Same. My TTS 12 may be pushing it but no 12.5..
Ok glad I'm not alone. I got 10.5 in the red and green and man my feet were just stuff all day. They weren't so tight that they hurt my feet but they were tight enough that it wouldn't let my feet breather with that liner. Size 11 felt much better and that's what I went with on the og's.
You got green currys?

If so can you post an on foot, or them in sunlight?

That green brown keeps changing on me everytime i see a pic
One Of The Better Photo’s Of The Set I’ve Seen.
Thinking about trying to find a pair of these. I’ve always wanted them but never got a pair. I’d like 11.5 but they have an 11 right here, not really trying to pay $185 though

perso I would like to have red & green with white mesh, white swoosh & white laces (like dark curry)

shipped from nike today, tomorrow is at my home :wink: just before the week haha :tongue:
I saw illistic illistic video, he talks about big control quality issues on this dark curry release, curry color on the laces on the midsole (on the mesh?) it's a bad news a bad thing, I hope we will not be disappointed with these release, it's premium please Nike makes efforts! we will good quality control! no crap shoes! spent the bad pairs in second choice in outlet, no ship them for full price... (go make your AM1 to vietnam where they make IDs i'm sure they will be better!)

spend 150euro to receive a crap pair is not normal... it must be an exception and not a norm, most people order and can not choose their pair, if I have to return my pair because of that I'm farting a lead on the nike chat... if I have a square toe box the same, i want we want a pair like that of SeanGo pictures...
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