STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Back on track as of yesterday after a weekend of reckless eating. Felt good to let loose though. Got a new play list. Some new faces at the gym. Resolutioners are tapering off. Ready to get right for summer brahs.
You know, I just think P.E. needs to be taken serious by our education system (to say nothing of the quality of education itself). That way people wouldn't just guess as to what cardio is and what it isn't.

In my high school, we were made to walk around the yard (prison style) for 40 minutes. The last 10 minutes we'd spend playing some bball or something. But kids would just jump the fence and hit up the taco truck right outside. It was stupid. No uniforms either. Just a yellow tank top teachers made us wear to denote that we were in "P.E".
I feel like that type of back extension is one of the most common exercises ive seen people mess up. Its not a "lower back" exercise in the way people think it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if thats what's causing the back pain

I see most people attempting to just get the reps over with, rather than focusing on the stretch/contraction.

I feel like that type of back extension is one of the most common exercises ive seen people mess up. Its not a "lower back" exercise in the way people think it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if thats what's causing the back pain
Aren't you supposed to squeeze your glutes while doing them? I haven't done them in awhile.

Also I have some armpit pain when I bench, this mean I flare my elbows too much? I read it could lead to a pec tear and I do not want that.

Yeah, its supposed to be a glute exercise. The lower back shouldnt "move". The movement comes from the hips and not the lower back. However, Ive rarely seen people do it this way. They just hold too much weight and constantly arch their lower back.... and thats not a good long term idea.

Squeeze the glutes, not the lower back.

It's viewed as a "back exercise" because the lower back has to isometrically contract, and **** thats difficult to during the movement. Much in the same way a deadlift is a "back exercise" even though the back technically shouldnt move. Its very difficult to keep a rigid back while other parts of the body remain mobile.
Really guys page 3?

So damn cold out when I leave the gym 
Just got a cortisone shot in the shoulder. Anyone else get them or has gotten them? How long did you wait to get back at it? 2-3 days?
Thinking shoulders today...then back and bi's tomorrow....light cardio saturday soccer sunday.

Any small exercise to change my shoulder routine up. I usually do seated overhead db press. Should i do standing bar press or seated bar press. The standing shoulder press always puts strain on my back...i know im probably doing them wrong

lat raises, front raises, finish with rear delts and some trap work....might throw machine press in today
Thinking shoulders today...then back and bi's tomorrow....light cardio saturday soccer sunday.

Any small exercise to change my shoulder routine up. I usually do seated overhead db press. Should i do standing bar press or seated bar press. The standing shoulder press always puts strain on my back...i know im probably doing them wrong

lat raises, front raises, finish with rear delts and some trap work....might throw machine press in today

Try a neutral grip when doing db presses.

I also do front raise with an oly bar with like 5-10 lbs each side....killer front shoulder workout.
it's 930am here and i'm about to go workout. our gym is not enclosed and it's a freezing 68 degrees outside. don't know if i can handle it :lol:
Hit shoulders this morning, after doing back last night.  My energy levels were low, but I pushed through it.

Well, basically I'm 5'10 155 (skinny body frame) and basically trying to bulk up for the summer.. maybe gain 15-20 pounds.  I was wondering if anyone had any  advice on gaining weight and mass for skinny guys with high metabolism. I tried to make a protein rich daily diet but kinda running out of ideas. In addition, I'm 26 and basically worked a desk job my whole life, so never really got into any sports or weight lifting. So, now I'm trying to get my body on point for the summer and I read through a lot of good info in this thread  and people actually have some solid encouraging comments. I'm pretty make desperate for a change in my body and have the determination, focus and mindset to tackle anything.

Thanks in advance
Even if your diet is allegedly protein rich you may not be hitting your macros. You'd probably benefit from actually tracking your macros if you're already having trouble gaining weight. In terms of routines, look up Starting Strength and follow that.
Started doing the whole push/pull thing, alternating everyday. Doing legs as much as I can, allowed for pain, everyday (since I'm trying to catch up given atrophy and all). Rest day will be every Monday. Been a few days and I like where I might be headed. Keeps me in the gym almost everyday (I usually just did full body every other day). I'll report back in a month.
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Well, basically I'm 5'10 155 (skinny body frame) and basically trying to bulk up for the summer.. maybe gain 15-20 pounds.  I was wondering if anyone had any  advice on gaining weight and mass for skinny guys with high metabolism. I tried to make a protein rich daily diet but kinda running out of ideas. In addition, I'm 26 and basically worked a desk job my whole life, so never really got into any sports or weight lifting. So, now I'm trying to get my body on point for the summer and I read through a lot of good info in this thread  and people actually have some solid encouraging comments. I'm pretty make desperate for a change in my body and have the determination, focus and mindset to tackle anything.

Thanks in advance

Here are 2 example of my Lean Bulk diet as an example, This was given to me by a Pro Bodybuilder here in the UK, Sorry if measurements are in English terms (For you hippies :lol:)

1) 80g Oats with 6 eggs
2) 200g Steak , Small portion of Sweet potato & Veg
3) 50g Whey shake with Banana
4) 200g Turkey \ Chicken breast with Veg and bigger sweet potato (bigger potato)
5) PRE WORKOUT - 2 slices of wholemeal bread with organic peanut butter
6) POST Workout - 2 scoops cnp with (2 scoops) whey
7) tin of pineapple in pineapple juice.
8) 1 tub of cottage cheese & banana

or if your on that Budget:

Meal 1 ; 60g oats, 2 scoops of Whey protein

Meal 2 ; 200g chicken breast, fist size portion of sweet potato, green veg

Meal 3 ; 50g Whey shake Protein & banana

Meal 4 ; 200g steak, fist size sweet potato, green veg.

Post workout 2 scoops cnp pro fuel, 2 scoops whey.

Meal 5 ; 5 whole eggs, 2 slices of toasted wholemeal bread (Ideally gluten free)
One month anniversary of stronglifts was this morning.  Already noticing results, addicted to squats and deadlifts.  Can't wait to get off work though to have a few moscow mules. 
day two after leg day and im walking like wet spaghetti
back and bi's today
man I know that feeling and love that feeling. lol

However, I had a bball game the day after... when I tell you I missed an easy, break away lay up cuz there was no lift. SMH LOL.

"why/ how did you miss?" "DEM SQUATS man!"
Hit some nice sets with this bad boy today.

Only complaint is it's stiff as hell, no romo

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