this game is sooooo nice

got all the characters last night except seth... but seth will eventually be unlocked. u just have to beat the game with all the other characters

it seems like people are having a hard time unlocking akuma and gouken

akuma... get 2 perfects and 2 ultra combo finishes. make sure u dontuse any continues, and use a character u already beat the game with (i used ryu).

gouken... get 2 perfects and 3 ultra combo finishes. first beat thegame wit akuma, trust me. then i used ryu (somone i beat the game with already) to do battle with gouken. finish him wit a ultra combo just to make sure.

other people played on the easiest difficulty with one round and cheesing fireballs wit ryu to get a perfect... this is perfectly fine.

i siked for the alternate costumes, especially fei long
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

C.Viper is kicking my $*@ on Hard level. She has the cheapest combos and moves including that ground punch thing she does and the flaming kick. I'm playing with Ken and he is getting destroyed.

she is pissing me off.
I finally am beating just need a really good defense. I beat Fuerte and Vega without losing a round on Hard. On Hard they link combos together so amazingly fast you almost don't have a chance. Nobody playing this game in the next few weeks will be that fluid. So by the time I start accepting challenges I'm gonna be killin y'all. LOL.
Games been at my arcade for over 3 months.
ima get my copy girl willing to get it for me tonite after work but i cant miss on another day at the gym i caught a cold last week and imfinnaly ready to start up again
If a guy can teleport, stretch his arms out, sonic boom, ahyuget , Spinning Pile Drive you, and then putyou in his stomach and spin you around....why in the world are you fighting him? I HATE SETH!!!!!!!! Bastard, I always beat him the first round and then diethe next two round.

I feel like ripping my control stick out of th efreaking socket!!!!!
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

If a guy can teleport, stretch his arms out, sonic boom, ahyuget , Spinning Pile Drive you, and then put you in his stomach and spin you around....why in the world are you fighting him? I HATE SETH!!!!!!!! Bastard, I always beat him the first round and then die the next two round.

I feel like ripping my control stick out of th efreaking socket!!!!!
yeah why do we always win the first round but lost the nex two?!?!!
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I dont know wether to cop or not, I have a feeling nt is overhyping this game
word i kno. i bought the game its ok felt like its playing slow compared to other fighting games i have. i unno i feel like im regretting the $80i spent on game and CE
i bought into the hype

but i always thought i was the nicest street fighter turbo 2 guy out there ... never got into alpha, 3, etc ... so i had to cop
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