that Syrian Civil War is NO JOKE VOL. over 1300 dead after alleged Nerve gas attack

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values". It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting their possession of "weapons of mass destruction".
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The faster they destroy their own planes the faster we'll win the air war. Last time there was an air war was in what, the gulf war? These pilots will finally get some air to air combat. Maybe theyll finally use the F35
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As of July 2012 Syria has close to 23 million people. That's less than the population of Texas, now imagine Congress does approve going to war (which will be amazing if they do), is it honestly going to be a challenge to us? It's literally like target practice, and other countries wouldn't opt for war so quickly. A WW3 on our hands, lets be civilized NT, aint no way in hell the U.N or these other world peace organizations going to let that happen. Russia vs USA, when France and Britain backed out for sensible thinking. Obama's not a bad guy, but the decisions this man is pushing for are just not smart. Let's look at the domestic problems before the foreign, isn't that what he was focused on anyway?
As of July 2012 Syria has close to 23 million people. That's less than the population of Texas, now imagine Congress does approve going to war (which will be amazing if they do), is it honestly going to be a challenge to us? It's literally like target practice, and other countries wouldn't opt for war so quickly. A WW3 on our hands, lets be civilized NT, aint no way in hell the U.N or these other world peace organizations going to let that happen. Russia vs USA, when France and Britain backed out for sensible thinking. Obama's not a bad guy, but the decisions this man is pushing for are just not smart. Let's look at the domestic problems before the foreign, isn't that what he was focused on anyway?

A dictator used chemical weapons on his people, which goes against numerous international treaties. Something has to be done. And the U.S. as the most powerful country in the world, has to lead the charge. Politics aside, it's the right thing to do.

Good speech.
As of July 2012 Syria has close to 23 million people. That's less than the population of Texas, now imagine Congress does approve going to war (which will be amazing if they do), is it honestly going to be a challenge to us? It's literally like target practice, and other countries wouldn't opt for war so quickly. A WW3 on our hands, lets be civilized NT, aint no way in hell the U.N or these other world peace organizations going to let that happen. Russia vs USA, when France and Britain backed out for sensible thinking. Obama's not a bad guy, but the decisions this man is pushing for are just not smart. Let's look at the domestic problems before the foreign, isn't that what he was focused on anyway?

A dictator used chemical weapons on his people, which goes against numerous international treaties. Something has to be done. [COLOR=#red]And the U.S. as the most powerful country in the world, has to lead the charge.[/COLOR] Politics aside, it's the right thing to do.

No the hell we don't.

In your own words: "A dictator used chemical weapons on his people, which goes against numerous international treaties."

The word worth focusing on, here, is "international."

International alludes to multiple countries. That said, why must the U.S consistently take a vanguardian position in matters that should involve the entire international community, from a moral and political standpoint? Is the international community not also responsible for maintaining peace and order in the world?

...and you can all the "most powerful country" talk, because frankly, that's about as legitimate as the American dream.

China is one hell of a powerful country, as is Russia, as is Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Additionally, I am sure these particular countries and many more had a hand in drafting the treaties against chemical weapon use, so why do they get to chill at home, effectively shoring up their resources (man power, technology, military, finances, etc) while we waste our resources--win or lose--in various global pockets?


We REALLY do have domestic issues that should take precedence over this, imo. For once, let the international community lead the charge. And if for some reason no country is willing to dispose of a Syrian tyrant as he continuously disposes of his people, then let it be noted in the annals of history that on this day, it was revealed that the international community was a body comprised of hypocrites and furthermore, on this day, the international community was an accessory to genocide.

If they (the international community) care so much, then LET THEIR ACTIONS pave the way for the fall of this Syrian despot.

No the hell we don't.

In your own words: "A dictator used chemical weapons on his people, which goes against numerous international treaties."

The word worth focusing on, here, is "international."

International alludes to multiple countries. That said, why must the U.S consistently take a vanguardian position in matters that should involve the entire international community, from a moral and political standpoint? Is the international community not also responsible for maintaining peace and order in the world?

...and you can all the "most powerful country" talk, because frankly, that's about as legitimate as the American dream.

China is one hell of a powerful country, as is Russia, as is Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Additionally, I am sure these particular countries and many more had a hand in drafting the treaties against chemical weapon use, so why do they get to chill at home, effectively shoring up their resources (man power, technology, military, finances, etc) while we waste our resources--win or lose--in various global pockets?


We REALLY do have domestic issues that should take precedence over this, imo. For once, let the international community lead the charge. And if for some reason no country is willing to dispose of a Syrian tyrant as he continuously disposes of his people, then let it be noted in the annals of history that on this day, it was revealed that the international community was a body comprised of hypocrites and furthermore, on this day, the international community was an accessory to genocide.

