Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

All she wanted to do was talk about wrestling and say how much baseball sucked on her nbc show. Don't know why she doesn't just get a wrestling job.
The one thing I dislike about social media is that soapbox some people get on. Quick to criticize and publicly call someone out yet aren't exactly clean perfect individuals themselves.

Its been noted that beadle has rubbed both men and women coworkers the wrong way and has a history of unprofessional behavior while on the clock.

Say what you want about the word "provoke" on either end but Michelle Beadles intent and credibility should be called out.

I gave the example of how Patrick Burke and You Can Play were against the public vilifying of David Tyree by other groups over his gay marriage comments and reached out to him rather then shatter his image.

He arguably said worse things then Stephen A Smith said and they put the effort in to reach out to him, yet michelle beadle couldn't do the same when its much easier to get in touch with a coworker. I take that as her being selfish and preferring to get him in trouble rather then talking it out with him.

I'm sure she wouldn't be pleased if the shoe was on the other foot and got called out by a coworker on twitter over her groupie like behavior to packers players at the espys a while back which was beyond unprofessional given her job as media.
lol its funny you mentioned that cause when the shoe was on the other foot aka her little beef with erin andrews thats exactly how she was. Same thing happened with her and colin cowherd... when he said a good portion of wrestling fans are rural middle america etc 9 to 5ers blue collar small town type of ppl... and she turned that into, so your saying all wrestling fans are hicks and poor white trash, uneducated incest etc... then ppl made a huge deal over the internet aka social media... and next thing you know he apologizing for implying wrestling fans are all inbreed hillbillies etc.. 

She's just a ***** acting like a *****.

Twisting peoples words, starting ****.

Thats what thots do.
So cuz he said provoke it's cool to forget everything else he said cuz some people are sensitive? :lol:

Someone who was abused having a reaction to a trigger word isn't being sensitive, you serious? The world is forgetting that everybody should keep their hands to themselves?

So how about that someone talk to her co-worker directly to get a better understanding instead of acting like some attention seeking broad on social media? Let me guess she was emotional and too hurt by ONE WORD. Like I said earlier I understand why she felt like that but she was a weak for how she handled it.

No response to this huh? :lol:
Nah don't really have a response for your solution on how a abused person should react or handle a domestic violence discussion.
im still trippen as to why are all these women saying that ray rice owes THEM a apology.... Like what did he do to them. That would be like me spanking my kids and apologizing to all kids for it....smh man this social media generation from a common sense logic standpoint is just dumb. 
im still trippen as to why are all these women saying that ray rice owes THEM a apology.... Like what did he do to them. That would be like me spanking my kids and apologizing to all kids for it....smh man this social media generation from a common sense logic standpoint is just dumb. 

It's tough to debate or discuss with logic to an emotional person or group.
The public Mea Culpa is such a stupid practice

That said for him to keep saying "my wife can do no wrong" tells me all I need to know about what happened on that elevator
It's tough to debate or discuss with logic to an emotional person or group.
whats to discuss yea hy maybe did something wrong (i use maybe cause everyone is trial and judge despite not even seeing the incident...hell many folks didnt even see the tmz tape and just going off what other ppl are saying) but him offending doing something to a person doesnt warrant him to apologize to an entire gender.

I could see if he said something directly to generalized a entire group of ppl aka like donald sterling and black ppl... but again as i said before if i got into a beef with iuno lets say a homosexual... no way am i apologizing or would feel the need to apologize to every homosexual in the world. He apologized to his wife, and thats all that matters, and she forgives him... yet ppl who dont even know him or her...and until this incident wouldnt even know who ray rice was why does he owe them an apology? Ish is just beyond dumb.... 

And its crazy that women are letting this affect their personal lives.... hell women/men get abused etc.... everyday. Whats so standout about this situation? Folks will say oh because he is famous etc... but thats bs cause half of these women outraged didnt even know who he was. This is just another case of sheep will be sheep, and ppl lack of having an original thought and social media/media telling them what and how to think and like mindless dodo birds they follow suit. 
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Can y'all share what a woman would have to do to you in elevator where the outcome would be you dragging her out like a sack of potatoes?
Can y'all share what a woman would have to do to you in elevator where the outcome would be you dragging her out like a sack of potatoes?

