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I might wanna add that ive been out of the game for a good couple of years (broke up with my fiance and through myself into getting to NYC and getting that dream job which I actually got) and im MAD rusty, but I dont think im remedial or anything. In the meantime ive been getting yambs, but it was those long-term rotation things like exes and smash buddies that have been down forever and since were both single we just smash for fun whenever either of us feels like it.

I used to meet chicks and be on some celibate **** and not pursue, but its been since like August since I smashed something and im getting that itch but since Im in a new city im starting from absolute scratch in building my team. I literally just ended my celibate wave friday night, plus cuffing seasons around the corner and these broads are mad receptive right now, so im bout to get a haircut and get back in the game. Inly prob is I live in FAR ******* ROCKAWAY, though im moving to bk in early Nov. Plus the far rock situation is crazy, living with my aunt and 10 year old plus my cousin could be home from Rikers literally any day and thats gonna be family drama plus I'll have to move to the couch or couch surf altogether. See now im thinking about getting back on my celibate wave until Nov :lol: seriously I just convinced myself :smh:
Man I'm tired of ish just running in place and not going anywhere with this chick. Saying she's all about me and all that but act like she don't wanna talk to me 95% of the time. :smh: I'd understand if I was being thirsty but I'm not :lol: I'm almost 30 I'm too old for that. I'ma just stop trying. If she hits me up cool, otherwise kick rocks.

Nah you know what..I'm about to just cut off ties completely and keep it movin. Make her feel bad.

Bout to just hit up an ex..ain't tryin to go on another drought.
There I go.. In my feelings again :frown: So used to being/talking to her all day. Help :frown:
I'm kinda in this situation with this one chick, we havnt been talking like we use to. In my moving on phrase but still want to give her a call to see what's up. More for closure if anything
Same here. I just want to see her name pop up on my phone one more time
It would be nice for that to happen but this has happen to often with us. We will go weeks with out talking because of something we would say or bad communication. Meet up again to chill then we back on the plan of how much we enjoy each other. I want to say for a while she been wanting me to tell her let's make it official for a while. I'm not one to jump in a relationship and work on problems we already have.

**** just changed when she came back in town. We are just at two different points in our lives. I'll hit her up next week or something like that.
Well chick hit me up with the birthday wishes. We talk, caught up, but won't hit her up to chill until next week.
Closure is the process when an individual actually sits down and learns the mistakes both parties made during the relationship.
It's the moment when you don't cast aspersions onto your ex whether peace is obtained and wisdom is gained. Everybody that you come in contact with in your life leaves a specific impression on your heart. But it's your choice to live a life of "whoa is me". I know it's hard, especially after you gave a damn about somebody and they do you raw. The thing is though, always look for the lesson and take responsibility for your actions. People turn a blind eye to problems in the beginning but the truth is you need to be more cognizant of others actions, this can eliminate wasting time and heartbreak. Sometimes you just have to go through it to see it.
Nobody can give you closure but yourself.
As much as it may hurt, with time and proper care of ones mental health, you will get through it. Even if you see an ex that things ended badly, never let them see you being bitter or angry. Be polite, speak and keep it moving. That right there shows you won because in that instance(even if you are hurt), they will question their involvement or impact on your life and in that moment they also will remember you gave zero dambs about them and you moved on the best why you could..
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NT am I thinking too hard (which is what I think) or are my thoughts justified?

Today I called my gf cuz she usually calls me after work just to chop it up (remember we doing LDR).  I merely asked her where she went after work cuz she said she went somewhere and her response was "none of your business" but she said it in a casual tone if that makes sense.  Now the thing is I trust her but I feel like I asked a simple question that didn't warrant that response. I didnt grill her on it because I dont wanna come off as controlling and I dont wanna come off as distru****l. I just thought it was a simple question. Its just bothering me right now.

Am I being sensitive and overthinking it? I just feel like if I said that to her she would have a problem.
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Definitely a strange response by her. Not that she's creeping. But communication is all you have in a LDR. A response like that would piss me off.
NT am I thinking too hard (which is what I think) or are my thoughts justified?

Today I called my gf cuz she usually calls me after work just to chop it up (remember we doing LDR).  I merely asked her where she went after work cuz she said she went somewhere and her response was "none of your business" but she said it in a casual tone if that makes sense.  Now the thing is I trust her but I feel like I asked a simple question that didn't warrant that response. I didnt grill her on it because I dont wanna come off as controlling and I dont wanna come off as distru****l. I just thought it was a simple question. Its just bothering me right now.

Am I being sensitive and overthinking it? I just feel like if I said that to her she would have a problem.

You have a right to notice it but there's no point in harping on it especially if you trust her. Bring it back up and it'll end up in an argument that you will lose.
You guys ask for numbers on FB? This girl literally runs out of class everyday. I've never done it and i dont want to do it, but i feel like if i wanna speed this up I should hit her up on FB with some small talk and ask her for her number and make plans from there.

Am i overthinking it? I just feel like asking for stuff through social media is being a little *****.
Not really havin any luck latley with chicks. Im not sure what is , but im scared to be in a relationship sometimes. Its like whats the point if sooner or later you end up breakin up.

I spit and then i fall back and dont talk to em anymore. Do chicks feel insecure about themselves when I do that.

Am i just scared to take that next step? How good of a boyfriend will i be if i went though with actually getting involved with a chick.

Some chicks around my age are so superficial its like when do they like you for the real you now a days.

Im just goin through a phase right now guys where im unsure if theres any reason of actualky getting to know a chick.

Idk man. Still confused
You guys ask for numbers on FB? This girl literally runs out of class everyday. I've never done it and i dont want to do it, but i feel like if i wanna speed this up I should hit her up on FB with some small talk and ask her for her number and make plans from there.

