Get Spencer back and they'll be fine up front as long as everyone stays healthy.. Selvie played reasonably well tonight.
I thought Selvie played very well tonight. If he's our third DE im pleased with that, he can spell Spencer and Ware.

Claiborne has to get his act together.
Selvie played very well IMO, DL looked good so if spencer can get going soon and get something out of jay Ratliff DL well be legit all year.

DB's as a whole have to get it together this year

I could of swore the theme of the offseason was to be more balance on offense?
at the risk of being called a "hater", wanted to share some observations and see what yall think.

the defense was really opportunistic, trying to strip ball carriers. got pressure at times, and then wasn't able to get any pressure at all sometimes.

what i thought was most alarming was the times the giants actually did score, they did it crazy fast:

3 plays 80 yards 1:05
8 plays 80 yards 3:11
7 plays 90 yards 3:23
9 plays 80 yards 1:39

the first was the broken coverage to cruz, and the last was garbage time while playing prevent defense, but was there anything yall noticed on the middle two drives as to why the giants scored so easily?

also, gotta do a better job of turning points into turnovers. yall forced 3 on their first 3 drives and only had 6 points.

good win guys

That's not hate, that's a good question.

It's the blind hate that gets me. I know people will hate on Dallas, I personally hate on the other really popular sports teams, Duke, Lakers , Alabama etc. But I won't hate blindly. These dude's try to turn everything into a negative and never give credit. Then try to call out anyone who's positive as 'delusional' or 'biased' when that's exactly what they're doing. Everyone else can be happy about their first win but Dallas fans shouldn't because they only won by 5 after alot of turnovers?

How many times you hear "Man the Giants suck. They only won by 4 because of Dezs pinky after Romo threw 4 picks and they had a 23-0 lead :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ?" last year after their w in Dallas? That mess is only said about Dallas.

Saints fans can be happy when they only won because Matt Ryans RB dropped a touchdown? Seahawks fans can be happy winning by 5 after the Panthers only scored one TD? Pats fans can be happy when they only won on a last second field goal against the Bills? Jets fans can be happy when they only won because of a dumb penalty?

Teams always win "only because" of various reasons. What matters is the final scoreboard. If the scrip was flipped ans,and Dallas had 6 turnovers and lost the same way there would've been endless Romo memes and forecasts of doom and gloom for Dallas. I mean honestly, think about how NT/Twitter /Espn would be right now if that was the Cowboys with the turnovers. Promise you won't hear about this game from the Giants perspective after their next game. People still bring up Romo's game In Chicago.

Dudes act like when we win we can't get excited or we predicting Superbowl victories. Find me one Dallas fan on here that said Superbowl after that W. Seahawks, Lions, Vikings fans saying we've been mediocre for the last decade plus when they wish they could've had some of the success we've had in our history? How you going to call my team mediocre because of 15 years when your team has been mediocre for 60+? It's ridiculous

That's hate. Your question was just a question. Wish others took the approach you just did. Repped.

I'm not worried about the O. The D won't force 6 turnovers every game and the O won't play that bad. Waters comes next week. That's a huge boost to an Oline that actually played good for the most part, excluding the guy Waters will be playing. Plus Dez won't b held to 20 yards zero TDs every game. A better push in the Oline and Dez cooking = forcing more Turnovers into Touchdowns and more points scored overall.

I'm not a Defensive coordinator so I'm not going to act like I know what was wrong with the D. But from what I've heard the Tampa 2 is all about bending but not breaking. Teams will walk up the field fast when there's no pass rush. But with one of the greatest pass rushers of all time in d Ware and with another good pass rusher in Spencer coming back I'm not going to stress over that too much. One Td drive by them was essentially garbage time and another saw an absolutely horrible angle taken by a Vet safety like you said. Obviously we don't know how those drives would've turned put if it wasn't for those happenings but I'm fine with two quick scoring drives by the opposition if the scheme allowing that also can consistently force turnovers.

I do now the D stopped them twice in the end zone including a goal line stand that started at the one. They also came up with a clutch stop and then a T.O-Touchdown to win the game. This D is only going to get better as the team gets healthy and guys get more accustomed to playing in the system.

I mean, I think everyone would agree that Romo wasn't himself because of that hit, Dez was schemed out of the game and that the O played bad. With all that being the case we still had the second highest scoring game of the week.

