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Got picked up last night at a Kroger Grovery store by this cute Ukranian chick. Had to pull her through email, but it didn't go through maybe because the mail is @mail.ru.Oh well she's apparently my neighbor so we'll come across each other again most likely. She totally interrupted my phone conversation and straight came for me. She had game for real starting a conversation about all the water I was buying stocking up for this "tropical storm" hitting Houston.
Got dumped by gf of 9 months 2 weeks ago.

Wanted to marry this girl (didn't even want to get married before meeting her). Talked about our plans, children etc. Paid for every single dollar whenever we went out since she was still only working part time. Her birthday's next month and I was planning to buy her tickets to Australia for her and her best friend as a surprise. Usually I ain't the type to do that unless I'm 100% sure of her, and I thought I was. Gave 100% to her and treated her the best I could.

Was never controlling or jealous in the relationship. Never asked who she's talking to, if anybody hit on her at work, none of that. Let her have as much freedom and privacy as she wanted and it's not like hse ever did anything to make me suspect foul play. Only had like 3 serious arguments our whole time together. Admitted what I did wrong every single time and legitimately improved myself. Never raised my voice, nothing.

Hit me with the "I'm not excited about this no more" line 2 weeks ago. 

Had to return something to her 1 week after break up. Told her I'm willing to work things through, but she didn't want to. Said all the nonsense meaningless "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" stuff.

Had to rant to my NT bruhs.
i know this is going to be hard to listen to because your in the eye of the storm.
Move on and make a clean break. You did nothing wrong and it truly is her. When a woman can look you in the eye and say that exact line, she is seeing somebody else that see feels gives her a thrill. Everybody has been there and has heard that line. I know it feels like you are trying to conjur up everything you did wrong and you start questioning yourself.
Maybe if i did x,y,z or maybe if i had more of a back bone, or maybe i should have said i love you more.
Do not beat yourself up brethren, more then likely when this new high/thrill is gone, like clockwork she will be back.
Take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones. Do not be her security blanket. Im not saying she cant mature in the future and im not saying you two cant work it out but what im saying to you is i have seen this same situation and my homies have too and trust it made us better men and we all found women 10x better then what we think we had.
A lot of women(generally speaking) have the grass is greenier effect. You provided, took care of her needs, were attentive and pushed her to go for her dreams i bet.
But to her that became mundane and predictable and a new dude is giving her a challenge. Maybe is not as attentive or is a jerk and she sees that as a project, wants to throw the cape on and save him.
Its crucial, as much as it hurts, to step back and get right with yourself. Dont have any contact because i promise(i have been you, i said everything in your post) its like peeling a scab over and over and she will place your heart in a vice grip until she finds exactly what she is"looking"for. Take care of yourself, maintain your goals and paths and set your mind to something greater and dont block your blessings.
Sitting here worrying about her, is just that. promise this girl has not thought once about you.
You were someone before her and you will be someone after her. Dont let her drag your mental to hell because you will never have the sufficient answers. Yes you will have drawbacks or social media stalking moments(did that and that **** her like hell). But do your best to move on. Dont dwell on  past, trivial things. Take one day at a time and be thankful for the lessons and life you have ahead of you. Women will always be there, but your finances, family, mental health may not.
Keep your Head Up

On some Trill human being ****, if i'm ever in your city I got you and your wife for a nice dinner.
Met some chick at the club and got her number. Texted with her she seems cool and ima most likely set something up only thing is I dont remember what she looks like :lol:  
She could be in my face right now and I wouldnt know it was her lol.

I was kinda outta there that night but I remember her having a real pretty face.

What would yall do? 
I was kinda thinking just set something up and have her spot me, im kinda tall so it wouldn't be hard for her but idk

Ask her to send you a picture to save as a contacts photo ( obviously don't use those exact words)
i know this is going to be hard to listen to because your in the eye of the storm.

Move on and make a clean break. You did nothing wrong and it truly is her. When a woman can look you in the eye and say that exact line, she is seeing somebody else that see feels gives her a thrill. Everybody has been there and has heard that line. I know it feels like you are trying to conjur up everything you did wrong and you start questioning yourself.

Maybe if i did x,y,z or maybe if i had more of a back bone, or maybe i should have said i love you more.

Do not beat yourself up brethren, more then likely when this new high/thrill is gone, like clockwork she will be back.

Take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones. Do not be her security blanket. Im not saying she cant mature in the future and im not saying you two cant work it out but what im saying to you is i have seen this same situation and my homies have too and trust it made us better men and we all found women 10x better then what we think we had.

A lot of women(generally speaking) have the grass is greenier effect. You provided, took care of her needs, were attentive and pushed her to go for her dreams i bet.

