The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

They planting the seeds for Devoe's wife to be an integral part of his downfall.

On a related note, she's bad af.



CW knows how to pick them :evil:
too bad gypsy's gone, she's a hottie.

what's her name again? got to follow her on IG.

so is devoe's wfe gonna go to team flash now?
For a split second this past episode I thought da young chick from da future was Joe’s & Cecile’s daughter. She kind of looks like Cecile.
I wasnt hyped but I did laugh trying to figure out which powers he was using to take on those guards.

Season should've had more of that. There needed to be a Devoe dragging Barry scene earlier own if they wanted to save this season.

Look at what the show has become now though, weird end of the seasons subplots; Caitlin having random repressed memories, pregnant mind reader acting like other ppl die to her powers and pregnancy, this melodrama of Barry and Cisco, a dumb Wells.
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