Just for clarity, you do realize that his fiance hit him FIRST in the elevator correct?
What exactly are you clarifying? I asked what a woman would have to do to you in a elevator where it leads to her getting dragged out? Is your answer, hit you?
Just for clarity, you do realize that his fiance hit him FIRST in the elevator correct?
not to mention she was blackout drunk.... ppl tend to overlook the crime of public intoxication... and for all we no he couldve barely touched her and because her being beyond drunk couldve just passed out/blacked out because of that...
Equality for women is a joke. They obviously consider themselves inferior to men. Time to start treating them as such.
what kills me is all these ppl saying that dv and under the laws favors men and the law system is much harder on ppl just fos now and seriously trolling.... anyone with a peon of a brain not only knows that laws favor women.... they damn sure favor women over black men. To suggest otherwise is just simply stupid. 
Equality for women is a joke. They obviously consider themselves inferior to men. Time to start treating them as such.
what kills me is all these ppl saying that dv and under the laws favors men and the law system is much harder on ppl just fos now and seriously trolling.... anyone with a peon of a brain not only knows that laws favor women.... they damn sure favor women over black men. To suggest otherwise is just simply stupid. 
Dude you're rambling and yapping, nobody says the law favors men. You kill me :lol:
Can y'all share what a woman would have to do to you in elevator where the outcome would be you dragging her out like a sack of potatoes?
Just for clarity, you do realize that his fiance hit him FIRST in the elevator correct?
What exactly are you clarifying? I asked what a woman would have to do to you in a elevator where it leads to her getting dragged out? Is your answer, hit you?
You still don't get it do you champ.  I'm almost certain you did little to no research on this specific incident that you are talking about.  His fiancee was drunk, and she bumped her head in the elevator as a result of her fall. That is why she looked/appeared to be knocked out cold as she was "dragged out of the elevator like a sack of potatoes". 
Can y'all share what a woman would have to do to you in elevator where the outcome would be you dragging her out like a sack of potatoes?

Just for clarity, you do realize that his fiance hit him FIRST in the elevator correct?
What exactly are you clarifying? I asked what a woman would have to do to you in a elevator where it leads to her getting dragged out? Is your answer, hit you?

You still don't get it do you champ.  I'm almost certain you did little to no research on this specific incident that you are talking about.  His fiancee was drunk, and she bumped her head in the elevator as a result of her fall. That is why she looked/appeared to be knocked out cold as she was "dragged out of the elevator like a sack of potatoes". 
So is your answer, hit you?
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Can y'all share what a woman would have to do to you in elevator where the outcome would be you dragging her out like a sack of potatoes?

Just for clarity, you do realize that his fiance hit him FIRST in the elevator correct?
What exactly are you clarifying? I asked what a woman would have to do to you in a elevator where it leads to her getting dragged out? Is your answer, hit you?
You still don't get it do you champ.  I'm almost certain you did little to no research on this specific incident that you are talking about.  His fiancee was drunk, and she bumped her head in the elevator as a result of her fall. That is why she looked/appeared to be knocked out cold as she was "dragged out of the elevator like a sack of potatoes". 
So is your answer, hit you?
I don't know.  I have never been in a situation like that before.  All I can say is, in regards to him dragging her out the elevator like a sack of potatoes perhaps he just wanted to get her off the elevator safely and try to tend to her.  Especially since she was drunk. 
Nah don't really have a response for your solution on how a abused person should react or handle a domestic violence discussion.
So talking to him directly isn't a option? Ya'll defending this chick for no reason.
That's how it is with these enablers.  They don't care about the truth, they just care about pushing their agenda, doesn't matter how wrong they are.  Michelle Beadle is to blame for this media storm, and the NT community should blame her enablers on here, such as @heLiumcLinton, @Keko Jones and the like. These individuals are no good and don't serve a positive purpose. 
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