Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

You got all the answers brah, you were right there. You know exactly what ESPN and SAS are thinking. First it was they forced him then it's he beat them to it, amen.
because they have a track record that shows it..... disney is all about pr and non controversy.... history shows us that. i dont have to know what they are thinking to know that they are a pr machine and try to avoid any and all negative backlash. 

same way they got on chris broussard for alienating homosexuals and saying its wrong because the bible says so.... so i guess he just all of a sudden threw his life long beliefs and religious convictions out the window.... and had a change of heart...? lol No he cleaned up what he said cause he knew if he didnt disney was gonna get in that axx and it was gonna be trouble, possibly getting fired. Thats why he did it, and he didnt have to wait for disney to tell him this cause he knows the company and knows what they will/wont allow and will accept and rather wait for the hammer to drop, he decided to do a little damage control and clean up what how he said what he said. 
So cuz he said provoke it's cool to forget everything else he said cuz some people are sensitive? :lol:

Someone who was abused having a reaction to a trigger word isn't being sensitive, you serious? The world is forgetting that everybody should keep their hands to themselves?
see thats whats wrong with social media.... folks get all high and mighty and be on some soapbox type ish.... the same thing with jonah hill and him having to apologize for his remarks. ppl know good and damn well he was talking out of anger and directed his comments to those tmz folks and in no way was trying to gay bash. but because of social media... and ppl fake outrage and trying to come across as these moral high ppl via internet he had to apologize. 

The one thing I dislike about social media is that soapbox some people get on. Quick to criticize and publicly call someone out yet aren't exactly clean perfect individuals themselves.

Its been noted that beadle has rubbed both men and women coworkers the wrong way and has a history of unprofessional behavior while on the clock.

Say what you want about the word "provoke" on either end but Michelle Beadles intent and credibility should be called out.

I gave the example of how Patrick Burke and You Can Play were against the public vilifying of David Tyree by other groups over his gay marriage comments and reached out to him rather then shatter his image.

He arguably said worse things then Stephen A Smith said and they put the effort in to reach out to him, yet michelle beadle couldn't do the same when its much easier to get in touch with a coworker. I take that as her being selfish and preferring to get him in trouble rather then talking it out with him.

I'm sure she wouldn't be pleased if the shoe was on the other foot and got called out by a coworker on twitter over her groupie like behavior to packers players at the espys a while back which was beyond unprofessional given her job as media.
The one thing I dislike about social media is that soapbox some people get on. Quick to criticize and publicly call someone out yet aren't exactly clean perfect individuals themselves.

Its been noted that beadle has rubbed both men and women coworkers the wrong way and has a history of unprofessional behavior while on the clock.

Say what you want about the word "provoke" on either end but Michelle Beadles intent and credibility should be called out.

I gave the example of how Patrick Burke and You Can Play were against the public vilifying of David Tyree by other groups over his gay marriage comments and reached out to him rather then shatter his image.

He arguably said worse things then Stephen A Smith said and they put the effort in to reach out to him, yet michelle beadle couldn't do the same when its much easier to get in touch with a coworker. I take that as her being selfish and preferring to get him in trouble rather then talking it out with him.

I'm sure she wouldn't be pleased if the shoe was on the other foot and got called out by a coworker on twitter over her groupie like behavior to packers players at the espys a while back which was beyond unprofessional given her job as media.
lol its funny you mentioned that cause when the shoe was on the other foot aka her little beef with erin andrews thats exactly how she was. Same thing happened with her and colin cowherd... when he said a good portion of wrestling fans are rural middle america etc 9 to 5ers blue collar small town type of ppl... and she turned that into, so your saying all wrestling fans are hicks and poor white trash, uneducated incest etc... then ppl made a huge deal over the internet aka social media... and next thing you know he apologizing for implying wrestling fans are all inbreed hillbillies etc.. 
Lol yall really don't know the effects of certain things

So cuz he said provoke it's cool to forget everything else he said cuz some people are sensitive? :lol:

Stephen A stay caping for white folks and throwing black folks under the bus. Now he in hot water and none of his white colleagues taking up for him.

Don't agree with that bruh. He's always speaking up for black coaches and athletes. His only mistake was defending Mark Cuban a while ago.

Black people shouldn't wear hoodies?

Blaming black males for the way whites view them?

Caping for white folks using *****?

Stephen A just as much of a **** as Jason Whitlock

And beadle is hated by a lot of folks at espn lol....someone higher up is protecting her
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lol its funny you mentioned that cause when the shoe was on the other foot aka her little beef with erin andrews thats exactly how she was. Same thing happened with her and colin cowherd... when he said a good portion of wrestling fans are rural middle america etc 9 to 5ers blue collar small town type of ppl... and she turned that into, so your saying all wrestling fans are hicks and poor white trash, uneducated incest etc... then ppl made a huge deal over the internet aka social media... and next thing you know he apologizing for implying wrestling fans are all inbreed hillbillies etc.. 

