that Syrian Civil War is NO JOKE VOL. over 1300 dead after alleged Nerve gas attack

I'm glad the UN is fighting it. Iran is promising to rain hell on Israel if there's a strike. We are not ready for that.

People over here acting like sending a message on incomplete information is worth destabilizing the entire region
I love how people in our government have openly admitted they don't know who is responsible for this but are still trying extra hard to get some confrontation going. Like legit admitting they have no evidence. Its not even surprising to me either. :smh:

I'm glad the UN is fighting it. Iran is promising to rain hell on Israel if there's a strike. We are not ready for that.

It's crazy, Government is trying so hard it's not even funny. What happened to all the anti-war people when Bush Jr. was in office?
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^ Ehhhh. I dunno. I think the intel is there. Pretty sure they know who did what.

A critical piece of the intelligence, officials said, is an intercepted telephone call between Syrian military officials, one of whom seems to suggest that the chemical weapons attack was more devastating than was intended. “It sounds like he thinks this was a small operation that got out of control,” one intelligence official said.

Call me an optimist but I don't think a room with the President, Chuck Hagel, the Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice and other intelligence officials would initiate a strike just b/c. This isn't the previous administration, folks.

But w/ that being said I don't think we'll do anything.
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^ Ehhhh. I dunno. I think the intel is there. Pretty sure they know who did what.

Call me an optimist but I don't think a room with the President, Chuck Hagel, the Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice and other intelligence officials would initiate a strike just b/c. This isn't the previous administration, folks.

But w/ that being said I don't think we'll do anything.

Folks are itching for a conspiracy, and it's a shame that they are more concerned with discovering that than correcting human rights violations not only in Syria but across the globe.
^ Ehhhh. I dunno. I think the intel is there. Pretty sure they know who did what.

Call me an optimist but I don't think a room with the President, Chuck Hagel, the Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice and other intelligence officials would initiate a strike just b/c. This isn't the previous administration, folks.

But w/ that being said I don't think we'll do anything.

Folks are itching for a conspiracy, and it's a shame that they are more concerned with discovering that than correcting human rights violations not only in Syria but across the globe.

military strikes based on suspicion =/= correcting rights violations
^ Ehhhh. I dunno. I think the intel is there. Pretty sure they know who did what.

Call me an optimist but I don't think a room with the President, Chuck Hagel, the Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice and other intelligence officials would initiate a strike just b/c. This isn't the previous administration, folks.

But w/ that being said I don't think we'll do anything.

So what was Libya? Or that support throwing in Egypt? How did that one turn out? Funny how people change their tunes when "their guy" is calling the shots. US has no business there and needs to leave the region all together. If these people want to kill themselves, let em have at it. We got so many problems here at home we need to fix first.
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military strikes based on suspicion =/= correcting rights violations

If the military strikes help prevent/stop the human rights violations then I am all for it. As much as I do not trust the government it's time to step out of the boogey man syndrome that being a sympathizer of anon has you in.
So what was Libya? Or that support throwing in Egypt? How did that one turn out? Funny how people change their tunes when "their guy" is calling the shots. US has no business there and needs to leave the region all together. If these people want to kill themselves, let em have at it. We got so many problems here at home we need to fix first.

I'm generally with this. I'm no Republican but I like Ron Paul's beliefs as far as foreign policy. We wouldn't have so many enemies if we weren't in everyone's ****. Did that start with the Eisenhower Doctrine?
military strikes based on suspicion =/= correcting rights violations

If the military strikes help prevent/stop the human rights violations then I am all for it. As much as I do not trust the government it's time to step out of the boogey man syndrome that being a sympathizer of anon has you in.

Not as much boogey man syndrome as "we are not the world police" mindset. Every place that our military goes turns to ****.

Other countries are backing away from this. But here we are reading new stories every few hours about the US wanting to plow forward regardless of who agrees.

Of course we should solve human rights issues. But that just smells like an excuse to arm more rebels to topple a leader. See Libya, Angola. It just seems like more money spent, more destabilization, and a great way to start trouble we don't need.
Not as much boogey man syndrome as "we are not the world police" mindset. Every place that our military goes turns to ****.

Other countries are backing away from this. But here we are reading new stories every few hours about the US wanting to plow forward regardless of who agrees.

Of course we should solve human rights issues. But that just smells like an excuse to arm more rebels to topple a leader. See Libya, Angola. It just seems like more money spent, more destabilization, and a great way to start trouble we don't need.

True and I understand the logic behind your stance, but what are we to do? Become isolationists again? I do not think that the government is looking for an excuse to arm rebels aka create another Afghanistan, if anything I think they are doing the exact opposite as they know damn well the American public is simply not having any parts of another senseless war. I think you and others are jumping the gun on the conspiracy theories or being toooo wary of our involvement in Syria, as stated this is not the previous administration and for once I feel like we are taking the correct steps.
Why should we not be wary? You're right, this is not the previous administration but its getting harder and harder to see a difference.

