THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

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What he said. Many people are saying that that scene might actually be an entrance to the Batcave in which Bane enters or exits. Again, those are all speculations but it does look more like the well than anything.
I doubt it's red hood, supposedly there's a classic comic book villain in the film also that hasn't been announced.
Wally Pfister said they're gonna try do as many scenes as possible with IMAX cameras. Only reason why they can't do an entire film in IMAX is the size of the camera (which makes them very tough to maneuver) and the noise (which makes scenes with heavy dialogue tough to shoot).
Originally Posted by Smyrthil

telling by this origin... Nolan can spin this storyline in so many ways...�
At work now, but I hope there are more of these origins about other characters
I mustve been sleeping under a rock...

This was my first time knowing and watching this short animated batman movie... its pretty good... Its worth watching
I kinda see why people in here thinking Red Hood could be in TDKR..

Nolan did a great job with his villains so far.. at this rate, he can make any villain great lol..

Originally Posted by RFX45

Ra almost destroyed the whole city of Gotham and released a bunch of prisoners/psychopaths and I don't think he was ever mentioned in TDK.
Looks like Ra will be a part of TDKR though in some way, probably a flashback.

And just to bring up some topics for discussions, people were assuming that the Lazarus Pit will bring Ra back but Nolan has made this series realistic so anything magical or supernatural just wouldn't fit. I mean it looks like he isn't even going to cgi Bane to be bigger so I really do hope/wish the Pit ins't included in this film.
To be fair the Joker and Scarecrow had much more exposure in comparison to Ras. That being said I am expecting another actor to play Joker.
Originally Posted by DubA169

i am looking to read a graphic novel with bane, can someone recommend me one?

Knightfall is where he breaks the bat, it's a good start. More of his backstory is explained in the secret six stuff, later in some of azreal's arc as well.
Originally Posted by DubA169

i am looking to read a graphic novel with bane, can someone recommend me one?
The origin story, The Vengeance of Bane is a good start. After re-reading it myself, I understand why Nolan would want to use him as the main antagonist.
Originally Posted by DubA169

i am looking to read a graphic novel with bane, can someone recommend me one?

Start with The Vengeance of Bane then move on to the Knightfall saga.
For those of you that read the comic books and watch the animated series, whose joker was more true to the character, heath's or jack's? 
Originally Posted by MrDozo

So who is this hugo strange robin williams is playing? Whats his story?
False info, Robin Williams isn't in the film.
That robin williams footage is from Nolan's Insomnia. 
And you can't have Red Hood because he is Batman's second robin, it wouldnt make sense to me since robin or other vigilantes are not mentioned/or exist in Nolan's version.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by MrDozo

So who is this hugo strange robin williams is playing? Whats his story?
False info, Robin Williams isn't in the film.

I did some research and found the trailer was a fake.
Originally Posted by zube42

Originally Posted by DubA169

i am looking to read a graphic novel with bane, can someone recommend me one?

Start with The Vengeance of Bane then move on to the Knightfall saga. Vengeance of Bane a regular comic book or a graphic novel? im trying to get it tonight after work, what should i be looking for.....meaning is there some other larger Batman graphic novel that includes The Vengeance of Bane in it, under a different name??
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

For those of you that read the comic books and watch the animated series, whose joker was more true to the character, heath's or jack's? 

Watching Jack as the Joker was okay but his character was far too reminiscent of the comedic, childish joker in the cartoons. Heath on the hand had a better version, he was more of criminal that Batman had never encountered before. Plus, he won an academy for this role too. 

Batman (1989) was horrible for me, this movie had batman killing goons like nothing.
Degenerate423 wrote:
For those of you that read the comic books and watch the animated series, whose joker was more true to the character, heath's or jack's? 

I honestly didn't like Heaths portrayal of the character.  Yes I said it...    Flame on.  
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