Am i overthinking it? I just feel like asking for stuff through social media is being a little *****.
You guys ask for numbers on FB? This girl literally runs out of class everyday. I've never done it and i dont want to do it, but i feel like if i wanna speed this up I should hit her up on FB with some small talk and ask her for her number and make plans from there.

Am i overthinking it? I just feel like asking for stuff through social media is being a little *****.

How much do you interact during class?

I've done it before but only with chicks I knew were interested but when we met it wasn't the right setting to ask for a number
If something is bothering you in your relationship, Speak Up.
This is how resentment starts to set in and that is something you absolutely don't want to happen. Bring it to that persons attention, if they start flexing, then you need to take that as a red flag because no matter if it's a LDR or a girl in your hometown, disrespect should never be allowed. As a man you have rights to feelings as well, don't surpress them and then blow up one day. Have a conversation, speak calmly, don't let an incident slide until you each come to a conclusion.
Asking for a number on FB, etc seems to be the norm these days. Why wait, say your peace, If she thinks your creepy, FDB.
Too much *****( can not stress this enough) is roaming this land like a Titan(anime heads will get that reference. Stop getting hung up on one girl that doesn't even know your name.
Being afraid of a relationship is natural but the thing is Life is scary all around. Yeah people have horror stories about love,etc but that's because they rushed, put the pedal to the ground and all they saw was green.
Drive Slow and take your time. Women can be vapid, materialistic creatures at any age. But you just have to take your time, just like with anything. If you have to take a break, do that, take stock of your life, get your **** together and enjoy other aspects of life. Stop putting so much stock into these women and get your life game up. There is always a risk/reward element to life. How are you going to know true happiness until you take a risk...
Mugen I'm with you in terms of not letting stuff simmer.

But some things annoy you in the moment but aren't really a big deal and you'll forget about it.

It's not worth it to have convos about every little thing.

It's up to Don to determine if it's worth a convo or not

And that's were we differ.
If you don't say what's on your mind, it will lead to bigger problems. Even the smallest indiscretions can lead to misunderstandings.
Am I suggesting to argue over what sandwich you want to eat??
No but if something has you feeling some type of way, address it...
If I asked my girl where see was and she hit me with that, you damn right we are talking about it. I'm the most secure guy in the world but if you are in a relationship, people have the right to know where you are at. It's just common courtesy to your partner, just in case something happens. I don't need updates but just a little" I'm out with the girls or having lunch", just a general statement is needed every once in a while.
I will always say I am not an expert nor am I always right and everybody is grown and definitely entitled to their own viewpoint but just from experience, that type of disrespect, if not checked or call out upon can lead to mistrust and other anomalies to your relationship..
Begins vent

Marriage is a scary thing man. You meet the girl who becomes your best friend, who you trust with everything, who gives you something that no one has before. All of a sudden you think she's the "one", and then you see another beautiful girl :lol: I'm really beginning to agree with the people who said love and sex do not coincide. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you wouldn't have sex with someone, it means you wouldn't do something to hurt them. Which is a lie because if you're together long enough someone is going to get hurt once in awhile.

Sex is the root of all evil but I'm still going to get married because I love this woman

Ends vent
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heliumclinton heliumclinton


Have those same thoughts consistently.

It's crazy how most women are built to love only 1 man which makes sense biologically. Meanwhile, a man can be sexually attracted to another women while not having an effect on the love of his woman. I feel it all goes back to man wanting to put their seed in the most fit woman they see, women who are more emotional about sexual attraction for the most part will never understand it.

It will forever be an issue in relationships.
If something is bothering you in your relationship, Speak Up.
This is how resentment starts to set in and that is something you absolutely don't want to happen. Bring it to that persons attention, if they start flexing, then you need to take that as a red flag because no matter if it's a LDR or a girl in your hometown, disrespect should never be allowed. As a man you have rights to feelings as well, don't surpress them and then blow up one day. Have a conversation, speak calmly, don't let an incident slide until you each come to a conclusion.
Mugen I'm with you in terms of not letting stuff simmer.

But some things annoy you in the moment but aren't really a big deal and you'll forget about it.

It's not worth it to have convos about every little thing.

It's up to Don to determine if it's worth a convo or not
I think it will be worth a conversation if it becomes a persistent thing.

For now imma let it slide. No need for confrontation when yambs are less than 24 hours away
You guys ask for numbers on FB? This girl literally runs out of class everyday. I've never done it and i dont want to do it, but i feel like if i wanna speed this up I should hit her up on FB with some small talk and ask her for her number and make plans from there.

Am i overthinking it? I just feel like asking for stuff through social media is being a little *****.
You guys ask for numbers on FB? This girl literally runs out of class everyday. I've never done it and i dont want to do it, but i feel like if i wanna speed this up I should hit her up on FB with some small talk and ask her for her number and make plans from there.

Am i overthinking it? I just feel like asking for stuff through social media is being a little *****.

How much do you interact during class?

I've done it before but only with chicks I knew were interested but when we met it wasn't the right setting to ask for a number

Small talk here and there, but mostly in groups. Flirted before, just didnt ask for her number in front of others.
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Hold me guys smh got it with the myspace angles hard tonight but still hit because I didn't wanna waste gas and money smh but man it was terrible the ugliest thing I've hit never again never ever lol she did give good head tho.....on a second note I need to work on those kegels because man I couldn't last long idk if it was because I wasn't feeling her or what. ...I just want a hot showere lol thats my rant fellas
I stay away from any sort of online dating balogni.

On another note, I was smashing All Weekend bros. I could not get enough. But on Sunday I had a soccer game and when I came back, I hit again and got the WORST CRAMP on my leg lol I had to jump up half stroke.
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