Originally Posted by GetThisMoney


Originally Posted by potus2028

That the same book that says a man parted a large body of water with a stick, some people built a tower halfway 2 heaven without the benefit of cranes and such, some chick got turned into salt 4 lookin backwards, some dude was the only man in the world with a boat (that could hold 2 of all the world's species) when the entire earth flooded, and a Jewish zombie who is his own father was sent down 2 remove a force present in humanity cuz a talkin hellsnake convinced a nekkid broad made from a dude's rib 2 eat a knowledge apple from a tree a long %+@ time ago? (Way 2 hold a grudge there, almighty...)

Makes perfect sense. This is clearly the end.

(Disclaimer: Not necessarily knockin believers, just sayin you should determine whether sumthin was a logical progression based on technology at hand before you start throwin out doom-and-gloom scenarios based on a book which says it's tellin the truth. I'm convinced some NTers just repeat popular opinion instead of findin out facts, and formulating their own.)

At least someone has some common sense.

Also, everyone on NT thinks they are oh-so-wise with their inane recycled conspiracy theories tied in with Biblical nonsense. It's like reading a badversion of the Da Vinci Code. Give it a rest. We don't need more posts about Freemasons, Zeitgeist, the world ending in 2012, etc.
The Phoenix? Dudes are madd late on this one. Broads on Craigslist been doing this for years. Except they like to call them "Roses" or"Hugs"
This shouldn't even be a thread. Not knockin' you OP. It's a great article. But we're all in denial if we think that the US will remainit's own until the end of time. The government is corrupt. Big spenders in this country and other countries will do what it takes to get more and moremoney in their pocket. I'm sure almost everyone here has heard the term "One World Government". Well, there you have it. Now it's justwritten out for the public.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

the end is near...the bible says that this is a sign of end times...1 world currency i for one am not happy
The bible never says anything about a one world currency signaling the end times. It talks about wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and such (seeMatthew 24:1-14), but nothing about a NWO or one world currency. Please stop writing this nonsense. If anything, it tells believers not to fear because timesare going to get worse, but all we can do is remain steadfast in our faith and wholeheartedly trust in God.
Originally Posted by spriigan8

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

the end is near...the bible says that this is a sign of end times...1 world currency i for one am not happy
The bible never says anything about a one world currency signaling the end times. It talks about wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and such (see Matthew 24:1-14), but nothing about a NWO or one world currency. Please stop writing this nonsense. If anything, it tells believers not to fear because times are going to get worse, but all we can do is remain steadfast in our faith and wholeheartedly trust in God.
Wouldn't a one world currency lead the way directly towards a one world government?
Honestly, I'd rather go in prepared and be wrong, than to go in unprepared and have them be right.

I'd rather be a man of the Lord than not, as well.

To each there own, but the one common thing that needs to be believed above all else by everyone is this:

The system IS failing.

And the fan is going to be hit with excrement alot sooner than later.

Call it the "Greater Depression".

On a bright note, Jordan will have to quit making crapshoes, because nobody will be able to afford some Hot Trash Fushions, unless they start excepting soup aspayment at Foot Locker.

Peace, Godspeed to you all.
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by corporateJP

Originally Posted by RDubb

so how would a world gov or world currency effect us? why do people look at it as such a evil thing? serious question, just wondering...

One step closer to a one-world dictatorship.

I'd get Biblical, but a few busters on here think that's gangster or something.
mark of the beast
RFID Chips in the wrist....not thats the mark of the beast...
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by potus2028

That the same book that says a man parted a large body of water with a stick, some people built a tower halfway 2 heaven without the benefit of cranes and such, some chick got turned into salt 4 lookin backwards, some dude was the only man in the world with a boat (that could hold 2 of all the world's species) when the entire earth flooded, and a Jewish zombie who is his own father was sent down 2 remove a force present in humanity cuz a talkin hellsnake convinced a nekkid broad made from a dude's rib 2 eat a knowledge apple from a tree a long %+@ time ago? (Way 2 hold a grudge there, almighty...)

Makes perfect sense. This is clearly the end.

(Disclaimer: Not necessarily knockin believers, just sayin you should determine whether sumthin was a logical progression based on technology at hand before you start throwin out doom-and-gloom scenarios based on a book which says it's tellin the truth. I'm convinced some NTers just repeat popular opinion instead of findin out facts, and formulating their own.)