Never knew about the wrestling issue with colin cowherd, but damn, it seems like she has a knack for interpreting things a certian way causing and creating problems rather then contacting the individual directly so they can clarify things, and this Stephen A Smith situation isn't an isolated incident.

Hell how she responded to A fellow niketalker, calling him an idiot and setting him up for ridicule by her twitter followers is another sign of her unprofessionalism. Even if she thought what DC tweeted her was rediculous, she's a public figure and represents espn. Why bother even responding to that in the first place.

She reminds me of the people I see on Facebook and Instagram who screenshot conversations and post them to make the other person look bad when in reality, no matter how damming the person screenshotteds words may be, posting it like that is a more petty and worse look on the person who's airing them out in my opinion.
Black people shouldn't wear hoodies?

Blaming black males for the way whites view them?

Caping for white folks using *****?

Stephen A just as much of a **** as Jason Whitlock

And beadle is hated by a lot of folks at espn lol....someone higher up is protecting  boning her and getting that slob job
So cuz he said provoke it's cool to forget everything else he said cuz some people are sensitive? :lol:

Someone who was abused having a reaction to a trigger word isn't being sensitive, you serious? The world is forgetting that everybody should keep their hands to themselves?

So how about that someone talk to her co-worker directly to get a better understanding instead of acting like some attention seeking broad on social media? Let me guess she was emotional and too hurt by ONE WORD. Like I said earlier I understand why she felt like that but she was a weak for how she handled it.
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Never knew about the wrestling issue with colin cowherd, but damn, it seems like she has a knack for interpreting things a certian way causing and creating problems rather then contacting the individual directly so they can clarify things, and this Stephen A Smith situation isn't an isolated incident.

Hell how she responded to A fellow niketalker, calling him an idiot and setting him up for ridicule by her twitter followers is another sign of her unprofessionalism. Even if she thought what DC tweeted her was rediculous, she's a public figure and represents espn. Why bother even responding to that in the first place.

She reminds me of the people I see on Facebook and Instagram who screenshot conversations and post them to make the other person look bad when in reality, no matter how damming the person screenshotteds words may be, posting it like that is a more petty and worse look on the person who's airing them out in my opinion.
yea she called him small minded and ignorant, and said he was stereotyping ppl and for someone to seem so smart, i think she said you sure have a stupid opinion of ppl...or something to that effect. And said he thinks he is better then middle america etc... because he doesnt watch wrestling and somehow he thought not watching it makes him more refined, have more class... all this from him saying he thinks majority of wrestling fans are 9 to 5ers, rural middle america blue collar type of ppl.

she always trying to twist make a big deal out of something or make a story a mountain out of a mole hill. that and str8 up act like a goofball airhead. Its not like she is very knowledgeable in sports etc.. this is her basic claim to fame. Its not like she is some great interviewer... or some award winning analyst or play by play commentator. 
So how about that someone talk to her co-worker directly to get a better understanding instead of acting like some attention seeking broad on social media? Let me guess she was emotional and too hurt by ONE WORD. Like I said earlier I understand why she felt like that but she was a weak for how she handled it.
exactly and its not like they work in a different building/ he is a coworker that she has known for yrs and should know his character and know that he wouldnt say something like women who get abused raped etc... ask for it. like i said this was all for attention a public outcry/outrage on some attention seeking twitter young girl/hore type steez that got the ball rolling with ppl on social media and before it got outta hand sas had to do damage control. 
And beadle is hated by a lot of folks at espn lol....someone higher up is protecting her

Obviously. I've stopped posting in this thread because we're all speaking in circles now. I don't even care for the whole ideology anymore because it's stupid. If you hit someone, be prepared to be hit back. Man or woman. The fact that Michelle Beadle can continuously talk out the side of her neck on twitter with no punishment from her employers and have now managed to rub Erin Andrew, Colin Cowherd, Dan LeBatard, Linda Cohn and now Stephen A. Smith the wrong way with her antics and those are just coworkers, shows that she is well protected by the higher ups. She gives off that side piece vibe so I'm not surprised. Karma will get her soon enough
Dear Stephen A. Smith,

I am in 100% in support of what you said regarding the Ray Rice situation and women. Men and women should be held accountable for their actions. I am sick and tired of the double standard with it not being a "big deal" when a woman puts their paws on a man; but when a man restrains/hits a woman, there is an uproar. Violence in itself is totally unacceptable and everyone should be handed accordingly, when committing shut a shameful act. We have no clue what Ray Rice's woman said/did to him causing him to react in such a way.

