TAY: thread about yambs...

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Me and my girl split up its been like two weeks

She obviously still has feelings for me and I still have some to

Would it be foul if I laid with some other chick?

I still wanna get back with her tho
It wouldn't be foul if you're cool with the idea of her doing the same..

i was in this situation a couple months ago... bailed on all potential yambs because i wanted to get back together and wanted to strike before she laid with another guy.
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this is the last thing ima say..man I acted like a straight ***** last weekend smh at my behavior I cant believe I did that
So...... I gave the girl who lives across the hall from me my number Monday on the first day of the semester. she texts me like 30 minutes later. I havent called or text her yet because i wasnt sure about what i wanted to do. what should my next move be? FYI shes 20 if that matter
So...... I gave the girl who lives across the hall from me my number Monday on the first day of the semester. she texts me like 30 minutes later. I havent called or text her yet because i wasnt sure about what i wanted to do. what should my next move be? FYI shes 20 if that matter
So she texted you the same day you gave her your number, and you haven't responded for 3 days? Am I reading that correctly?
So...... I gave the girl who lives across the hall from me my number Monday on the first day of the semester. she texts me like 30 minutes later. I havent called or text her yet because i wasnt sure about what i wanted to do. what should my next move be? FYI shes 20 if that matter
Tell her you just want to be friends and have no intentions of smanging. Be sure to mention your friend from back home, Tyrone, that is attracted to females with similar characteristics as her. Tell her that you will always be there for her; especially, when other dudes break her heart and she wants to cry on your shoulder. Tell her you don't find her attractive and want to concentrate on your grades this semester. Tell her you are a member of NT and that you asked this question in regards to the other chick that lives across from you. Tell her all of this. 
tryna go a different route w/ the old yamb...

So she texted you the same day you gave her your number, and you haven't responded for 3 days? Am I reading that correctly?
yea i guess when you look at it like that.
Please respond...
the convo went like this:

Her: warm bed yayy(she was going tanning)

Me: Vanessa?

Her: lol yea

Me: oh alrite ima save ur number.

her: kk

havent talked  or texted her since. I really wasnt sure what to do next, so i was like f it ill just continue like casual acquaintances how we were b4 i had her number. So NT brethren what should my next move be?? continue to disregard or pursue??? not really sure
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Zakarot must be trolling
nah bro ITS ALL TRUE. i used to see her at my school gym when i would go in the morning at 6. i noticed she lived on my floor, so one day i seen her walking towards a bus stop to catch a bus back to were we lived. i followed her(no creep) and when we got in the elevator i sparked up conversation. that happened like the last couple of weeks of first semester. the first day of second semester i randomly seen her on campus and we went to Target together. i gave her my number (like i usually do with females
) she texted me right away, so i figured she wanted to give me her number so she sent a joking text. everything i posted is true. what should be next move be? i havent text/called her yet because im still clueless and what to do next.
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nah bro ITS ALL TRUE. i used to see her at my school gym when i would go in the morning at 6. i noticed she lived on my floor, so one day i seen her walking towards a bus stop to catch a bus back to were we lived. i followed her(no creep) and when we got in the elevator i sparked up conversation. that happened like the last couple of weeks of first semester. the first day of second semester i randomly seen her on campus and we went to Target together. i gave her my number (like i usually do with females
) she texted me right away, so i figured she wanted to give me her number so she sent a joking text. everything i posted is true. what should be next move be? i havent text/called her yet because im still clueless and what to do next.

Just text her man, talk to her, see where things so. There's no "go-to move." She's just another girl, talk to her.
Zakarot must be trolling
nah bro ITS ALL TRUE. i used to see her at my school gym when i would go in the morning at 6. i noticed she lived on my floor, so one day i seen her walking towards a bus stop to catch a bus back to were we lived. i followed her(no creep) and when we got in the elevator i sparked up conversation. that happened like the last couple of weeks of first semester. the first day of second semester i randomly seen her on campus and we went to Target together. i gave her my number (like i usually do with females
) she texted me right away, so i figured she wanted to give me her number so she sent a joking text. everything i posted is true. what should be next move be? i havent text/called her yet because im still clueless and what to do next.

Don't text her next. Call her, make small talk, say something clever to make her laugh, then be like, "So I'm going to blah blah this Saturday. You should come, or (would you like to come with me?)" Either way, make it seem like you're going regardless if she says yes or not. Boom! You're welcome. Make sure it's a day activity.
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Don't text her next. Call her, make small talk, say something clever to make her laugh, then be like, "So I'm going to blah blah this Saturday. You should come, or (would you like to come with me?)" Either way, make it seem like you're going regardless if she says yes or not. Boom! You're welcome. Make sure it's a day activity.
thats the thing i have no idea where to take her. i go to school in chicago and i know theres a lot of stuff to do, but im not from chicago so i dont really know what to do if that makes sense. i was thinking about inviting her to my room or seeing if she just wanted to hang out.
So she texted you the same day you gave her your number, and you haven't responded for 3 days? Am I reading that correctly?
yea i guess when you look at it like that.
Please respond...
the convo went like this:

Her: warm bed yayy(she was going tanning)
Me: Vanessa?
Her: lol yea
Me: oh alrite ima save ur number.
her: kk

havent talked  or texted her since. I really wasnt sure what to do next, so i was like f it ill just continue like casual acquaintances how we were b4 i had her number. So NT brethren what should my next move be?? continue to disregard or pursue??? not really sure

You know you're in college right? she threw p at you.
so tell her exactly that. that you're not too familiar with the area, maybe she'll show u around.

its the ******g weekend, go to some party with her, dance, drink, take her back, make a move.
Don't text her next. Call her, make small talk, say something clever to make her laugh, then be like, "So I'm going to blah blah this Saturday. You should come, or (would you like to come with me?)" Either way, make it seem like you're going regardless if she says yes or not. Boom! You're welcome. Make sure it's a day activity.
thats the thing i have no idea where to take her. i go to school in chicago and i know theres a lot of stuff to do, but im not from chicago so i dont really know what to do if that makes sense. i was thinking about inviting her to my room or seeing if she just wanted to hang out.

Do your research, homie. Go to an outdoor festival, museum, anything. If you text her to "hang out" that has fail written all over it. That's the most beta thing you can do. Don't say I didn't warn you.
thats the thing i have no idea where to take her. i go to school in chicago and i know theres a lot of stuff to do, but im not from chicago so i dont really know what to do if that makes sense. i was thinking about inviting her to my room or seeing if she just wanted to hang out.

Dude smh! What school? Im born and raised in CHI so I can try to give you some suggestions....

But seriously though you need to contact that chick, noone is going to send a joking text if they dont want convo, if she was just giving you her number she wouldve sent "Heres my number, -Yamb" or something lol
Zakarot, you already sound like a bad date. Listen to the advice or prepare to chalk this one up in the loss column. At least it will be a learning experience for you.
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