If they (the international community) care so much, then LET THEIR ACTIONS pave the way for the fall of this Syrian despot.



Even though they may be flying older aircraft, these jets still cost around quarter 100 million dollars.

Plus with all the anti-air, radar, satellite and drone equipment out there nowadays, it seems like a plane wouln't be able to get that close.

As far as suicide bombers on the ground, the us is not proposing a boots on the ground attack. Now we already know the 3 letter clique guys are more than likely on the ground and been there since the initial attack happened....(which everyone seems to be forgetting happened a while ago...first allegations were in March)

What has the world been looking at since March????

Now if you had trillions invested in satellite and star wars programs, would you seriously be worried about someone in this?


And yes this jet is still in service

that plane :lol: :lol: :lol:

all right I see the point you guys are making after the explanation. it's just weird to me that people online talking about seem not worried at all but we have generals and important people around the world pumping the brakes early on this whole situation.

I like that you mentioned the alphabet boys though. CIA fingerprints all over this one.

:smh: :smh:

I fully believe after the air strikes prove to be a monumental failure we will see our troops on the ground over there. you don't just strike a country with missiles and walk away like "okay you learned your lesson, play nice".

I'm about to be fit as hell. all cardio everything if gas hits +$6/gal.
history is repeating itself as the era of western command is on its decline.
This is what happens when people vote for Republicans and Democrats. Barack Obama is George Bush 2.0 (Both are war criminals and should have been impeached). His latest effort to get Congressional approval is a farce. It's all rhetoric at this point.

Enough with the never-ending wars in the middle east and putting our young men and women in danger for what end? Oil? Spreading the democracy that America itself only half-practices?

No to this war and let's bring our troops in the middle east back home.
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command =/= to cultural influence (especially with modern media). i was not talking about months or years. the patern of us lead western politics resembles the path of earlier kingdoms/empires. this might not be the best example but a good example is the rise and fall of the nazi empire. it contained all elements of the rise and fall of any major superpower that has or will ever exist. the west has reached its potential and is to secure its position for years to come. destabilisation of certain regions could slow down the rise of other countries. it happend to be the middle eastern for the time being (actually two birds with one stone as this will also be a good thing for israel). strategic destabilisation of a region containing >1 billion people (>40% aged
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China is one hell of a powerful country, as is Russia, as is Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Additionally, I am sure these particular countries and many more had a hand in drafting the treaties against chemical weapon use, so why do they get to chill at home, effectively shoring up their resources (man power, technology, military, finances, etc) while we waste our resources--win or lose--in various global pockets?

Bullies gonna bully. It's almost an expectation at this point.
As of July 2012 Syria has close to 23 million people. That's less than the population of Texas, now imagine Congress does approve going to war (which will be amazing if they do), is it honestly going to be a challenge to us? It's literally like target practice, and other countries wouldn't opt for war so quickly. A WW3 on our hands, lets be civilized NT, aint no way in hell the U.N or these other world peace organizations going to let that happen. Russia vs USA, when France and Britain backed out for sensible thinking. Obama's not a bad guy, but the decisions this man is pushing for are just not smart. Let's look at the domestic problems before the foreign, isn't that what he was focused on anyway?

A dictator used chemical weapons on his people, which goes against numerous international treaties. Something has to be done. And the U.S. as the most powerful country in the world, has to lead the charge. Politics aside, it's the right thing to do.

Let's keep in mind, just because the U.N disagrees doesn't mean we won't go to war. The UN can disagree all they want, the hell are they going to do?

to the second dude in the quote. The U.S as the most powerful country in the world has to remain the most powerful country in the world. We must help ourselves before we help others. Let's keep working at our economy, education, and power. If were afraid of the influences and "powder Keg" of the middle east if you may, attacking it before it spreads is not the way to go about it. Remember, that didn't exactly work out after WWII, when we fought alongside one of our biggest fears in the years to come.

Hell, technically we're still at war with Vietnam.
This is what happens when people vote for Republicans and Democrats. Barack Obama is George Bush 2.0 (Both are war criminals and should have been impeached). His latest effort to get Congressional approval is a farce. It's all rhetoric at this point.

Enough with the never-ending wars in the middle east and putting our young men and women in danger for what end? Oil? Spreading the democracy that America itself only half-practices?

No to this war and let's bring our troops in the middle east back home.
No, go away. We all want to go to Syria.  I'm hoping I get to go by the end of the year, should be fun!
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