The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

after watching daredevil ... i'm sitting here like :stoneface: @ this filler bee/smallville bad guy of the week episode... 

don't care for the crossover episodes even though felicity would get it 

i also question the fact that my dude can see the reverse flash 

and iris would get w/ barry in a minute if she found out he was the flash ... so she giving my dude a hard time for no reason ... 

as usual ... 55 min of filler ... a couple mins of substance ... roll credits 
This ep was bad. Like really bad. Doesn't give me hope for that super team show they're planning if it's gonna be anything like this. I'm tired of these crossovers but I guess they're needed to pad the season.

Cisco having memories of an erased timeline makes no sense. None. Plus it doesn't even really add to anything. If they wanted him to be suspicious of Wells again or get on board with Barry so Caitlin is the only one doubting they could've just done it like they did it last time. If Cisco is having memories of that timeline then Iris should be too. Everyone really unless they're gonna reveal Cisco has some hidden ability to view multiple realities.

Then Iris focuses her annoying attitude towards Eddie cuz of secrets.

Yeah I didn't like this ep :smh:

As for Wells/Thawne I guess that preview for next week gives us the answer of what I was going back and forth on. He didn't have Wells memories and was acting completely different but apparently he didn't have enough family or friends for it to be a big deal (if they did he probably killed them). Only colleagues making note of it. Probably explained it away with the death of his wife.
Reducing the number of episodes would really help the show and its writers. cw needs that paper though. There aren't enough interesting villains to keep him busy for a full season. The previous episode with Mark Hamill, I didn't even pay attention to what I was watching.
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I think because they got the green light for 23 episodes on the first season, they scrambled to find a way to stretch out the story, I expect much better writing going forward seeing the feedback from viewers and fans. I just want to see the showdown between Barry and Wells! I assume they recover Wells somehow so they can keep him moving forward so I'm excited to see what happens.
If this actually leads to a story line where iris was just looking for a reason to leave eddie, then I'll allow it.
If this actually leads to a story line where iris was just looking for a reason to leave eddie, then I'll allow it.
Nah, not until the 3rd or 4th season I'd say. That's usually how CW writing works. Maybe they'll tease the idea of it and Eddie and Iris will have a huge fight or maybe if we see hints of Eddie becoming a bad guy. But it's all on Iris since she knows how Barry feels about her and isn't doing anything about it. 
Reducing the number of episodes would really help the show and its writers. cw needs that paper though. There aren't enough interesting villains to keep him busy for a full season. The previous episode with Mark Hamill, I didn't even pay attention to what I was watching.
Granted they don't have the same budget or leeway that a Showtime, AMC, HBO or FX would give them I don't know why the showrunner and writers don't make the best use of 22-25 eps they get in one season.

It is simple as hell to break the season in half and have two strong storytelling seasons over the course of one. It'd be like they filmed the 2nd season of DD with w/e the story will be for those 13 eps but just made it apart of the premiere season. Outline and write for 11 eps to start that'll have a beginning, middle, and end while have some subplots that'll carry over and then have another outline for 12 eps where you have another focus. It's sorta like 2 villains in a movie done right.

They could've had one over arcing bad guy in your face to start with while the plot of Wells being RF had a focus here and there. Just have two strong moving parts going at once.

Oh well. I've only seen a few basic channel tv shows pull it off and even they didn't do it consistently over multiple seasons.
first the luke skywalker reference then superman

this show is not subtle at all 
If this actually leads to a story line where iris was just looking for a reason to leave eddie, then I'll allow it.
Nah, not until the 3rd or 4th season I'd say. That's usually how CW writing works. Maybe they'll tease the idea of it and Eddie and Iris will have a huge fight or maybe if we see hints of Eddie becoming a bad guy. But it's all on Iris since she knows how Barry feels about her and isn't doing anything about it. 

Watching the clark and lana thing on smallville was like a form of torture. So annoying. Then she got with lex and I was like wth is going on.
after watching daredevil ... i'm sitting here like :stoneface: @ this filler bee/smallville bad guy of the week episode... 

don't care for the crossover episodes even though felicity would get it 

i also question the fact that my dude can see the reverse flash 

and iris would get w/ barry in a minute if she found out he was the flash ... so she giving my dude a hard time for no reason ... 

as usual ... 55 min of filler ... a couple mins of substance ... roll credits 
Exact same thoughts going through my head as I peeped the latest episode.

They created a ridiculous amount of hype for Wells which I felt justified the break...... Then we get this.

Don't even care to discuss the episode it was so weak. Happy I got the first 4 episodes of GoT season 5 to make up for it.
You aren't going to get 23 full throttle episodes, that is so unrealistic of an expectation. The storyline moved forward, everyone that needs to be in the know about Wells are now in the know and things will begin to unravel more in the upcoming weeks.

Also question where was it ever stated that the alternative timeline ceased to exist? My theory and I could be completely far off was that Cisco had a case of Deja Vu. Maybe the two timelines still exist. He only realized things from the other timeline because there was a trigger to recall the memory. I'm sure at some point in the near future there will be a trigger for Iris too where she remembers all of her feelings for Barry and his revelation.
You aren't going to get 23 full throttle episodes, that is so unrealistic of an expectation. The storyline moved forward, everyone that needs to be in the know about Wells are now in the know and things will begin to unravel more in the upcoming weeks.

Also question where was it ever stated that the alternative timeline ceased to exist? My theory and I could be completely far off was that Cisco had a case of Deja Vu. Maybe the two timelines still exist. He only realized things from the other timeline because there was a trigger to recall the memory. I'm sure at some point in the near future there will be a trigger for Iris too where she remembers all of her feelings for Barry and his revelation.

I hope they at least try to put some semi sound logic behind it. Maybe wells will explain it.

Time out what if wells has his own flashbacks. [emoji]128064[/emoji]
I hope they at least try to put some semi sound logic behind it. Maybe wells will explain it.

Time out what if wells has his own flashbacks. [emoji]128064[/emoji]
He wouldn't be able to act on it until he knew if the other people remembered, Barry probably isn't fast enough to purposely move through time yet, if Wells came out and revealed himself, he'd be stuck in this time forever. But that being said, he probably remembers everything already
Also question where was it ever stated that the alternative timeline ceased to exist?trigger to recall the memory.

I'm sure at some point in the near future there will be a trigger for Iris too where she remembers all of her feelings for Barry and his revelation.

It was never stated. The show has given zero explanation for how time travel works outside of wells saying it's dangerous to mess with. So any theory is valid at this point.

I'm hoping iris has been having the flashbacks already to help explain the stupidity of her beef with her bf. that would be a nice explanation.
When you get a chance go to Google Translate and type in Eobard Thawne from Spanish to English :smokin
Yah it's more of a google trick and not exactly word for word translation. I think it started on Reddit?

Pretty cool nonetheless.
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