TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Welcome welcome Jeff...

Warren - nice vids homie...

Edit: Even though I didnt see a single pair of my shoes in there... SMH
adobo, great idea, I love it. especially since as the thread gets older, some of the older pics may eventually be moved or taken down from their respective servers, so it's as if you're preserving them. nice! kinda painful to watch though, sooo much heat in there...
adob0-those slide shows are ill
What up Fam!!

B - sick pick of the pattas....seeing it caused all kinds of emotions

Adob0 - very dope slideshows, i love all those 95 pics. what's the deal with the last pair in the 1st vid? the 360's with the camo upper and red accents? 

Gooey - you know it

Jon - damn i'd love to get those TN's for that price

Mitch - thanks for the pics, i need those blk/neon and blk/yellow(or orange) AM1's

Rico - i was too comfortable with the 2 HOA's i have.....but i need a QS to beat into the ground so i can keep the other 2 alive as long as possible.
Ray - thanks for the pics, that marina blue looks good. time to revamp some designs with that color in mind.
Jeff - 09's

Mic - very dope

no AM's pickups....but...

i was thinking last night about how to customize a forefoot swoosh onto a shoe and then i started thinking: how dope would it be if they did a jeweled swoosh as the forefoot i got an image of a jeweled swoosh and photoshopped it into two of my pics to see what it would look like. (also test running my first ever "mayhem" tag in the vio pic.....thoughts?)
Justin -  Jewel forefoot swoosh's would be pretty dope.  Regarding your tag, I honestly thought you threw a bunch of swoosh's together at first glance.  I was thinking, "Yep, this dude is high."  Then, I took another look, and . . .


those marina blue & orange iDs back there are hella fresh.

adob0 - good work on the slideshows.

jeff - welcome. v. nice '09s. i've been meaning to iD a pair or 2 but the price is ridiculous in the UK.

haha, dope tag on the pic, J.

got a great heads up that may turn out to be a pretty slick acquisition...  will post more info when the deal is signed sealed and delivered. 

G - dope 87s man I was browsing your flickr earlier and saw those.  a little while back an OG pair of those went for pretty cheap in a 10.5, I didn't even know they were retroed.  very nice.  here's the auction for the OG's, at least I think they are the same shoe.  the blue on yours looks brighter.  og 87's
Originally Posted by spacej23

I honestly thought you threw a bunch of swoosh's together at first glance.  I was thinking, "Yep, this dude is high."

Tyler....that's good though, i wanted a "swoosh mayhem" and that's what the final product looked like. when i first saw it i had the same response as you

i'm was going to use the "M" as the everyday tag and once in a while use the whole thing. we'll see..

Cris - wow that's a really dope tag
...takes a hot poop all over mine
......i thought it would be pretty easy to do a tag but damn that's some serious work. especially without illustrator.
G - very dope EU's
Denver - thanks, and goodluck with the new acquistion....i wonder what it is....
Justin -
  It's all good.  I think if you clean it up a little, it'll look super dope.

Cris1 -  I like your swoosh tag as well.

Gooey - 

Mic -  Dope Safari's and Infra's.

adobo -  Where are my manners?!  Great video compilation!

denverairforce wrote:

got a great heads up that may turn out to be a pretty slick acquisition...  will post more info when the deal is signed sealed and delivered. 

Brian-  You've really been luckin out with he pick-ups lately.  Can't wait to see what you have coming!
Do you have either box I mentioned.....or a pic to re-make a label?
FAM: Anyone????

Justin-  Love the tag!  Love the jewel idea.....LOVE the Vios!!

  I have had ZERO luck lately with finding AM's.  Been on the hunt for a good 8-10 pairs too. 

Cris- Great tags as well.  Love the digi-camo one.

Oh, and BJ, that picture is just straight beautiful.  Congrats on the set!  Can't wait to see the updated one with the Maroons.

Have a great night FAM!!!!


I don't have either box label, however, if we start with a similar label (which you and I have plenty of), I could probably make it work if you know the official colorway and how the colors are abbreviated on the label... that's a bit of a stretch, but we could even just make the colorway "sfty orng-white-mdm grey" or whatever and I think it would look good. hit me up if you want, I'll be working on some label stuff in the next few weeks as an on-going project anyway, I'd be happy to work on something for you.
Thanks Brian! I found one out of 3 labels I need, and I've hit up some people about one of the other two.
I'm going to keep trying to get pix of those two cause I'd really rather have the "factory" numbers and wording
on the new labels. My OCD will feel better that way. The 98 Bursts may be tough though.
I know a bunch of FAM have the Safety Orange Bursts; I'm sure somebody will come through with a pic.
Gotta be at least one OG box left out there. LOL

Thanks again for the help. Hopefully I'll be hittin ya up shortly.
gooey =

mayhem that tag is sick, imo you should definitely keep it

cris i like your swoosh tags too both are pretty dope
Andrew - Dan just posted a pic of the red/white/greys on the FB page, maybe he has OG box? hit him up... I feel ya, I'd prefer to have OG labels, but some stuff I have is downright impossible, like the air max 94s white/dark pine (found out the official colorway thanks to Oli), 96 tailwinds with the canyon gold bubbles, 94 structures with the red and blue accents... on those I'll just have to make do, and thanks to Jake, I have something to work with (thanks Jake!). but anything from this millennium shouldn't be as difficult to locate. good luck!
B - your killin it with the patta set
nice IDs everyone....
...and i am liking that bw/95 coming up...cant wait.

these today after work.

been a while since i wore these.
Thanks for the kind words fellas

Drew - wish i could help but i don't have anything u requested.
Eorr - definitely sticking with it, a lot of work went into it and i love it.

back to work.....
Thanks anyway Justin! 

Brian-  Ya, you've got some there that would be about impossible to find.  Gotta love it though!!

EDIT:  Found the Safety Orange Pair / Pic.  Just need the 98 red & wht Bursts now.

Dan- Where you @ ?
Thanks for the love, everybody!
Jeweled swoosh...the gears are turning...
Damn, so much going on in this thread.
Cris - ID's are really dope, homie.  
AMFAM Por Vida! lol
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