I cannot believe Disney/ESPN not only made you apologize but suspended you without pay for expressing your truest thoughts in a articulate and thoughtful manner. Your statement was opinionated and for a fact, I know 95% of men agreed with you, sir. This society is absolutely ridiculous. We need to be honest and stop hammering people for telling the truth for once. Stephen A, leave ESPN and go to Sirius radio. No reason to hold your tongue, man. Make that change.
ESPN essentially chose SportsNation over First Take. I don't see Stephen A.
even wanting to return after this to be honest. I just hope Skip leaves if Stephen A doesn't decide to return or ESPN let's him go.
Skip won't leave. That's been his show since forever. Steven S also has more outside options.

And who the **** watches sportsnation? Anything that comes on espn after work is out is pretty much a waste.
ESPN essentially chose SportsNation over First Take. I don't see Stephen A.
even wanting to return after this to be honest. I just hope Skip leaves if Stephen A doesn't decide to return or ESPN let's him go.

Nah. I don't see him letting this run him off the show.

Beadle does seem bulletproof around ESPN.
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Stephen A has a $2M salary at ESPN...

If homey wasn't coming back..m there'd be no apology

Dude is coming back
mr marcus mr marcus bruh the only people that defend black folks are Dave zirin and Tim wise.

Have anyone black or white at ESPN defended SAS?

I do find it ironic that SAS ripped McNabb for being a company man yet when push come to shove he the same company man he ripped McNabb for being.

This dude want black athletes to use their platform to make change but he won't even speak up for himself. He shouldn't apologized.
Stephen A has a $2M salary at ESPN...

If homey wasn't coming back..m there'd be no apology

Dude is coming back
i know there are talks that he is leaving espn radio for sirrius... and i think he should go the podcast route... he already has enough cache, in the know/loop with celebs/athletes to get them to come on his show.....and the potential/earning power can be more tbh...just look at adam carolla. 
Sirius is HUGE money. They have that market pretty much monopolized. You get your own show on that and you have a potential life long career off that alone
ESPN essentially chose SportsNation over First Take. I don't see Stephen A.
even wanting to return after this to be honest. I just hope Skip leaves if Stephen A doesn't decide to return or ESPN let's him go.

He ain't leaving...that's why he let them make him apologize again like a ***** and then got his *** suspended ....they hung that dude something awful :x

Him leaving espn radio is his security though
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The one thing I dislike about social media is that soapbox some people get on. Quick to criticize and publicly call someone out yet aren't exactly clean perfect individuals themselves.

Its been noted that beadle has rubbed both men and women coworkers the wrong way and has a history of unprofessional behavior while on the clock.

Say what you want about the word "provoke" on either end but Michelle Beadles intent and credibility should be called out.

I gave the example of how Patrick Burke and You Can Play were against the public vilifying of David Tyree by other groups over his gay marriage comments and reached out to him rather then shatter his image.

He arguably said worse things then Stephen A Smith said and they put the effort in to reach out to him, yet michelle beadle couldn't do the same when its much easier to get in touch with a coworker. I take that as her being selfish and preferring to get him in trouble rather then talking it out with him.

I'm sure she wouldn't be pleased if the shoe was on the other foot and got called out by a coworker on twitter over her groupie like behavior to packers players at the espys a while back which was beyond unprofessional given her job as media.
lol its funny you mentioned that cause when the shoe was on the other foot aka her little beef with erin andrews thats exactly how she was. Same thing happened with her and colin cowherd... when he said a good portion of wrestling fans are rural middle america etc 9 to 5ers blue collar small town type of ppl... and she turned that into, so your saying all wrestling fans are hicks and poor white trash, uneducated incest etc... then ppl made a huge deal over the internet aka social media... and next thing you know he apologizing for implying wrestling fans are all inbreed hillbillies etc.. 

She knew what she was doing. She knew in this case too.

Attention horse tendencies.
Meanwhile somewhere in Vegas this guy is laughing about all of the unprovoked domestic assaults he has gotten away with.
View media item 1107658
Just goes to show that social media only cares about the latest "fake outrage of the day"
Same went with Trayvon. It started catching a lil momentum and the next thing you know it was "the thing" to talk about, and comment on.
Meanwhile in Chicago...but no one cares.
Shut up. Folks speak out on Chicago and you're comparing an isolated incident to a city that had this **** bubbling for decades.

Chicago been had rampant violence and it falls on the hands of the folks who ran the city. I don't know chi history but I do know this isn't some overnight ****
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