I like that.
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We all know from watching this team the last couple seasons, there is no such thing as an easy win, ever!

For the first time in a long time, we have a defense that can pick up the slack for the offense, and it showed tonight. The defense won this game, hands down.

Callahan has some growing to do as a coordinator. The offense was sloppy tonight, starting with Romo. He just never got into a good groove. We need to commit to the run more, that simple. Also need to switch out RB's more. If we're gonna keep 4 of em, then bring in Randle for a couple plays.

But, when it's all said done, a win is win, right!

This offense still has a problem with stupid penalties, and the defense tired out in the 2nd half. We need Spencer to come back soon, and hopefully Ratliff can be back week 7. The lack of DL depth showed in the second half as the pressure just wasn't there.

But enough criticism! We finally defended home field, and I could even hear the crowd for some parts of the game! 1-0, feels good.
at the risk of being called a "hater", wanted to share some observations and see what yall think.

the defense was really opportunistic, trying to strip ball carriers. got pressure at times, and then wasn't able to get any pressure at all sometimes.

what i thought was most alarming was the times the giants actually did score, they did it crazy fast:

3 plays 80 yards 1:05
8 plays 80 yards 3:11
7 plays 90 yards 3:23
9 plays 80 yards 1:39

the first was the broken coverage to cruz, and the last was garbage time while playing prevent defense, but was there anything yall noticed on the middle two drives as to why the giants scored so easily?

also, gotta do a better job of turning points into turnovers. yall forced 3 on their first 3 drives and only had 6 points.

good win guys

Offense always starts slow for most teams at the beginning of the season.
Giants are a quick strike offense. Good speed at every skill position.
Looking forward to playing the Chiefs next week.
at the risk of being called a "hater", wanted to share some observations and see what yall think.

the defense was really opportunistic, trying to strip ball carriers. got pressure at times, and then wasn't able to get any pressure at all sometimes.

what i thought was most alarming was the times the giants actually did score, they did it crazy fast:

3 plays 80 yards 1:05
8 plays 80 yards 3:11
7 plays 90 yards 3:23
9 plays 80 yards 1:39

the first was the broken coverage to cruz, and the last was garbage time while playing prevent defense, but was there anything yall noticed on the middle two drives as to why the giants scored so easily?

also, gotta do a better job of turning points into turnovers. yall forced 3 on their first 3 drives and only had 6 points.

good win guys

You've gotta understand as Cowboys fans, turnovers are something we never see. So when we see six in one game, its Christmas because we had 16 total all of last season. So compared to what we are used to, yes the defense played great. However, compared to what it should be, they were satisfactory. The fact of the matter is, this is the first time we've won a game without Romo having to play great. Generally speaking, when Romo plays bad, Cowboys lose, although I wouldn't say Romo's play was bad today. But knowing the rest of the TEAM could pick up where Romo and the offense struggled its a huge plus. As someone else pointed out, the offense isn't going to struggle as it did today and it was against a tough division rival. The defense will get better once we get a lot of our guys back, mainly Spencer.

Claibourne, I'm not worried about yet. He's still recovering from a knee injury, has missed all of preseason and a good amount of practices in the month of August. What I do worry about is his tackling ability. The Tampa 2 puts stress on your secondary to make more tackles than normal. Claibourne's technique at tackling has been suspect. This is the second time in two years he has gotten injured because of his poor tackling tech.

Other than that, it was a great win because I feel like the team can only build on what was displayed. If you remember, last season we looked like a force in week 1 against the Giants, and we went on to get stomped by Seattle. This year, we came out sloppy, and have room to improve.
The Cowboys did something they've had trouble doing over the past two seasons, CLOSED OUT THE 4TH QUARTER! So many times, this team goes into the 4th quarter with a lead and finds a way to blow it. I thought they were headed down that road again last night, typical Eli march it right down the field on us but our D stepped up and made a play. Even though we gave up alot of yards, it's good to see our defense forcing turnovers, hopefully this trend continues.

OL played well too, can't wait to get Waters in the lineup so Bernardeau can take a seat. Romo can't countinue to throw the ball 50 times, we have to use Murray, Tanner, Randle and Dunbar when he gets back. Also, we have to get Dez the ball by any means necessary, should've used him in the slot more often. TWill better stop the butterfingers act before Romo loses confidence in him and looks for other options.