The CIA is clearly running the show anyway.
View media item 559649

Can't say I disagree with anything Assad's son posted.

Syria is the only secular country left in the ME. Syria, Iran, SA, Egypt, Jordan all hate what is called al-CIAda al-Qaeda, but SA, Jordan, and other Muslim controlled countries dont want secular Syria around. So essentially the US is fighting with al-Qaeda in it motive to remove Assad, meanwhile the US is bombing about a dozen countries in the attempt to "dismantle" al-Qaeda. On top of it, it would actually benefit the US for Assad and his secular govt to remain in power to stabilize the region. But because the OPEC puppet masters in SA want him removed (which they wont publicly say), the US will do something. F-U-B-A-R
Can't say I disagree.
Can't say I disagree with anything Assad's son posted.

Syria is the only secular country left in the ME. Syria, Iran, SA, Egypt, Jordan all hate what is called al-CIAda al-Qaeda, but SA, Jordan, and other Muslim controlled countries dont want secular Syria around. So essentially the US is fighting with al-Qaeda in it motive to remove Assad, meanwhile the US is bombing about a dozen countries in the attempt to "dismantle" al-Qaeda. On top of it, it would actually benefit the US for Assad and his secular govt to remain in power to stabilize the region. But because the OPEC puppet masters in SA want him removed (which they wont publicly say), the US will do something. F-U-B-A-R
So yall agree that me, and the rest of our countries servicemen are "cowards with new technology"?
So yall agree that me, and the rest of our countries servicemen are "cowards with new technology"?

I respect dudes who have a passion to serve but I've encountered soooooo many bum military dudes who joined because they have no purpose in life and can't find another job, yet think they are holier than thou walking around like they are lurking terrorist and they work in the kitchen or some crap lol
So yall agree that me, and the rest of our countries servicemen are "cowards with new technology"?

I respect dudes who have a passion to serve but I've encountered soooooo many bum military dudes who joined because they have no purpose in life and can't find another job, yet think they are holier than thou walking around like they are lurking terrorist and they work in the kitchen or some crap lol

So how does those few instances equate to the rest of us being "cowards"
So yall agree that me, and the rest of our countries servicemen are "cowards with new technology"?

Yup. The soldiers in the US military are trained not to ask questions and are robbed of emotional consequence of their actions. Perfect example of this, is your eagerness to be shipped to a sandbox for a reason that even your commanders do not know of such purpose. The US military and intelligence wants no business as seen and . The context of Assad's son is quite simple. A US invasion has no purpose to the soldiers, on the other hand the Syrian soldiers (and probably guerrillas) will fight to the death because you just invaded their land for occupation and killing their family members in the process. The media wants us to believe that their a "humanitarian" effort in some sick and twisted way to justify a US's actions, and the military trains you and your colleagues to believe that some how people half way around the world are a threat to your or my way of life. This view isn't not directed towards you, it towards your commanders who "do what they are told", "follow orders", and "I'm just doing my job".

The gripe that the ME has with the US isnt with the people of this country, their gripe is with the US government. The media and the government do a fantastic job by trying personalize a conflict in order to gather support. This government has perfected psychological warfare on its own people.'s like 8 parts. Shhhh is REAL over thereEdit: vids are VERY graphic
Watched 5 minutes of it and its crazy, thank god we don't have to go through issues like this on an everyday basis. That doctor is a amazing though, he's helping people even though he fear his own life, I was shook when they shot rockets at the hospital and also of that lil girl with her intestines hanging. 
So yall agree that me, and the rest of our countries servicemen are "cowards with new technology"?

Yup. The soldiers in the US military are trained not to ask questions and are robbed of emotional consequence of their actions. Perfect example of this, is your eagerness to be shipped to a sandbox for a reason that even your commanders do not know of such purpose. The US military and intelligence wants no business as seen and . The context of Assad's son is quite simple. A US invasion has no purpose to the soldiers, on the other hand the Syrian soldiers (and probably guerrillas) will fight to the death because you just invaded their land for occupation and killing their family members in the process. The media wants us to believe that their a "humanitarian" effort in some sick and twisted way to justify a US's actions, and the military trains you and your colleagues to believe that some how people half way around the world are a threat to your or my way of life. This view isn't not directed towards you, it towards your commanders who "do what they are told", "follow orders", and "I'm just doing my job".

The gripe that the ME has with the US isnt with the people of this country, their gripe is with the US government. The media and the government do a fantastic job by trying personalize a conflict in order to gather support. This government has perfected psychological warfare on its own people.
nothing that you just stated equates to hundreds of thousand of people that you've never met being "cowards".  I know that I'm nothing of the sort.  People join with the expectation to follow orders.  Thats what it is, and thats why the military works.  You can't just not do something because you dont want to.  If that was how it worked, nobody would have stormed the beach on DDay.

And humanitarian missions?  I've been on several of them, I've posted the details in here.  But I guess when most of your info comes from the internet, as opposed to experience, you might not see it.
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