But to her that became mundane and predictable and a new dude is giving her a challenge. Maybe is not as attentive or is a jerk and she sees that as a project, wants to throw the cape on and save him.

Its crucial, as much as it hurts, to step back and get right with yourself. Dont have any contact because i promise(i have been you, i said everything in your post) its like peeling a scab over and over and she will place your heart in a vice grip until she finds exactly what she is"looking"for. Take care of yourself, maintain your goals and paths and set your mind to something greater and dont block your blessings.

Sitting here worrying about her, is just that. promise this girl has not thought once about you.

You were someone before her and you will be someone after her. Dont let her drag your mental to hell because you will never have the sufficient answers. Yes you will have drawbacks or social media stalking moments(did that and that **** her like hell). But do your best to move on. Dont dwell on  past, trivial things. Take one day at a time and be thankful for the lessons and life you have ahead of you. Women will always be there, but your finances, family, mental health may not.

Keep your Head Up

I can confirm all this. This was all essentially what happened between my previous girl and I except rather than a single guy she was doing the entire town. 
 Acted shady for two weeks and when I finally confront her she just laid it all out and broke it off. Same night she posts on instagram with the hashtag "BTWImSingleLOL" and that same night she ended up sleeping with some dude down the street from me at a party. Girl's a mess though. Glad I got out right before she fell off. The stories I hear about her now are just down right tragic.

But 5 months later I met my current girl. Coming up on two years strong and she could very well be the one. Count your blessings @ai3mac1, she just did you a favor.
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Bout to go on this lunch with a co-worker. Mad attractive and once someone I thought would be out of my league (see out of my league thread) but I'm like F it.

She usually dresses down but the last two days, she's been on point rockin a pencil skirt and heels (we were supposed to go to lunch yesterday but she had to cancel). We'll see. Not expecting much but if she cool and I don't get this job in SJ then......:nerd:
i know this is going to be hard to listen to because your in the eye of the storm.

Move on and make a clean break. You did nothing wrong and it truly is her. When a woman can look you in the eye and say that exact line, she is seeing somebody else that see feels gives her a thrill. Everybody has been there and has heard that line. I know it feels like you are trying to conjur up everything you did wrong and you start questioning yourself.

Maybe if i did x,y,z or maybe if i had more of a back bone, or maybe i should have said i love you more.

Do not beat yourself up brethren, more then likely when this new high/thrill is gone, like clockwork she will be back.

Take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones. Do not be her security blanket. Im not saying she cant mature in the future and im not saying you two cant work it out but what im saying to you is i have seen this same situation and my homies have too and trust it made us better men and we all found women 10x better then what we think we had.

A lot of women(generally speaking) have the grass is greenier effect. You provided, took care of her needs, were attentive and pushed her to go for her dreams i bet.

But to her that became mundane and predictable and a new dude is giving her a challenge. Maybe is not as attentive or is a jerk and she sees that as a project, wants to throw the cape on and save him.

Its crucial, as much as it hurts, to step back and get right with yourself. Dont have any contact because i promise(i have been you, i said everything in your post) its like peeling a scab over and over and she will place your heart in a vice grip until she finds exactly what she is"looking"for. Take care of yourself, maintain your goals and paths and set your mind to something greater and dont block your blessings.

Sitting here worrying about her, is just that. promise this girl has not thought once about you.

You were someone before her and you will be someone after her. Dont let her drag your mental to hell because you will never have the sufficient answers. Yes you will have drawbacks or social media stalking moments(did that and that **** her like hell). But do your best to move on. Dont dwell on  past, trivial things. Take one day at a time and be thankful for the lessons and life you have ahead of you. Women will always be there, but your finances, family, mental health may not.

Keep your Head Up

That's real, respect
On some Trill human being ****, if i'm ever in your city I got you and your wife for a nice dinner.
I can confirm all this. This was all essentially what happened between my previous girl and I except rather than a single guy she was doing the entire town. 
 Acted shady for two weeks and when I finally confront her she just laid it all out and broke it off. Same night she posts on instagram with the hashtag "BTWImSingleLOL" and that same night she ended up sleeping with some dude down the street from me at a party. Girl's a mess though. Glad I got out right before she fell off. The stories I hear about her now are just down right tragic.

But 5 months later I met my current girl. Coming up on two years strong and she could very well be the one. Count your blessings @ai3mac1, she just did you a favor.
Thanks fellas

Grandma who's the 2nd most important lady in the world after my mum hasn't been in a good place the past few months too. Going to be a tough time but I'll be good 
Ok famb got a date with a chick i been out with two times before. She told me we gunna see jurassic world.

Im really trying to smash her this time since i havent the previous three

Gimme some tips that i can pull during the movie and tips in general to seduction

Put your hand on or near her thigh and see how she reacts.
Bout to go on this lunch with a co-worker. Mad attractive and once someone I thought would be out of my league (see out of my league thread) but I'm like F it.

