Steph Curry Appreciation .... Greatest All Time Shooter When he's Done


It's crazy if you go back through this thread you'll find so many doubters of Steph. 
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It's crazy if you go back through this thread you'll find so many doubters of Steph. 

I was definitely one of those guys. He proved me wrong FOR SURE! Like someone in this thread said earlier, he went from an all star to a straight up superstar!

I was at the game last night and it happened so easily i had no idea he had dropped that many points already! :smokin
Greatest shooter of all time and it's not even close.

Seriously he makes HOF shooters level of shooting skill look pedestrian.
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Get to see Steph and co. at the garden tomorrow :pimp:

I hope NBA fans get a chance to see this guy up close and not take his skills for granted
Was a huge fan of steph ever since I saw him drop 30 on maryland as a freshman in the tourney. Him, Lovedale, Jason Richards, that was one of my college squads the 3 years he was there man.

Thought he would be a great pro, a combination of Nash and Prime Mike Bibby is what I saw, but an NBA MVP? Did not see that in the cards for him :lol: so many things have to go right for a player to win that award. I mean, Kobe has 1 and it took him a decade plus just to get that one.

But it's awesome to see how his career is turning out. Definitely one of my top 5 favorite players in the league.
One ******* pick away. 
 Still think about that all the time.

And then reality hits me real quick when I decide he probably would've been included in the trade package for Melo, if he hadn't already been traded by Dolan. Maybe right after his ankle issues started impeding his greatness.

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I'm still amazed by how he just flings the ball up there before he even sets his form. He doesn't even need to position his arms all the way.
Glad to see Steph win the MVP. I'm telling you, growing up a Warriors fan and seeing this organization be a crap organization to where it is now, is amazing. Glad to witness all this in my lifetime.
Steph Curry is 1st MVP of the Warriors West Coast Era. Rick Barry didn't win a MVP here
He's already the most transcendent player of all time in my opinion. In a league where kids all around the globe don't have a shot unless they hit a genetic jackpot. In a league where the 4 spot evolved into being stretched out to the perimeter. In a league where the point guard position involved into this hybrid type with elite athleticism. Kids all around the world are watching exactly how you can be the very best without being 6'8, blazing speed, and having the ability to jump through the roof. This will have an effect on future generations.

He is literally flawless offensively. And he's started the year even more flawless than before.

Handles flawless
Passing flawless
IQ flawless
Ability to finish flawless
Off hand flawless
And top of everything he's the greatest shooter of all time. Set shooting. Off the dribble. From 10 feet from 30 feet. Whatever.
And then on top of allll that his creativity with everything listed. Flawless.

Unlike this board I absolutely love LeBron and have soaked in his greatness every time I've watched him throughtout his career. Steph is making me feel differently than I did/do when watching LeBron along with everyone else I've seen. I wasn't privileged enough to watch Jordan's entire career like I did LeBrons along with a list of other legends. If Steph sustains this, his overall impact on the game of basketball, game by game, has to be flirting with GOAT levels. It just has to be. If he sustains it.
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Lol and I overlooked him early on :smh: It's becoming a thing where every time I text my friends "are you watching curry" and telling them he's got 20+ points in a quarter isn't enough. "Are you watching Curry????" Either you are or you don't understand. Even if you've seen him do it before it's not what he's doing at that very moment. I hope being so sold ends up being justified because I've never had so much fun watching a player.
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