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Aight TAYers....

Is it possible to have a 25 year old discover her inner sexy? She's got a lot of wifey type qualities. Very pretty, innocent looking, funniest chick I've ever been with, good morals/family background, intelligent, fun, clicks with me, and I don't think I'll ever meet a chick that loves me like she does.

She's an attractive girl, but she just lacks "that thing" about her. That thing that bad ******* have that makes you 

I joke around with her that I'm going to make her discover it in her one day, but she tells me that she really doesn't think it's there.

TAYers this is like a serious problem for me 
, and I think the difference between me loving her as a person, and being in-love and crazy about her. I want this chick to be my everything, but in order for her to be that, I think she's gotta discover her inner sexy.
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She is 25 years old, so she is still learning about herself. The thing is with situations like this you have to be patient and find a way that she can relax when you guys"attempt" to start sexing. Women need more mental stimulation to let that freak flag fly. Once a man can unlock her mind and give her the fantasies she desires( she might feel that the things she craves are abnormal) the flood gates literally will open up. For her to feel sexy, she has to feel at ease and have calm inside herself and to be reassured that you will not find her undesirable if she decides to tell you her fantasies. I have had girls say the same thing before about how they don't have a spot or have never climaxed before but once you slow down, ask them what they want, explore their bodies and mentally stimulate them, trust and believe all those factors create the greatest bonding/intercourse known to man. You can't always rush into things, especially for a girl that shows potential to ride for you..
Drive Slow Homie..
Results will show but sometimes you have to put in work..
"I don't think I'll ever meet a chick that loves me like she does."
- Got to get rid of that mindset. But it's good that you value her

"She's an attractive girl, but she just lacks "that thing" about her. That thing that bad ******* have that makes you :evil: "
-I felt the same way about my girl right now (the one I talked about in my last TAY post) but once you learn to open the flood gates (like mugen said) it will come. Gonna pm you.
Friends... FRIENDS?! I don't do friends, baby girl. I'm a grown *** man. Either I'm taking that *** down or lose my number. I'm not even sad or nothing. Just heated. Had her in my whip and everything was Gucci (or so I thought) and she talmbout I'm not looking for a bf right now. FOH. :smh:  

:lol: Damn son she got to you quick. You gonna be fuming this morning when you wake up. These broads man :smh:
Birthday was this weekend, went out with a shorty I've been kickin it with kind of tough...She sees me get another girls number and she doesn't tell me until the next morning when I try to smash...I deny it and just keep it moving....I went out the next night and got another one :smh: :smh: I feel bad :x
How do I end this situation without hurting her feelings?
Tay fam i need opinions...

Im talking to this one chick, cool down to earth chick and the feelings mutual.

So this morning im at the gym and she texts me saying that her babydaddy came to her crib drunk, broke her window to get in cuz she wasnt letting him in and starts smacking her nd kicking her cause he sees that shes moving on.

Im here at the gym sick to my stomach wishing i was there for her so i could beat this kid up...but at the same time i feel like its none of my business....stay out of it?

Wasn't even gonna post, but c'mon man, you deserve better. There's no scenario here that has you winning. Sucks for her, but what about you?
My girl woke me up this morning playing "I wanna f*** you" by akon on the phone....she is too ready.

