Suits is a show to enjoy at face value. Corny lines (dinner with air Jordan?), ridiculous twists (they overcome like 5 huge obstacles in each eps), and annoying characters like mike.

Could be much better based on how they set it up. But it's entertaining enough.
less mike & rachel boo hoo teary relationship plz.
more goddess scottie plz.
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Next week, Jessica is going to lay down the smackdown on Mike and Rachel's relationship. At this point the show can move on without mike and it wouldnt miss a beat.
I need a katrina in my life.
Next week, Jessica is going to lay down the smackdown on Mike and Rachel's relationship. At this point the show can move on without mike and it wouldnt miss a beat.
I need a katrina in my life.

Rachel needs to goto Cali.

and then take a sabbatical in Europe or something while she figures out her life. She's getting super stale in this story.
Well played by Rachel getting Jessica to guarantee her a job after Columbia.

Saw that coming when the whole all files of students are in this room, should get interesting come January and more Louis air time. I predict the name is going to change on the door to PearsonSpectorLitt
Power move from Rachel.

I don't like Harvey weakening, crumbling for Scottie. That's not his personality or character.
Bringing back Tanner (and Dennis) is not creative. It's lazy.

Tanner's dispute was settled in the ring. Closure.

Eva suing Pearson Specter? That's dragging out her involvement in the season a couple episodes too many.

Louis finding out Mike's secret is an inevitable, but more appealing storyline. Numerous angles the producers can explore.

Scottie's involvement makes sense in the show. Her ties to Darby's firm and relationship with Harvey. Plus she's good eye candy for the male viewers.
^They had scottie wear tighter clothes than usual

her boobs were more pressed up than normal and lot more cleavage

i want to save her

i liked zoey better, though

she had a bit more sass
It just hit me that all the women on this show are hot. Probably would've reached erect levels had Katrina strolled by in a scene this ep :evil:

Ok ep. Felt the Louis finding out Mike's secret was a bit too last minute 9th inning hail marry for a cliff hanger. We'll see where it goes come the winter season.
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Can see louis is going to deserve a swift kick in the face come January
nah louis about to get his name on the wall. crazy i always thought scottie real name was scottie, than they said dana scott. they just made her slightly less hot with that boring name. 
Midway through season 2 - does this show get any better? I'm ready to throw in the towel because it's OD boring to me. Everything works out so conveniently and it lacks any realism in my opinion. I only watch for Rachel really...
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