keep your heart rate around 130-140. 2x a day cardio is better
no matter what I do besides following an extreme clean diet I can't get rid off some stubborn belly fat
the stubborn abdominal adipose tissue, coupled with your feminine posting content, lead me to conclude that your estrogen levels are too high. steal some arimadex from the cabinet at work and take 1 pill PO QD and we'll reevaluate after 2 months.
the stubborn abdominal adipose tissue, coupled with your feminine posting content, lead me to conclude that your estrogen levels are too high. steal some arimadex from the cabinet at work and take 1 pill PO QD and we'll reevaluate after 2 months.



But thanks for the advice.
Holidays is pretty bad for me, office parties, pastries all the time, holiday food, pot lucks... :smh:

Thinking the same thing with the 9/1 to Thanksgiving strictly clean, heavy Paleo.

I know we have a work picnic in sept, even then ill just go light on my portions.

I think mentally I was tired for cutting so long and just wanted to make excuses instead of simply saying I'm done cutting for now. No matter what I needed to stop cutting but I should have realized i didn't hit a plateau 100% I Just started getting lazy lol.

Like I said I got my protein multi and fish oil stocked up, got my Adidas tiro pants on the way and gonna cop some hoodies and go Kai Green mode, might end up going to the gym 7 days a week (5 lifting 2 cardio days) I need to get it in before New Years so when that New Years rush comes to the gym ill be ahead of the game and not stress if I can't workout how I want to

Side note I was reading up on Peptides won't eeem lie since their legal I wouldn't even have an issue getting on them In a few years, I just wouldn't want to get on stuff of have to take forever
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Not tryna be funny but steezy I would get blood work done to see where you're at. Aren't you a skinny guy? An you said something about having trouble baby making before too right? You're also at least 30 correct?
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:rofl: going in on steez. But I just bought some chicken breast and vegetables, might do that every day for lunch for the next month or two. I'm with ya'll on the strict cut, this stomach fat lingers in my thoughts. It looks good from the front though.
after wasting much money on test boosters, i have come to conclude that they are all not worth it (for myself) i can't recommend one. you can have bloodwork done if you want. make sure they do total test, free test, E2, DHEA, SHGB...i think there's a few more but can't recall off the top of my head. aside from that though, you might just have to work harder and scrutinize your nutrition.
Anything you can buy from GNC is not worth it when it comes to test boosters or anything like it. If your gonna go that route then fully join the dark side lol
I'm running d aspartic right now, hopeful for some good results based on what I've heard and research. Was only 25 for 100 serving so if not, oh well.
I had my test levels checked during my fertility work up and they said I was fine...always thought i had a testosterone issue since I had to get corrective surgery for Gyno in the past...but nope, nothing out of the ordinary there... ::sighs:: the struggle bros
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