The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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NBA Legion ‏
After being traded to the Celtics yesterday, Nate Robison has officially been bought out.
This Northeast Ohio, baby. We hit rock-bottom before we see the top..
admirable attitude... but history says...

Im jus kidding man. Yall deserve a chip already just for having so much heart. I just hate lebron so its hard to root for yall

Thanks b. I appreciate the modesty, the turmoil we're in is just part of how this goes. I can write a book on things that need to be fixed with the Cavs, but I won't even go there. Too early for that.
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There are just so many things going against the Cavs right now

#1. They haven't been heathy all year long. Losing Andy was gigantic and LeBron missing 2 weeks was horrible as well. Not sure how many games the Big 3 have played together but they were 18-11 at one point and are 1-9 since :x ... Shump will be big when he is ready to go. Mosgov and Smith have been good signs. They just need more time to gel.

#2. Blatt is adjusting to the NBA. Patience with the man is needed. He is struggling horrible with rotations though.

#3. They keep making roster changes and while they look great on paper they have little to no practice time together. That is not good for a team like this that is struggling. Not like the NFL they don't have a bye week to re-coup.

#4 Kyrie and Kevin Love are proving they are not winners at this level yet... There is no reason to lose these games in blowout fashion when you have this much talent on the floor. Bosh and Wade were able to hold their own whenever Bron missed a game, and as of right now Kyrie/Love are not proving they can survive when called upon.

#5 They get the best out of each team they play. Every team gets more pumped to play against Bron.. I know I know they should understand this...

#6 They have HORRIFIC team defense. It's honestly a joke at this point.

I'm not ready to panic or anything just yet, but 19-20 after 39 games is something that no one expected not even the biggest Cavs haters.

We shall see what happens.
[h1]  [/h1]
[h1]That Time Cleveland Released 1.5 Million Balloons and Chaos Ensued[/h1]

[h4]Jordan Kushins[/h4]ProfileFollow

Jordan Kushins
Filed to: BALLOONS
4/22/14 9:00am


Balloons! They're fun, delightfully whimsical environmental disasters. And in 1986, a mass balloon release in Cleveland went really, really wrong, when 1.5 million helium-filled floaters were let loose into the sky, got caught in a storm, drifted down to earth, and caused a hell of a lot of problems.


The whole crazy scheme—known as Balloonfest '86—was a fundraising effort organized by the United Way, an attempt to break the world record for biggest simultaneous launch. Disneyland's 30th Birthday, the year before in Anaheim, was the previous champion.

[Check out our web chat with Balloonfest '86 project manager Tom Holowach in Kinja, here]

Thousands of volunteers worked a full night and morning in a fenced-in area covered with a loose net "ceiling" in the central Public Square. Before the big tah-dah, the scene had evolved to look like some kind of writhing, oversized ball-pit monster; when inclement weather threatened the timing, the decision was made to let 'er rip.


For a while, it was an incredible display. Photographer Thom Sheridan  captured the surreal event on film, and the images are unbelievable—somehow equal parts genuinely heart-lifting expression of wonder, horror-film urban infestation, and terrifying unidentifiable civic explosion.




Then the "asteroid field" of airborne debris clouded the sky, shut down a runway at a local airport, interrupted Coast Guard attempts to rescue a pair of fisherman, spooked some prize-winning horses, and generally made a mess of un-biodegradable [edit: apparently the balloons were biodegradable, fwiw!]  garbage on land.


Check out this news clip from the day after.

Did anyone out there in Kinja-land actually see this in person?  gathered some great eye-witness accounts a few years back, and for those of us who weren't there, Sheridan's pics are a wonderful testament to good intentions gone wrong. [Viral Forest]
Cleveland earned Legend status when I found out about this.
I was being conceived in Brooklyn, NY during that balloon fiasco - so I have no relations to that event at all :lol:

Pretty crazy though. I just learned about that a few months ago myself...heard it was the craziest thing to look at while it ensued...but the after effects were horrible :lol:..
Cleveland fans, what are your realistic expectations for the rest of the year? First round playoff exit, conference finals, nba finals appearance? This team is struggling more than I thought they would and I don't know how they fix it going forward.
Lucky for Cleveland they are not in the West, so they still have plenty of time to figure things out. If they can get it together by mid-March and play a month's worth of excellent basketball, they have a great shot at the Finals. I'm sure they are far less concerned with their overall record and more so with becoming a cohesive unit. If they are still hovering around .500 come mid-March, I think people should panic. So, I'll give it another month or so.
Cleveland fans, what are your realistic expectations for the rest of the year? First round playoff exit, conference finals, nba finals appearance? This team is struggling more than I thought they would and I don't know how they fix it going forward.
Conference Finals
Cleveland better make it to the finals after all that Lebron homecoming crap was stapled to our TVs

I know Lebron said it'll take a while but still...
Arash Markazi ‏@ArashMarkazi · 11h11 hours ago
Dahntay Jones is joining the Clippers on a 10-day deal after scoring 30 points tonight for the Fort Wayne Mad Ants.

Now this doesn't seem like a bad guy for the Clippers to take a chance on. Could provide some wing defensive help.
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