I know it's early but why did we draft Escobar so high :smh: ..

Overall good win, but it means nothing if we lose to KC. Gotta make a statement next week.
The Cowboys did something they've had trouble doing over the past two seasons, CLOSED OUT THE 4TH QUARTER! So many times, this team goes into the 4th quarter with a lead and finds a way to blow it. I thought they were headed down that road again last night, typical Eli march it right down the field on us but our D stepped up and made a play. Even though we gave up alot of yards, it's good to see our defense forcing turnovers, hopefully this trend continues.

OL played well too, can't wait to get Waters in the lineup so Bernardeau can take a seat. Romo can't countinue to throw the ball 50 times, we have to use Murray, Tanner, Randle and Dunbar when he gets back. Also, we have to get Dez the ball by any means necessary, should've used him in the slot more often. TWill better stop the butterfingers act before Romo loses confidence in him and looks for other options.

I know it's early but why did we draft Escobar so high :smh: ..

Overall good win, but it means nothing if we lose to KC. Gotta make a statement next week.

To address our red zone woes...its working perfectly (sarcasm).

At least when we took Bennett in the second round, he was an excellent blocker. This dude Gavin has never blocked in his life and its TURRIBLE at it.

I was glad to see the game didn't have to rest on Romo putting the team on his back. I think we had 6 4th quarter comebacks last year, and 9 in which Romo got us in position to win. The defense not getting torched on a game winning drive was something frequent when Rob Ryan was here.
We (Cowboys fans) don't talk about B Carr enough. Dude has been everything we asked for. We only talk about Carter, Lee, Ware, Spencer and Mo when talking about the D. Carr has already won two games for us.


:rofl: :smokin :smokin :rofl:
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:rofl: :rofl:

Brandon Carr has been everything we asked for. He gives up a couple plays here and there but for the most part he's been consistent.

Mo has to learn how to tackle properly, that head 1st dive with his head down could've been A LOT worse :smh:

Also, Scandrick has to learn how to defend on the outside, he's been getting torched and absued for years when he fills in for one of our starters!!
There is a youtube clip called "really nfl?" that compares the Calvin Johnson play to the Cruz play. The Cruz TD should have been an incomplete pass if the refs are going to be consistent.
Great win, the giants undefeated run is over.

Seeing those turnovers last night... I was like 'so thats what a defense does...'  loving the way we balled out. Offense needs to be on point more... but 1-0. I'll take that.

The 1st Cruz TD should not have happened the defense wasn't even set. But whatever, this defense could be scary with ALL the healthy starters back, but its the NFL and not a perfect world so I expect a few injuries here and there.

When Dez went down with his ankle... I was shook. Prayed to all the gods and hope he returned.

Feels good to wake up and be a boys fan.
good to start our season off with a W :nthat:

there were a lot of positives, as well as some things that worried me a little. first off, our defense looked great in terms of forcing all those TO's. it's something that was noticeable in the preseason & something that carried over to be real big in the win yesterday. with that being said, our secondary worried me yesterday when eli started to go off (end of the 1st half & throughout the 2nd). we need to do a better job against those deep balls. carr came up real clutch with that interception at the end though & against a dangerous 4th qtr team, it was great to see us do what got us going at the start & that was force TO's. i agree with everyone who has been giving carr credit, even from before this game... he's always been pretty consistent for us.

in terms of our offense, we need more of a balance... romo is still throwing too much. our offense also looked real stagnate at the start after forcing all those TO's... we could've been up by a lot more. with that being said, miles & witten put together nice games. if miles is healthy, he could be such a key player for us. dez needs more looks though :nerd:

important game coming up this week against a KC team that's coming off a dominant win. im really looking forward to seeing how our defense can continue to be effective & force TO's. hoping romo & dez are ok too :nerd:
Romo's x-rays came up negative. He's sore but will play Vs KC. Huge sigh of relief. Thought there was more to his injury. We always undersell injuries :smh: Still remember Garrett saying Sunday after the Ravens game that Sean Lee is OK and will practice Tuesday after he got hurt and on Monday evening he's placed on IR :smh:
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Romo's x-rays came up negative. He's sore but will play Vs KC. Huge sigh of relief. Thought there was more to his injury. We always undersell injuries :smh: Still remember Garrett saying Sunday after the Ravens game that Sean Lee is OK and will practice Tuesday after he got hurt and on Monday evening he's placed on IR :smh:

Or Anthony Spencer only missing 2-4 weeks after having the knee procedure done back in August, or Ben Bass only being out 2-4 weeks with the shoulder then being put on IR.

