The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

This some season finale penultimate episode type shhh. Great ep.

Incompetent police raise their ugly heads again. You following a person and they know it. You have a presence in the place she's at why would you stop there? Why not at least have two other guys in uniform watching the place and another pair watching the back? Who just goes following a key person in a serial killing and kidnapping case with only two ppl when you have so many ppl on hand? Especially after all that suspicious **** Carroll had his lawyer do? Madness.
The potential is there for this show to be be on another level but it is handicapped by weak writing. You always have to suspend belief when watching entertainment, but it comes to a point when its just too much. I hope those 3 lovers get offed in the next episode by anyone even if one of them contracted severe poison ivy when they ran through the woods or had too much country side water that was contaminated by mercury. And I hope they don't drag the farm standoff over multiple episodes.

Lastly I will be laughing if KB finally rescues the kid and then he finds out the mother basically gave herself to Joes following. :smh: :lol: Thus continuing the neverending saga of KB rescues.
Loving This Show So Far. This Show Has My Attention More Than Walking Dead... All my buddies clowned on this show at work. I made them watch the pilot episode now their hooked. 

Tonights episode was nuts. Disappointed the mom fell for that trap... smh.
Stupid Mom.

You could of at least told KB.

Why wouldn't you at least tell him? Who the hell is going to know that you told him? I mean really... :smh:
Joe sure gets a lot of priveledges for a dude murking the country. :lol:

Hey, let's let him see the lawyer that's missing 2 fingers because of him so she can give out his message and start the next phase of nutjobs to do something truly terrible. :rofl:

Man, beat the living tar out of dude, put him in iso, and do your FBI **** with every single person that every stepped in that prison to speak with him. Track them all down clue by clue without him triggering more events to screw you over you idiots. :lol:

:stoneface: At them 3 wakin up all happy together. How she walkin the next mornin tho? Or how they? Nevermind.

Let's hope they get clipped soon. I still seen 2 zero in's on Iceman, I still think he's a plot reveal to end season 1 or somethin.

Get the kid, lose the mom. This is the FBI. :lol:

Regardless, great episode, back on track after a slow week, and we see proof that there are more crazies going to join the party soon.
Loved the episode. But here's the thing guys...

I want to see Joe really OUTTHINK the FBI when he gets what he wants. Not be given help by the FBIs stupidity.

I mean c'mon. You give him a book to read after he just took 2 eye balls out of a girls head. A book that is one of his favorites. A book that he will use to send more messages out to the followers.

Then you let him use a lawyer that represented him 2 years ago... That clearly is sending messages for him.
That clearly has some history with him.
That clearly has helped him with his recent killings in one form or another with her previous actions.

And then to top it all off you have old man Morgan Freeman watching over a woman who is the ex-wife of the most dangerous serial killer in America. Just him? No other FBI agents work today? Oh they on vacation? Only 1 pair of eyes watching her and she pulls a Barry Sanders and jukes 89
Year old Morgan easily out of a restaurant.

I love the show.
I know things can't be fully realistic for entertainment.

But for once I would love to see the most powerful agency in the country actually not look stupid SO OFTEN in a television show.

You really think Obama and company would be giving a dude like Joe books to read after be just tore girls apart? :rofl: You think the Prez would be cool with him having legal representation from a lady he's already had a connection with, who is obviously suspicious and looks to be helping him with press conference messages? :rofl:

You think Barack would be down with everyone giving Joe the serial killer a back massage and making life comfortable for him in his jail cell while he continues to order murders? Might as well give him a cell phone while you're at it...because you're clearly not stopping him from sending out his next orders to kill. Why not just make it easier?

**** you might as well give the guy a 4th generation iPad to enjoy some high definition CSI Miami with a beautiful retina screen while he's chillin and getting his butt kissed by the police.

Sheesh. Love the show, but hate the stupidity.

Make his life a living hell for gods sakes. You really gonna follow the constitution that strictly for a dude that's ******g with your whole country and making everyone look like a joke? Don't torture if you don't want to but at least stop treating him like a guest when he's meant to be treated like a monster.
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The writing is beyond poor for this show...but it's SOOOOO entertaining!
I'm pretty sure there were more than just one FBI agent at the house :lol: Parker just wanted that specific agent to follow Claire.
I mean, she was so tricky tho, she pushed the bathroom door open, then ran out the back door and closed it quick. He even went back there to check on if she duped him, how could he keep up with that type of smarts? :lol:

Thankfully he told the other agent to finish his meal rather than having someone else to look out outside or somewhere feasible. That smart man in prison is too much for these deep thinkers.
At least those were 3 good episodes.

This show got so stupid so fast, but it aint dumber than most network shows I guess.

It just jumped straight from that 1st season of 24 realness to that 4th season "**** thought, let's stack bodies." :lol:
At least those were 3 good episodes.

This show got so stupid so fast, but it aint dumber than most network shows I guess.

It just jumped straight from that 1st season of 24 realness to that 4th season "**** thought, let's stack bodies." :lol:

Yea but that 4th season was still bad *** as hell :lol:
Trust, that and the 5th season were straight crack. All-time hype tv.

I'm just sayin, if they're gonna say **** thought...enough of this Kim Bauer type nonsense. Stack bodies. :lol:
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When They had Joe in the interrogation room with Ryan or that female agent... they would have it on camera and audio they would be watching outside.. but when the lawyer comes in.. it stops? shes visiting him not representing him... or am i missing something smh. 
I would've made her pee with me in the stall. I don't want to be responsible for losing her.

I like how Hardy got stuck with the lamest cop in that farm town :smh:.

That lawyer is shook like crazy. I assume a lawyer would tell someone about how a prisoner had someone cut off two of her fingers but I guess not. I don't even see lawyers this scared of mafia members they put away on other tv shows.

Carroll is running a decent sized terrorist organization, he even has sleeper cells ready at any moment.
:lol: It's probably the deputy female cop. She seemed suspicious to me but then it'd make no sense that Carroll managed to have a follower in that particular police force in that area seeing as the current situation was not planned at all.

:rofl: @ if the old Marshall is a follower.
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