
Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by Diego

There was a summit yesterday?
yea son.  like 20+ heads. fun night.  i even brought out the denim jacket


I need to see this
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Swag is when you walk into a room, everything stops.

Most of these pictures are not swag. Well dressed does NOT equal swag. Swag is a personality, a demanor, built-within not outward.

What the hell ya'll posting Bumazz Chris Paul? Phil Jackson? Ronaldo? Iron man? Come on.

Like even cam in that mag cover had more swag than all these people.

It's not about dressing reckless like Ben Baller, he does not = swag.

Pronunciation: \ˈswa-gər\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): swag·gered; swag·ger·ing \-g(ə-)riŋ\

Etymology: probably from [sup]1[/sup]swag + -er (as in chatter)

Date: circa 1596
intransitive verb 1 : to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner; especially : to walk with an air of overbearing self-confidence

Function: adjective

Date: 1879

: marked by elegance or showiness : posh


1 : elegant, fashionable
2 British : typical of or intended for the upper classes : highfalutin 

Merriam-Webster Online


Swag can be both. Swag can be well dress and swag can be when your self-confidence is seen by other people.
Swag does not equate upper class. You got it twisted. You can't just make yourself (dress up) to express swagger.

That nii dawg on dressing thread, dude dress real nice (according to NTers, not my opinion) but dude has zero swag.
Someone go ahead and post that dude in Dubai pushing the range with a tiger just chillin out the passenger side window.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Swag does not equate upper class. You got it twisted. You can't just make yourself (dress up) to express swagger.

That nii dawg on dressing thread, dude dress real nice (according to NTers, not my opinion) but dude has zero swag.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Swag does not equate upper class. You got it twisted. You can't just make yourself (dress up) to express swagger.

That nii dawg on dressing thread, dude dress real nice (according to NTers, not my opinion) but dude has zero swag.
dude doesnt have a single ounce of swag in his body though
Honestly, some of you dudes are confusing cocky with confidence.

Cocky does not equal confidence. Being full of yourself does not lend itself to an air of confidence and of knowing who you are.

Soulja Boy has swag (overbearing self-confidence) but Barack Obama has confidence.

Confidence > swag...

that's all people care about now adays...how awesome they are compared to everyone else

-_- we're all made of the matter
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