Bad part is country music fans just as hot about that pink ranger cowboy outfit.

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This could be an unpopular opinion, but I wouldn't put it past Diddy to be an 'insider' too. Grammy ratings have been steadily declining and his 'speech' has generated a fair amount of buzz for the show.

I think nawghtyhare nawghtyhare and wr wr alluded to it, but what is Puffy's endgame over here? 'Acceptance' from the super, wealthy people that run the show? If it's fame, fortune and wealth he definitely has it.


Their end game is to be the new black civil rights leaders since they've maxed out all they can do I the entertainment industry.
blame aftermath for killing the source

also, the source fell off at the end....lost all its respect
I could care less about the Grammy's, the awards typically do not represent artists that I listen to on a regular basis. I just keep it moving...
Yeah, the coooooon awards aren't much better.

I miss the days of the Source awards and Source magazine before they got corrupt and went defunct.
ok but the source was started by a white Jewish kid
David mays
Why are we picking and choosing
When we call something cooooooning
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