Tell Something Interesting About yourself Vol. I never would have guessed!

Originally Posted by hawtsauce

i used to steal lunch every day in high school, and im well off. private high school.

Kleptomaniac ?
I hate dogs with the exception of Brocka Flocka
Anne Hathaway>>>>All other females
I like the Pistons
Make bad grades
Got teary eyed when Diego Sanchez lost to BJ Penn
Ever since I could talk I used to lie about being allergic to chocolate so at parties parents would bring me vanilla items instead.
-I can actually sing and dance fairly well.

-Don't know how to ride a bike or draw a straight line.

-I kind of have OCD concerning the English language.
i have vitaligo (same thing MJ had)
im left handed
im in love with my bestfriends sister
orphan at 9. now 23 though.
know too many useless things or randomness
ain't eaten mcdonalds since like a good 10+ years
never been in a fight
have gold that was purchased at lowest point of 94/96ish thats doubled now for some rainy day type +++#
from 16-19, 3 cars 4 years: 86 4door corolla, 90 audi v8, 8:nerd:r90 volvo 240dl
never had gf, but have dated $*+$$
I used to be a professional Halo 2 player (semi I guess
)...just grewout of it though and now the dude I used to clown for sucking and play with all the time just won 100k on the national mlg tournament
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