Going back to Pittsburgh on Wednesday....I sense marathon sessions in my near future
Birthday was this weekend, went out with a shorty I've been kickin it with kind of tough...She sees me get another girls number and she doesn't tell me until the next morning when I try to smash...I deny it and just keep it moving....I went out the next night and got another one :smh: :smh: I feel bad :x
How do I end this situation without hurting her feelings?
"I like you and I have enjoyed our time together, but right now I'm not in a place to give you what you want. I don't want to ruin your experience to the point you become jaded and untrustworthy of my gender. I whether let you go and let you find someone capable of giving you a chance of monogamy versus lying to you about me being out in these streets. Right now I just want to have fun and enjoy life. Now if that's all you want as well then we have to set some guidelines to this thing but if you are looking for a commitment, it's best we move on"...
Don't have to say this verbatim but it's better to always tell the truth about where your head is with women instead of being selfish and hiding your hand..
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Man I was about to go on the most epic ecook run, not because I'm trying to get someone out of my head, not for companionship, none of that, just felt like having a bad ***** every week... Then this angel descends back into the scene
Man I'm tired of ish just running in place and not going anywhere with this chick. Saying she's all about me and all that but act like she don't wanna talk to me 95% of the time. :smh: I'd understand if I was being thirsty but I'm not :lol: I'm almost 30 I'm too old for that. I'ma just stop trying. If she hits me up cool, otherwise kick rocks.
I may keep this chick on the DL, though. I mean, she buys me tree and **** like that :nerd: Went to the gym this morning after class and that was an epic *** workout. Let out all my frustration in there :evil: :pimp:
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Can someone explain to me what's going on?

I now have a girlfriend and I'm very happy but now a few girls from my new school been feeling me.

I don't understand why I'm suddenly interesting.

yea I lost 10 lbs (its really not that noticeable) but why am I suddenly getting looks?
Can someone explain to me what's going on?

I now have a girlfriend and I'm very happy but now a few girls from my new school been feeling me.
I don't understand why I'm suddenly interesting.
yea I lost 10 lbs (its really not that noticeable) but why am I suddenly getting looks?

And how do u know these girls are feeling you now? What are they saying or doing?
So i deleted two numbers i got at a bar

Idk how they look I was drunk

If they reply since they have mine, what should i do?
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Can someone explain to me what's going on?

I now have a girlfriend and I'm very happy but now a few girls from my new school been feeling me.
I don't understand why I'm suddenly interesting.
yea I lost 10 lbs (its really not that noticeable) but why am I suddenly getting looks?
And how do u know these girls are feeling you now? What are they saying or doing?
Today In my business class one girl literally saved me a seat with her bag and asked for my number...

Last saturday In my Accounting class another girl...woman i should say was talkin to me the whole class and asked me to wait for her so we could walk together to the train from class.
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Ask for a picture or just ask them out
Lol I'm not asking for no pics. Plus if I ask them out and we meet up I don't want to hit the shmoney dance out the door when I see how shawty looking.
If they hit me up depending on how I feel I would say lets get a drink. I've posted before that I would get drunk at the bar getting chicks numbers and forget how they looked. Would either ask my boys how the chick look or invite them to my crib for me to watch TV. If they was not up to my standard I wouldn't hit them back up.
because you are carrying yourself with more confidence.
when i get hit on and tell women im married, they always say"it figures"..
Somehow, someway you subconsciously send signals to women that you are happy and the way you walk, your stride.
Shows it.
Still find it funny how these young girls on campus stay throwing allies but im so aloof to the **** until i get home and tell my wife. It just comes with the territory.
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Based of AdobeCS4 "let's be friends " post, what's the consensus on the friend zone. Is it something you Alpha your way out of or chuck deuces?
Honestly friend zone doesn't even exist for me. All women are on the same level till she shows me more that would make me even want more. If she's not feeling it fine, we move on. But honestly that convo doesn't even happen. Friend zone is a result of you putting the cart before the horse. Been there, but you learn.
Gf and I got in a fight over the phone. Told her I didn't really feel like talking anymore on the phone afterwards. Called her back like ten minutes later twice about something else and she didn't answer. I can't stand her when she's disrespectful like that. Do I just do the same to her to get her back in check when she calls and just act like I was busy or let it slide? Or do I take a shot at her when she gets back and ask if there's any reason she didn't answer. Always tricky for me when they make you feel like **** but you want to be the bigger man for the sake of the relationship
Ask why she didn't answer.

Regardless of why she didn't answer she sounds childish.
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