The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I looked up One Piece. That show is long!! I may not have the attention span for that.

I think I'm about to try Food Wars in a half hr
If you really wanted you could skip about 5 arcs of one piece and go to one called Water 7, which a lot of people start on. you'd be missing out on some LULZ but it's where the series takes a turn gets a bit more serious a better fighting.
If you really wanted you could skip about 5 arcs of one piece and go to one called Water 7, which a lot of people start on. you'd be missing out on some LULZ but it's where the series takes a turn gets a bit more serious a better fighting.


I can’t imagine what it’d be like to skip one piece arcs. Everything plays a part and is important to the future of the story.

Also for those planning on watching attack on titan:

WATCH THE ANIME ONLY!!! Manga is confusing af and comes out once a month

I can’t imagine what it’d be like to skip one piece arcs. Everything plays a part and is important to the future of the story.

I was about to say the same thing. The series isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so there's no rush when watching it. Once you get caught up you'll hate waiting week to week anyway.
My sis and I got into My Hero Academia at the same time. We both binged on the anime and now she's going through the manga like crazy.

I don't want to read the Manga because I don't want to get tempted to read ahead of the anime. But she keeps saying the Manga is really good.

Its worth it reading the manga?
I'm personally not a fan of that and attack on titan.
When I first came to this thread years and years ago. A few people suggested I start from water 7. Instead I watched the anime til water 7 then read the manga the rest of the way
I just got into and binged My Hero Academia

The main character cries a little too much, but otherwise the show is dope

All Might reminds me of a combination of Captain America and the Hulk. Can't wait for season 3.

Anyone has any recommendations for a similar show?

You want stuff that's relatively short, I'd say:

One punch man
Kill la kill
Akame ga kill

Bleach, is good at first and then in pieces later on.. but I gave up on that, so got no clue anymore
My sis and I got into My Hero Academia at the same time. We both binged on the anime and now she's going through the manga like crazy.

I don't want to read the Manga because I don't want to get tempted to read ahead of the anime. But she keeps saying the Manga is really good.

Its worth it reading the manga?

I’m in the same boat. I say don’t do it... all I’m holding out for the anime cuz it’s real good. Nothing beats he excitement of watching new anime
Anybody been keeping up with Boruto? I'm on the episode where Boruto visits the Mizukages village. Does it get better because I've taken a break from it and I wanna know if I should get back in or wait it out still?

I can’t imagine what it’d be like to skip one piece arcs. Everything plays a part and is important to the future of the story.
Also for those planning on watching attack on titan:

WATCH THE ANIME ONLY!!! Manga is confusing af and comes out once a month

Yeah don't do this. I started watching the Anime after reading the manga for years (just for ****s and giggles) and Mihawk's first appearance is still dope.

If you watch 4-5 episodes everyday starting today you'll be caught up by August :rofl:
Lol just to clarify. I'm one of the biggest one piece fans in here. I realize a lot of people don't like to start from the beginning of it though. Sometimes it takes starting a little further to want to go back and see how it started. I loved it. Arlong, Don krieg, the crew getting together. Crocodile and baroque works
I still watch YouTube clips weekly of the pre 2 year time skip.

Hell my favorite Arc is Enel
Lol just to clarify. I'm one of the biggest one piece fans in here. I realize a lot of people don't like to start from the beginning of it though. Sometimes it takes starting a little further to want to go back and see how it started. I loved it. Arlong, Don krieg, the crew getting together. Crocodile and baroque works
I still watch YouTube clips weekly of the pre 2 year time skip.

Hell my favorite Arc is Enel

I've heard this. It's not new to suggest people to skip arc because you want people to get into the series. The problem is it tends to set the wrong expectations, starting at an arc like water 7 then you have no context of the crew, the world, impact of some of the highlights like the Merry situation that was being foreshadowed from the time they entered the Grandline and came to a head there, the Robin situation and why the crew acted as they did, etc. It just puts people in it for the big fights and that's never been One Piece's main focus. Yes, it's a battle shounen, but Oda has always played it to be more of a comedy and drama to go along with it. W7 and Enies Lobby really rolls back the comedy. W7 is actually the longest point in the story Luffy goes without smiling, something Oda intentionally showed. It's the things like that that really helps One Piece stand out that you miss when you dive in the middle. If you build up from it's comedy roots in East Blue all the way to the peak drama of W7/EL then hit it's peak of action in Marineford it's a completely different experience.

Props to you for having Skypeia as your favorite arc. It gets too much slander and it's an arc that's One Piece in purest form basically. My favorite arc is Saoboady, just because I like when Oda does shorter arc. I like his writing when he's focused and condensing his ideas into their best form. That's why I think Oda needs an experienced editor these days. Akira Hattori (known for the character in Bakuman) took over as editor from the end of Thriller bark through Marineford and you can tell how focused the story is, part of that is the nature of the story at the time and part is probably forcing Oda to limit some of his ideas.
After watching some of the Boruto movie fight scenes and some of the episodes of Boruto with Sasuke in them, did he not get his hand fixed like Naruto?
He decided his punishment should be traveling without his arm/hand.

Lol almost sorry I suggested Water 7, but like I said i was offered that and took it. My first experience with One piece was 4 kids on fox. so it was obviously botched Think i got up to Sanji maybe even Arlong. by the time i wanted to get in to it again it was in the middle of Water 7 someone said the art got better and it was more hype. so i watched all the battles before Luffy vs rob lucci (possibly my favorite cool bad guy in One piece possibly all Animes, (Esdeath, Wrath, and Shin (tengu tenge) )
So it made me go back and see what i missed from the beginning and loved it.
I understand what you mean how Luffy went the more serious turn in Water 7 but it was still light hearted as well. After Water 7 I went strictly Manga, Wish I would've kept up with the Anime tho. The few eps and fillers I caught i loved.

Yea Im one of the few who liked Skypeia I just thought Enel was more powerful than what people gave him credit for and if not facing a rubber man in Luffy he would've been super OP in my opinion, which is why I hope he comes back with Haki and more skill. What if he can use that whole world altering like doflo
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Anybody watch Basilisk? I just started the anime on ep 2 and so far it is pretty interesting. I'm kinda confused as all the names are thrown around and I'm still trying to get used to who is who. :smh: :rofl:
My Hero Academia

Yo, Bakugou just had some legit character development this chapter. It actually made me smile knowing that he's growing up and maturing, even if it's a little. :lol:
And it looks like we're about to get some Endeavor character development as well.
I tried Food Wars because out of the recommendations it seems like something I'd really like. I watched one episode. I may or may not keep going.

I stumbled onto a anime called The Devil is a Part Timer and I thought that was hilarious. Up to episode 3 on that and I think I'll finish it. Only one season though.

And I caved. I'm reading the manga My Hero Academia now. Starting from book one even though ppl tell me I can start from book 70 if I want to because I'm up to date on the anime.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
What a strange show, but so intriguing. I think I'll keep watching. :lol:
The show reminds me of something I've seen before, but I don't know what.
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