The Asian Flush: Does anyone have it?

Mar 25, 2010
It's a condition that effects mainly Asians. I'm Chinese and when I drink alcohol my face turns red and I develop blood shot eyes. My heart rate increases and I basically get drunk quicker. I can not handle my liquor as much as my friends who does not have the Asian Flush. It has something to deal with the enzyme in your liver that breaks down the alcohol. I do not develop enough of the enzyme. Does anyone have this? It not just effects Asians but other races as well such as Irish, Germans etc.  I found somewhat of a cure for this. I take a 150MG Zantac about one hour before I go out drinking and it reduces the redness on my face 50% and I'm able to drink somewhat more alcohol but the redness is still there though. The condition is rather embarrassing and everytime I go out drinking I pace myself.  Does anyone here have it or know someone who has it?
I remember that big post from a while ago. funny stuff
I'm not sure about it being correlated to being a lightweight. Thats more of a tolerance thing. My pops (Filipino), gets flushed easy, but he can drink for hours.
Myself, I rarely test my limits, but I'm happy I don't get the glow when I do.
yeah i get flushed easily even with a little alcohol. it doesn't help that i'm fairer skinned than the average filipino.
i dont have it but my bro and my dad do. one sip of wine and they light up like christmas lights. my pops looks almost purple with one glass.
yep, i'm white though and i get it...sometimes anyway...solution to the redness: a couple pepcid A/C's before u start.
I got part asian in me but I dun get the blood shot eyes and flushes.....I even drove through a road block drunk cause I was the "designated driver"...
I have it and hate it.  When I was a freshman in college I drank so much that it actually went away.  Now that I don't drink I get the glow with one sip.  I'll stick with the
it wasn't so bad before, but ever since taking accutane sometimes even before drinking people think I'm smashed. (cause my skin's red, not cause I'm already drunk lol)
Use pepcid ac, instead of Zantax. Zantax mixed with alcohol is very dangerous. I remember during a keg party in college, my boys and I started snorting zantax on Saturday night. We woke up Tuesday morning with sharpie tags, teabagged, photos with hot girls dry humping us 
,  in the middle of a soccer field, on a roof of a dorm, at a Safeway bathroom, in the most random places.  
And to be honest, develop a tolerance, run and work out more. Guys with lower body fat and higher metabolism can down more alcohol than a bunch of fatties. 
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