STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Is corn any good? Is there any benefits? I mean I have olive oil, tuna, natural wheat bread, eggs, oatmeal, tilapia, natural PB.

Will buy bananas and some nuts for snacks and milk and hopefully I see other things.
Terrible for your muscles and liagaments though.

Behind the head presses, shrugs and pulldowns are all less than ideal ways of working out.
I'm curious about this - got any more info on this? I think there's a greater chance of injury if those exercises are done with poor form, but I think they're fine with proper form.

Finally made my post workout shake. Almond milk and Greek yogurt is :x . I can't believe people eat and drink this stuff. Packed it with a lot of pineapples, strawberries, and blueberries.

Had chest and triceps today. Slow start on the bench but the overall workout picked up.

How do you guys normally warmup on chest days?
I generally jog, do some general mobility work (high knees, but kickers, lunges etc) before every workout. For upper body days, I do some arm circles, side raises, lateral raises, and cuban press with a 5 or 2.5 in each hand. After that, sometimes I'll do some med ball throws against the floor for fun more than anything else. I do feel like it helps open up my lats and upper back though. Then I get on the bench. Generally follow something like this 2x10xbar, 1x10x135. Then 3-4 more sets of around 3-5 ramping up the weight with the last set being 35-40 pounds below the weight for my first work set.


And all I ate last night after partying was...a fiber one bar from a vending machine...HAHA. Don't ask!

With that being said, how does one go about cheating while on IF..since its based on meeting caloric needs and in 2 meals am i deleting one meal to make sure I don't go over cals?

When I think of cheat days, I think of not worrying about calories at all for the day, but I think what you're getting at. So you're trying to take a cheat meal but stay within your macros for the day? Just because when you're eating 5 meals a day, your cheat meal is 50% more cals than your average meal doesn't mean your cheat meal on IF has to be 50% more cals than your average IF meal... Not sure if that makes sense but it may.

For my cheat meals I've decided to "REWARD" myself with a chipotle burrito every Sunday if I'm proud of the work I put in earlier in the week. Mind you I used to eat 3-4 per week. lol.

If you do burrito bowls, drop sour cream and cheese, you can generally keep chipoltle pretty healthy if you're so inclined.

Yeah Boston

Local spot :smokin


Avacado shakes >>>>>

idk but one time i ate a tuna sandwich on a whole wheat bagel i put cranberry and some walnuts crushed in it, and i drank a avacado shake with it. Worked out hr later and had so much energy.

Pre workout supps are a waste. Cant believe it took me this long to realize that.

Im about to get on creatine soon. Anyone wanna share their experiences with creatine?
"On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this **** now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?" Not my own experience...
A friend sent me her workouts from a boot camp class

Workout One
20 Bucket Squats with hop
20 High Knees
20 Split Jumps
20 Bucket Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
(Repeat set (not each workout) 3x times)

20 Bicycles
20 Tree Hugs
20 Scissors
20 V-ups
20 Russian Twist
(Repeat set 3x)

100 Leg lifts (on side )
Leg lifts on knees (each side)
-20 straight up**
-20 on angle **
**Repeat 3x - straight, then angle equals one set

Workout Two (3 or more sets)

a. Pushups w/ weight - arm row 10 each side - (one pushup, then 10 arms rows on left, one pushup 10 arm rows on right)
b. Hammer Squats -Squat with one dumbell btw legs raise as you come up

Sprint a lap

a.Bicycles - 50
b. Tree Hugs - 50

Sprint a lap

a. Dips - 20
b. Triceps - weight behind head and raise - 20

Sprint a lap

a. Military press-20
b.Arm raises - arms extended with weight, raise from waist to mid-chest 20

a. Gliders - use a piece of paper - drag body across floor ( you can do half court) and back
b. Hammer Squats

Sprint a lap
Came across this on

Worst Foods in America

Worst Cereal
Quaker 100% Natural Granola, Oats, Honey & Raisins (1 cup)
420 calories
12 g fat (7 g saturated)
6 g fiber
30 g sugars

For the record, granola, for all its reputation as a beacon of breakfast virtue, is one of the worst ways to start your day. That’s because it takes an awful lot of sugar to keep those clusters glued together, making a single cup as sweet as two bowls of Cocoa Pebbles and as calorie-dense as 8 chicken wings. Even scarier, with the Cocoa Pebbles, you’d get more fiber and save about 60 calories in fat. Go one step further and swap the Granola for Kashi GoLean. Do this every day this year and you’ll save 29 pounds!

Eat This Instead!
Kashi GOLEAN (1 cup)
140 calories
1 g fat (0 g saturated)
10 g fiber
6 g sugars
Is corn any good? Is there any benefits? I mean I have olive oil, tuna, natural wheat bread, eggs, oatmeal, tilapia, natural PB.

Will buy bananas and some nuts for snacks and milk and hopefully I see other things.
waxy maize
Finally had a +10 workout today. Every lift felt good.

Started off with some explosive work - box jumps and cleans. Finally starting to get my clean form down with catching it in the hole etc. Moved on to some deadlifts. Worked up to 6 at 365 for my 5+ set. Did some assistance deads then did some barbell shrugs with 225. Finished up with some farmers walks with 75s (heaviest dumbell at the gym I use on Sunday). Nothing better than a solid Sunday workout to get over a Saturday hangover and get set for the week.
Just took my pics for that contested lol mad bloated had 20 lemon pepper wings and some ice cream, I think I ate the wings too fast because now I'm constipated or was :x
My new routine A day B day format

Incline bench
Flat DB Bench
Dead lift
lat pull down (wide and close grip)
2 x10 of each alternate after each rep
Then 5 of each for a total of 5x10
Leg press
hack squat 3x10
Seated calf raise

B day
Standing military press
Arnold press
Arnold curls
Seated rows
Then the same leg press, hack squat, and calf raises

ABABABAB is how I will alternate it MWF with 30 min cardio after
Tue and Thursday I will do some weighted crunches and cardio.