She usually dresses down but the last two days, she's been on point rockin a pencil skirt and heels (we were supposed to go to lunch yesterday but she had to cancel). We'll see. Not expecting much but if she cool and I don't get this job in SJ then......:nerd:
yea don't think too much about it. Just don't talk with your mouth full haha
I put my hands between their legs close to the box when they are at the crib to see what her reaction will be.
If I paid for a date and don't end up smashing and I was feeling her, I end up feeling some type of way. :lol:
That's where I feel like I should have got an escort instead if I dropped that much bills on a woman that didn't give me the box
:lol: but the emotional connect ain't the same
Dat after-smashing cuddle>>>>>>
"I can't fuxk if there's no attachment, a night with you can be so relaxing" Dom Kennedy

Real talk.

I think I told y'all about that Jamaican chick I smashed in my car back in Feb. I honestly had no type of connection with her. She was throwing me the easy box so I just took it. After I hit, I had that Wiz Khalifa shrug gif reaction. Just didn't want anything to do with her after the fact.

if I just wanna smash and I already know she's easy, I'm reluctant to pay for a broad. I'm very frugal with my hard earned money, the hell do I wanna pay for a bird.

If I'm actually feeling her it's a bit different. I wouldn't mind paying for her, but I would have to know if our feelings are mutual.

If I paid for a date and don't end up smashing and I was feeling her, I end up feeling some type of way. :lol:

Really? I'm the complete opposite. If we agree it's going somewhere and are making plans for another meetup, I'd rather not smash first night.
I see where you're coming from. But I haven't felt that way about a woman in years. I rarely go on dates either, so I don't know that feel.

Stacking up>>>
Ok famb got a date with a chick i been out with two times before. She told me we gunna see jurassic world.

Im really trying to smash her this time since i havent the previous three

Gimme some tips that i can pull during the movie and tips in general to seduction

fam yall atleast kiss yet

light touching + kissing
Quick update:

So the ex calls me a couple of times (have her number deleted x set to auto ignore) and she needed to talk to me about something bad that went down in her family. We talk about it and I wish her the best on that. We had just agreed that previous Friday to not contact each other but whatever.

I shoot her a text saying congrats to the warriors and we started talking about that, cost of living in the bay and my upcoming interview. I then ask "so this is a one off type of night correct?" And she replies "yeah I guess [emoji]128532[/emoji]" and then apologizes. So we talk on the phone and I ask had I called you, would you had picked up and she said "I don't think so" so what followed was ANOTHER long conversation where she finally told me she's fallen out of love after I told her I still was.

Told her that I'll assume that you were going to wish me a happy birthday next month so there's no need for you contact me, thanked her for the information and hung up. 11
#NT be setting a lot of you dudes up for failure..... 

one thing I've learned over the years is to stop trying to analyze people 

a lot of y'all group girls into buckets .... as if personalities are standard and there are only so many of them 

women are not created NBA2K players with only 20 different head choices 

a person could be treating you some way or doing what they're doing for a number of reasons 

how can y'all size up a person based on a ONE SIDED narrative of something as complex as a relationship ... no one knows ANYTHING about the other person aside from what the poster says, which could be false, inaccurate, etc etc.... 

dude a few pages back summed up his relationship and was told that his girl was cheating on him..... could that be the case? sure.... but to say it's definite is a bit unfair 

maybe the ***** is boring and she wants to FIND someone that isn't

people go through things and they don't always involve someone of the opposite sex ... I broke up with my daughters mother because there was no excitement .... I didn't have someone else.... but I just knew I couldn't spend life like this..... why keep wasting each other's time 
Some people just want an anonymous way to speak on their relationship with a general view. No one saying the advice is A1 
Some people just want an anonymous way to speak on their relationship with a general view. No one saying the advice is A1 

Bingo. Plus, most of the time, people are just venting and people who may have went through the same thing and can pitch in their two cents.
I understand the vents and the replies...

but a lot of the replies are presented as gospel

co-signed and approved as A1 

It's because we're humans, and contrary to belief, we're not as unique and different as we seem to think.

No disrespect but it's not like we group all females in to a certain group, but if the denominator has been the same for multple dudes situation then the answer is most likely to be .............X Y Z.............

yea there are different scenarios but not too many.
we may not be 100% right but without some of that advice from someone else who has been through it, you may not even questions things like (is she cheating, does she have alternatives, different motives.)

This at least gives people a sort of..........way to be prepared for worst case scenarios. not really trying to scare any one though
It's just different views, different opinions from strangers on a message board. No one's preaching, how anyone takes the posts is on them. I'm certain it's all treated with a grain of salt, you're running off with your own thoughts.
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