TAY: thread about yambs...

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2 diff ones in a day, smh :smh: I been moving slow. I dunno if I have the desire for more than that at this stage, I'm not less horny, just more controlled. Come up off those mother/daughter stories though.
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On the family tip I've hit younger sister, older sister, older sister friends , cousins, and their younger aunt without me knowing they were all related . Needless to say when I found out I had the weebay gif going on for ten minutes
Yeah that's why I shared that cuz it was when I was a teenager

If you know anyone from Chicago ask them about CVS its literally 1 of if not the biggest highschools in the world it used to be a air plane hangar/army base in other words a hoasis

I started in class of 9k freshmen 6k sophmores 4k jr's and 1k sr's
I stayed 2 blocks away from school so yambs were always willing to come over before/during/after school so I never needed a car it was easy access bcuz she didn't have to travel that far

So it became a game between me and the some of my guys I was like 3rd or 4th everytime we took the challenge so I'm no type of legend lol but thanks for the compliment I only won once and that was when I did the 6 but my man Kens record was 13 that fool was so sweet with the game 1 time he banged a teacher and then 1 of our guys mothers he proved he banged teach by stealing 1 of her shoes and proved he bang our guy mom by showing us her bra we didn't know it was her bra but when he pulled it out the dude start crying and trying to fight Ken so its safe to say it was true

Like its been stated before our game got heavily seasoned bcuz back then we had to actually approach chics

that particular game started out as who could get the most numbers at the mall then lead to yambs

So yeah fellas stay strap and don't ruin your good yrs chasing around a crumb snatcher use it wisely

On another note I heard my man mention viagra and something else I never heard of but will probably try

viagra meh I took a few times with some remy I didn't like the way it controlled you so I stop messing with it cialis didn't do nothing yohimbine not sure if spelled right but its all natural and works wonders just take it slow like half a tab a whole pill is like shooting caffeine in yo veins and will have you shaking like a leaf on a windy day lol

Haha, I can believe this 100%
Born and raised in CHI and my bro graduated from CVS
With new yambs do you guys bring up being tested convo or just go for it and hope for the best, obviously one night deals that's out of the question but someone consistent that's a convo I imagine needs to happen

Quality yambs at Walmart usually are in the store between 4-8 , I shoulda of clarified ratchet yambs is 24-7 or when ever their shift is off
You not lying at all rrlegend. Id say 3-7, but that's about the same. 9pm is like the scraps and roadkill :lol:
Only have that convo with gf's. Otherwise don't plan to go raw although it does happen.

too early imo..based off the theory.
truth... But at the same time, people tend to break out of work early on Fridays...

I know a chick that goes hard from 8-6 m-r...

On Friday, she dips out at 2...

She also is 26... And has a dog... And lives by herself ...

the story isn't that exciting imo..I met the mother going dolo one night to this bar by my school..I was 20 at the time but I told the mother and her friend's today is my 21'st bday....so they bought me a couple rounds of beer and they asked If I wanted to come to a party with them..I obliged and we went to this super ratchet party in some dude parents basement..the dude is like a well known dboy in my college town but he stays with his parents he's 30 somethin lol...so im down there just chillin with the mother talkin to her..then after the party was over we went to this diner around this time its 2 in the morning she buys me some pancakes and thats when I met the daughter..the daughter is a fake lesbian..but at the time I met her she claimed up and down to be forreal about it..her girlfriend was with her at the diner...after we left the diner she made sure her daughter made it home safely since she had been drinking and she began to take me back to my dorm..I told her I dont wanna go back to campus and she said ok and we went back to her crib...She told me to get comfortable while she takes a shower and puts her night clothes on..I went straight to the kitchen and ate the rest of her kfc leftovers lol..when she got out the shower I went back to her room and told her im sleeping in here she said ok and the rest was history..after I hit she dropped me back off at my dorm

I hit the mother in october of 2010 the daughter didnt come around till I say late january/early february of 2011..I forget how we linked up..I think she sent me a friend request on fb and she said she wanted to chill..so one night I tell her come to my dorm she comes around 3 and brings her friend with her so my roomate could talk to her..they were fakin that night so they had to leave lol..later that week she came over and we smashed...she was my fb for about 2months till she started to catch feelings asking me to nut in her w/o a rubber..I did smash raw a few times tho...t

I regret smashing them because the mom was stalking me for a while..she had a picture on her fb of me saying "This is what they make in Cleveland mmm mmmm mmm"..I had girls from my campus asking me how did I know her :smh:..the picture she took wasn't from my fb though..she was stalking my dad's page and got the pic...I had to get rid of her asap..she sent me a friend request a while back I accepted to see that she befriended one of my high school friends on there..she sends me messages every once a while asking how ive been...The daughter hates me with a passion I guess because I smashed her, her mom, her friend, and got head by another friend lmao..everytime I attempt to talk to her her and she hits me with the tmac face x >:....when we were messing around I asked her once how she felt about me smashing her and her mom she said these exact words "Its my body I **** whoever I want"....last time I saw her was in november of 2012 she was back with her girlfriend but her mom told me a few months ago she is pregnant...and thats the mom/daughter story
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Yeah that's why I shared that cuz it was when I was a teenager

If you know anyone from Chicago ask them about CVS its literally 1 of if not the biggest highschools in the world it used to be a air plane hangar/army base in other words a hoasis

Yeah the V was full of thots. Got dome when I was in 8th grade from a sophmore chick... I was at Hoyne at the time.
:smh: one of my homegirls saw the pic too lol.. I was in a rut..I was quick to tell her she's just a friend I met at the bar lol
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this girl told me to follow her on twitter. Im feeling hesitant about it. What if her friends see my mentions
Before I can make a redemption post about a houex i spoke on earlier, she burns me again b. Even the ones that seem nice are coniving.
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