Sat and Sunday rest.
Didn't gym today. Took it off to heal up. Also because goin out last night has me hurtin. But I did play flag football for about an hour and a half so cool cardio. In terms of my reward eating. Wasn't TOO bad.

Chipotle burrito meal #1

2 pieces of salmon and half a sweet potato with a shake meal #2

I know no greens today but ehhh. Back at it tomorrow.

Lucky why don't you submit your FIRST pictures. I want you to win this.


I would but you gotta hold a news paper with the date showing, I feel my initial loss was the dramatic one, I'm gonna grind as usual but I don't see 3 months being too insane but who knows, paired with me doing IF and I got everything calculated right now compared to when I first started sky's the limit.
Photoshop playboy. ;p

Yo I know it's hard to do but if you could give me an ESTIMATE id appreciate it.

Normal day for me is

6 eggs. 2 whole 4 white.
16 oz of chicken.
8 ounces of whole wheat pasta or brown rice.
3 scoops gold standard whey protein.
1 cup Greek yogurt.
1 cup veggies

How many calories we lookin at roughly?


A large egg is 70 cal white 18
4 oz of chicken is about 110-120
I don't eat Greek yogurt but when I had it a pack was 160
Veggies 60-100

Lol you need to DL my fitness pal.
What worked for me was pastas and beefs. I'd wake up and eat about 4 eggs, 4 slices of bread. After my workouts I'd head to PUBLIX after my workouts, buy spaghetti/fettuccine, prego sauce and about pound of lean beef. Its a quick meal. Also I ate maybe 3-4 PB and J sandwiches per day. If I got hungry after 7pm I'd eat chicken breast. Like LuckyL, my go to meals were chicken and beefs.
it worked for me. Just gotta find what works for you. I stayed consistent for over 2 months and gain 20 pounds but I was also on the monohydrate creatine and gnc amplified protein.

I remember seeing someone say that you can only add 1 lb of muscle per month a few pages back and I wanted to disagree.
 Was you doing cardio when you was bulking?Thanks.
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My new routine A day B day format

Incline bench
Flat DB Bench
Dead lift
lat pull down (wide and close grip)
2 x10 of each alternate after each rep
Then 5 of each for a total of 5x10
Leg press
hack squat 3x10
Seated calf raise

B day
Standing military press
Arnold press
Arnold curls
Seated rows
Then the same leg press, hack squat, and calf raises

ABABABAB is how I will alternate it MWF with 30 min cardio after
Tue and Thursday I will do some weighted crunches and cardio.

Sat and Sunday rest.

How long you been on this workout? And how long do you plan on staying on it before moving to something else?

lol This is why being fat and trimming down is better than being skinny and trying to bulk. I would've stopped somewhere between week 8 and week 10.
Man is there any way or alternate name brand to get the Bowflex SelectTechs for under $300 a pair for 552s which is retail, saw some on CL for that price with the stand which is another $150? The 1090s (adjust from 10 to 90 which would be better since the upper range of that is what I bent over row and db press) cost $300 each
What's the best pre-workout supplement that you've taken? I've used N.O Explode, C4, and Hyper Fx.. C4 being the best out of those. I'm leaning towards getting 1MR next.
Down for a contest.

Just finished my first full marathon today, was terrible LOL.

Ran a half oct 2012 and my time qualified for the Houston Marathon so I said what the hell and signed up and qualified.

Long story short, I haven't ran since November and quit training and running 2 months out of the marathon but I said whatever my goal is just to finish now. Showed up, got rained on for the first 5 miles, ran with wet socks, shoes, and clothes the whole 26.2 but finished. The last 8 miles sucked, but there's lots of motivation on the course. As I'm typing this now I'm sore as hell and people are telling me ill be sore for the rest of the week.

Oh well, next one ill keep up with the training. Good experience though even with the weather.

But for now, I'm sticking to lifting weights, a bit of cardio (HITT) and some IF to shed some BF. Gotta get ready for Vegas in June lol.
Oh no. By those calculations it looks like I'm eating way too little even for a cut. :[

If you multiply it out to the servings you posted I would say its around 1,800-2k calories.
lol This is why being fat and trimming down is better than being skinny and trying to bulk. I would've stopped somewhere between week 8 and week 10.
But that dude has been in the gym before and just got out of shape it looks like plus has GREAT genetics, very, very few fatties will loose weight and end up looking like that in just 12 weeks.
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If you multiply it out to the servings you posted I would say its around 1,800-2k calories.
But that dude has been in the gym before and just got out of shape it looks like plus has GREAT genetics, very, very few fatties will loose weight and end up looking like that in just 12 weeks.

EXACTLY, I can tell in the 1st pic he is just bloated and sticking his gut out, dude had thick arms from the jump too
How long you been on this workout? And how long do you plan on staying on it before moving to something else?
lol This is why being fat and trimming down is better than being skinny and trying to bulk. I would've stopped somewhere between week 8 and week 10.

Ive been doing something similar for about a month, but I`m adding hack squat and calf raises, and ab stuff on cardio day, and I took out some stuff and lowered the reps from 5X10 to 3X8 for alot of em because I`m gonna go heavier in regard to the weight. I`ll do this prob for as long as possible and just go up in weight, I think it targets everything, might add shrugs in there not sure.
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