The 10,000 Post Club Appreciation

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Aug 10, 2003
feels good to be in the 5 digit club... it was a long time coming but I was able to persevere and get it done... reflecting back on this great accomplishment i can say i had fun during this time whether it was growing as a person or seeing NT evolve through the years... I wanted to do something big like share my collection but im just to lazy to do all that... I will post it up sometime but this appreciation post should be good for now... share your stories of when you hit 5 digits :pimp:
I'll be satisfied when I hit the $10,000 club. **** posts bruh, I'm about that dough
Back during the ezboard days it took a while to hit 10,000+ with the post limits. Now it's no hard at all.
LOL @ 1k posts per month.

33 posts a day, I don't even know what to say.
lol this topic again. When you're sitting at work waiting for appointments to arrive what would you do? After 3-4pm I'm not in here anymore. Just a good way to pass the time. Ya get on your Facebook, twitter, blah blah blah.... I don't have any of that.
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