At least someone has some common sense.

Also, everyone on NT thinks they are oh-so-wise with their inane recycled conspiracy theories tied in with Biblical nonsense. It's like reading a bad version of the Da Vinci Code. Give it a rest. We don't need more posts about Freemasons, Zeitgeist, the world ending in 2012, etc.
Why lump everything in together?
I know it's an easy way to discredit ideas/theories but just because someone believes that one world government is the end goal of certain elitesdoesn't mean that person also believes in the 2012 apocalypse, bible "revelations", UFO's , mason this or that....
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by potus2028

That the same book that says a man parted a large body of water with a stick, some people built a tower halfway 2 heaven without the benefit of cranes and such, some chick got turned into salt 4 lookin backwards, some dude was the only man in the world with a boat (that could hold 2 of all the world's species) when the entire earth flooded, and a Jewish zombie who is his own father was sent down 2 remove a force present in humanity cuz a talkin hellsnake convinced a nekkid broad made from a dude's rib 2 eat a knowledge apple from a tree a long %+@ time ago? (Way 2 hold a grudge there, almighty...)

Makes perfect sense. This is clearly the end.

(Disclaimer: Not necessarily knockin believers, just sayin you should determine whether sumthin was a logical progression based on technology at hand before you start throwin out doom-and-gloom scenarios based on a book which says it's tellin the truth. I'm convinced some NTers just repeat popular opinion instead of findin out facts, and formulating their own.)

At least someone has some common sense.

Also, everyone on NT thinks they are oh-so-wise with their inane recycled conspiracy theories tied in with Biblical nonsense. It's like reading a bad version of the Da Vinci Code. Give it a rest. We don't need more posts about Freemasons, Zeitgeist, the world ending in 2012, etc.
Why lump everything in together?
I know it's an easy way to discredit ideas/theories but just because someone believes that one world government is the end goal of certain elites doesn't mean that person also believes in the 2012 apocalypse, bible "revelations", UFO's , mason this or that....

Exactly, there is a lot more facts to back up some as opposed to the other. But when your mind is closed these #$+# could punch you in the face and you wouldstill deny them.
Originally Posted by corporateJP

Honestly, I'd rather go in prepared and be wrong, than to go in unprepared and have them be right.

I'd rather be a man of the Lord than not, as well.

To each there own, but the one common thing that needs to be believed above all else by everyone is this:

The system IS failing.

And the fan is going to be hit with excrement alot sooner than later.

Call it the "Greater Depression".

On a bright note, Jordan will have to quit making crapshoes, because nobody will be able to afford some Hot Trash Fushions, unless they start excepting soup as payment at Foot Locker.

Peace, Godspeed to you all.
this is def obvious sign of the times, the end def may be near, jus wonder who could really stay strong enough to resist this monetary system when its allthats left
Im not christian or that religious but what does everybody mean when they say "the end is near"? What are you expecting?

IMO I think everybody wants to believe that an end is near, why? I dont know. Maybe people are bored and want to seem something crazy happen? who knows, butpeople in past generations probably had the same thoughts of the second coming or what have you.
once 2012 passes they will re-write the bible.

IMO even if nothing happens by then...the religious community might just start another war that will end the world so that non-believers can't say I toldyou so.
i wonder who they will put on the money?
George Washington?
The Pope?
Marques Colston?
Raptor Jesus?
If they decide to do this, in all honesty there is nothing we can do about it. The Gov. has soo much power of us right now anyway.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

once 2012 passes they will re-write the bible.

IMO even if nothing happens by then...the religious community might just start another war that will end the world so that non-believers can't say I told you so.
For what? The Bible doesn't give a date.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Eventually their will be a world currency but that does not mean that others will die out. But I think it is coming, I know people hate this idea because they think it means they're will be a world government.

what's wrong with that? A unite people or humanity? It means that people are actually working together and putting aside the superficial differences thathas plagued mankind for thousands of year. Oh NOEZ!!!!
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Eventually their will be a world currency but that does not mean that others will die out. But I think it is coming, I know people hate this idea because they think it means they're will be a world government.

what's wrong with that? A unite people or humanity? It means that people are actually working together and putting aside the superficial differences that has plagued mankind for thousands of year. Oh NOEZ!!!!
Thats what satan wants people to think. Peace is not possible here. Its just a ploy.
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