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If your girl has a pack of Starburst and she give you the orange one, she either don't love you or she cheating.
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I think im addicted to sex. Cant get enough.

i can have sex wit my girl multiple times a day everyday, but she can go without it for a day or two.

I dont get it cuz she cums almost every time. But yet somedays she can just go without it. I cant even sleep witout gettin some.
I stay away from any sort of online dating balogni.

On another note, I was smashing All Weekend bros. I could not get enough. But on Sunday I had a soccer game and when I came back, I hit again and got the WORST CRAMP on my leg lol I had to jump up half stroke.

Online dating changed my life :lol:

Had a great run on Tinder that ended with me meeting my future wife on there :smokin

Mugen I definitely understand where you're coming from.

I just realized there's a lot of stuff that temporarily annoys me and 95% of it is stupid. I can be easily irritated bc I'm consistently tired.

Patterns should be addressed but if she was just in a bad mood and it happened once I'd let it go
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Just want to say something real quick:

I posted this already, but on Saturday I went out and got curved by at LEAST 3 chicks.
(luckily I went with a girl in the first place)

But the whole experience of being curved really helps to put things into perspective: it makes you give less of a **** about being curved, because it happens, and it's going to happen regardless of how smooth you think you are. Some females just ain't about that life.

I feel like you gotta get curved in order to truly floruish, like how you gotta bomb or be booed off stage as a comedian before you succeed.
Man, you ever go out with a female that can't even hide the fact that they are gonna take out all their past relationships on you?

At least have the decency to pretend you ain't jaded.
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Man, you ever go out with a female that can't even hide the fact that they are gonna take out all their past relationships on you?

At least have the decency to pretend you ain't jaded.

I had this problem with my current now. she brought up her ex damn near every chance she could get.
I had to tell her flat out once, listen im not your ex and if you want this to progress you have to trust in that fact or this is never goign to work out
:lol: Had a crazy, but funny night last night...

I know for a fact if I was with any of my exes, or most other girls I know... it would have ended drastic.

I'm thankful that my girl is a lot more mature than most girls.
Feeling like I blew a good opportunity to set up a date with shorty in my class tonight 

After typing like 3 different drafts that I was going to post in this thread I realized a lot of things 

I can still text her to set things up for Friday, but I think it's better I hold off and wait til class next week in order to ask her out in person.
Feeling like I blew a good opportunity to set up a date with shorty in my class tonight :wow:

After typing like 3 different drafts that I was going to post in this thread I realized a lot of things :lol:  

I can still text her to set things up for Friday, but I think it's better I hold off and wait til class next week in order to ask her out in person.
Smart man
First few days without shorty were rough. I mean, drinking and Draking, depressed all day rough. Then I hit the anger phase. Now I'm at the FDB/cocky phase :lol:
Smart man

Yeah I didn't want to come off as over eager by rushing things. The only factor that has me rethinking things is that it's her bday weekend. Got me retracing all of our dialogue from class last night to make sure she wasn't throwing out any hints to ask her out this weekend :lol:
I met this girl on campus last week, and we've kicked it late night for the past three days.  Today, she invited me to this little get together she's throwing tonight and I'm curious; should I treat it like a normal house party and speak to a couple of the pretty young things in there or continue planting seeds with shorty?  Obviously we're still in that get to know each other stage, but we're feeling each other.
I met this girl on campus last week, and we've kicked it late night for the past three days.  Today, she invited me to this little get together she's throwing tonight and I'm curious; should I treat it like a normal house party and speak to a couple of the pretty young things in there or continue planting seeds with shorty?  Obviously we're still in that get to know each other stage, but we're feeling each other.

Do Both, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Obviously she's your main target here but there's nothing wrong with getting some numbers so you can give those other girls a try-out practice.....flourish my g.
I swear they do!! What I wanna know is when they peep it, can they see the other girls names or do they just see usernames. Lol

If they have the other girl(s) as friends on their own snapchats, they see the girls' name or whatever they have them in their own contacts as.

If they don't, it just appears as their username.

Females really trip about that :smh:
If they have the other girl(s) as friends on their own snapchats, they see the girls' name or whatever they have them in their own contacts as.

If they don't, it just appears as their username.

Females really trip about that :smh:
Whew amen, crisis averted. Yeah, I had a girl bark at me once because she wasn't #1 on my snapchat & I'm like "man, I just use it.....you wanna be #1 then send more nudes" make it worthwhile to even get on snapchat. Lol
I met this girl on campus last week, and we've kicked it late night for the past three days.  Today, she invited me to this little get together she's throwing tonight and I'm curious; should I treat it like a normal house party and speak to a couple of the pretty young things in there or continue planting seeds with shorty?  Obviously we're still in that get to know each other stage, but we're feeling each other.

If she invited as a +1 then talking to other women in front of her may not a good idea. Just out of courtesy :lol:
If she invited as a +1 then talking to other women in front of her may not a good idea. Just out of courtesy
This. But do socialize and look like you are still the alpha in the room. Keep any jokes of a suggestive nature to yourself and her to give you plausible deniability of flirting. Dance with her at the party. Mix in only one or two other girls tops (who would not intimidate your own date in the looks category) for a very friendly fun (no touchy) dance. And then return to your chick to gauge her jealousy.

Also would try not leave her alone for any extended period of time. >4 mins unless she's mingling with friends... and even then tread carefully. 

I always hate party invites in early talking phases because girls haven't expressed how serious they are with you. but more often than not they don't want to share. Plan of attack should be get there mingle, drink, mingle & dance, cut out fairly early to smash... longer you are there = more room for error. Suggesting to dip out at the right time sends the message that your really interested in her and not all the other floozies.
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