The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Prison Break Reunion.
looks like they're going back to prison
Or not.

Armored Car Break.
Damn these bad guys are lame. He looks like a fool walking around in a parka.

Hated their look. At least they acted relatively well.

Hated that the way to beat them was having them "cross swords" and hated how hard it was for Barry to get them to do :smh:

Don't know why but I also expected another Firestorm appearance in this.
the action in this show is terrible

out of the 50 times he ran past them trying to get them to cross swords why didnt he just punch them in the face

then he get hit by both beams for 5 seconds and it does nothing to him

this show makes arrow look like the dark knight 
Speed consistency is so bad.

He can leave his foster dad's home, pack, and be back with his bags in a second but he's not fast enough to disarm two regular people with guns lol

If it weren't for Iris, I would stop watching lol
Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield back together, and breaking out of prison again :smokin

Anyone catch the little fatty on Iris? :nerd:
Speed consistency is so bad.

He can leave his foster dad's home, pack, and be back with his bags in a second but he's not fast enough to disarm two regular people with guns lol

If it weren't for Iris, I would stop watching lol
and the bomb below the chair not killing them when they only fell like two feet away from it 

they showed him dodging mini gun fire from that drone at the start of the ep, watch him get punched in the face by a regular dude next week
That bomb under the chair save WAS SO DUMB!

I wanted that fool kid to be the one to die first off.

Such a lame little fire explosion. Like was that set up for regular ppl? Cuz no way that bothers the Flash :lol:

I forgot T-Bag was also on the show. They need to all team up, then bring along Sucre, Gretchen, Bellick, Mahone, and Don Self as the new villain alliance of Flash Rogues. The entire ep would have a bunch of nods and inside Prison Break jokes :lol:
Yeah that bomb under chair scene had some unintentional comedy.

Joe should've slapped that hot fire outta Cisco for rushing in like that.
:lol: at the action in this episode

Just knock them both out or grab those guns, they were in the open streets. Would have made more sense if they were in a more confined space and Cold freezes the floor or the entire room to slow him down but they were in the open. Or grab two of those cop shields that seems invulnerable, one in each arm/side, run towards them protected and then tackle/crash onto them or something.

I mean I can stretch the imagination and try to find logic on Barrys actions and plan toward his enemies but I can't even come up with one in this episode :rofl:
flash hasn't learned to run up behind people instead of attacking them from the front and get shot at.

Arrow has a bunch of spartacus actors so I guess this show wants to do it with prison break.
Speed consistency is so bad.

He can leave his foster dad's home, pack, and be back with his bags in a second but he's not fast enough to disarm two regular people with guns lol

If it weren't for Iris, I would stop watching lol
Been saying this since the Arrow fight.. Just makes no damn sense.

Dude achieved Mach 1 (over 700 MPH) yet he can still get tagged by a dude throwing a 20 MPH punch?

Writers gotta do better.

Lady is single handedly the only reason why I'm still watching lol

Just lazy all around with all the speed inconsistencies

And yea the flash arrow crossover event was something else.. Flash can go into a warehouse full of Arrow's armed enemies and have them all tied up in ten seconds but Arrow can keep up with the Flash hand to hand lol
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Are you guys new to comics or something? Heroes that have no business getting beat, get beat all the time. Barry running to his apartment and packing is more for comedic value rather than making sense.
Just because it happens in the comics doesn't make it less stupid on the tv show. People have said his villains are lame but the 2 in last night's episode were worse than lame.
Are you guys new to comics or something? Heroes that have no business getting beat, get beat all the time. Barry running to his apartment and packing is more for comedic value rather than making sense.
It's one thing to read it in a comic and feel disappointed it's a whole different thing to watch such lameness in a live action tv show or movie.

It's really bad here. Smallville was doing a much better job even though their crutch was having kryptonite show up damn near everywhere they needed Clark to be weak or take a L.
Are you guys new to comics or something? Heroes that have no business getting beat, get beat all the time. Barry running to his apartment and packing is more for comedic value rather than making sense.

When a character of superior power gets beat, I'd love it to be because of superior strategy and planning, not because of lazy writing

The villains could've done a lot of things that would've realistically made the job harder for the flash, like icing all surfaces to negate flash's foot speed, threaten the cops, have a lot of stuff burning to distract the flash, or have two of three hostages at the scene to keep him multitasking, etc.

They kept shooting at him and they kept missing, in all the time they kept missing flash should've disarmed them easily lol

I know I'm about 50 years too late, but Flash with his incredible power probably should've been written with a built in weakness like superman's krypton it to help keep things interesting and avoid running into writing problems when it comes to action.
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Show took a nosedive with this last episode. Seemed like something that came from the early 90's :smh:
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Pretty much the point I made in my first post of this thread. The Flash just isn't someone you can realistically keep a show running for.

90% of the time he loses to his Rogues Gallery is some plot induced stupidity gimmick that looks even worse on television than the comics.

At least Clark had to build up to his superpowers over multiple seasons in Smallville, Barry can already go 300 MPH from resting almost instantly. That alone is capable of bodying a majority of his rogues gallery with ease.

The show can only bank off foolishness for his enemies to be a threat, and I think thats what will eventually ruin it.
Andrew Kreisberg [emoji]10004[/emoji] @AJKreisberg

@armenvfx just showed us a little Grodd VFX in honor of @geoffjohns birthday and it blew our puny human minds! #groddlives #TheFlash
Anybody else get some sussboy tones from the Harrison/his protege conversation?
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