Btw, any news on Dez? He was pretty heated when he got injured last night, seemed serious. I know he came back out on the two point conversion but is he still banged up?
Romo's x-rays came up negative. He's sore but will play Vs KC. Huge sigh of relief. Thought there was more to his injury. We always undersell injuries :smh: Still remember Garrett saying Sunday after the Ravens game that Sean Lee is OK and will practice Tuesday after he got hurt and on Monday evening he's placed on IR :smh:

Or Anthony Spencer only missing 2-4 weeks after having the knee procedure done back in August, or Ben Bass only being out 2-4 weeks with the shoulder then being put on IR.

Btw, any news on Dez? He was pretty heated when he got injured last night, seemed serious. I know he came back out on the two point conversion but is he still banged up?

Ankle Sprain :smh: at least for the moment :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
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I've been appreciationg Carr since day 1, homie always comes through and does his job... quietly and consistently.

Arugably the most important person on our defense outside of Ware.
CLAIBORNE: 139 yards, 0 TD, 0 INTs
ALLEN: 101 yards, 2 TDs, 1 INT
CARR: 52 yards, 0 TDs, 1 INT
CHURCH: 35 yards, 0 TDs, 0 INTs
SCANDRICK: 26 yards, 1 TD, 0 INTs

Claiborne was garbage last night, no way around it.
any word on dez? and i thought bringing in callahan meant yall would run the ball more? demarco murray should be a 25-30 carry back with how strong he runs. hopefully he stays healthy
Travis Frederick, played 79 snaps against the Giants Sunday night… He only allowed one hurry and one hit.

Dude is the goods.
CLAIBORNE: 139 yards, 0 TD, 0 INTs
ALLEN: 101 yards, 2 TDs, 1 INT
CARR: 52 yards, 0 TDs, 1 INT
CHURCH: 35 yards, 0 TDs, 0 INTs
SCANDRICK: 26 yards, 1 TD, 0 INTs

Claiborne was garbage last night, no way around it.

Like I said last night, his press coverage is nice... That cushion D is not for him though... He didn't look healthy to me last night.

At least I hope he wasn't, he was playing mad timid at certain points of the game.
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Claibornes first game of the season, so he was picked on the most.
Yall should be in here goin hard on Scandrick!
He got first team reps all preseason because Mo was hurt.
Gave up two scores last night, and he knew the ball was coming to Cruz.
Hopefully B.W. Webb can come along fast so he can replace Scandrick.
Im with you on Scandrick, but thats nothing new. We all know hes toast sadly

The thing that made me mad about Mo is he said doesnt need preseason reps like hes an all-pro. Dude wants no part of any contact either :lol:
CLAIBORNE: 139 yards, 0 TD, 0 INTs
ALLEN: 101 yards, 2 TDs, 1 INT
CARR: 52 yards, 0 TDs, 1 INT
CHURCH: 35 yards, 0 TDs, 0 INTs
SCANDRICK: 26 yards, 1 TD, 0 INTs

Claiborne was garbage last night, no way around it.

Like I said last night, his press coverage is nice... That cushion D is not for him though... He didn't look healthy to me last night.

At least I hope he wasn't, he was playing mad timid at certain points of the game.

I think he's healthy. Just wasn't in game shape and lost confidence because of it. Every single interview Mo gave leading up to the game he was talking about how bad his conditioning was. One interview took place a good while after practice had ended and dude was still winded :smh: Missing all that time obviously didn't help either. Carr and Mo are pretty much the same type of CB and Brandon looked fine. Mo will be good. Not worried about him long term. Had people telling me he was a bust last night :smh:

But he was still garbage last night. Took so much pride in Cruz not being able to salsa on us last year. First game of the season and he does it 3 times :lol: :smh:

Scandrick was actually our best corner last season metrically , but garbage the year before, an it looks like he's back to being garbage again :lol:
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