The Official FIFA Soccer 12 Thread: Available now!

I'm down to play. All you'll see me do all game is doing spin moves and shooting from the half-way line 

PSN - C14A22
PSN - IndyStateOfMind

I can't wait for 12.. Chicharito should be on the north american cover...
I always wanted to play this game.. i might start with this fifa 2012. Im now enjoying football after lliving in UK for 2 1/2 yrs.
at EA Sports using "The Sun" as a legitimate quote about their game
Granted, its way better than PES and 12 will most likely be no different
but out of all media sources, "The Sun"

At the Man City exclusive content


gonna have to pick me up a Swindon Town kit though
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

how does KaKa still amking covers tho?

Chill, my dude gonna have a good #*$ comeback this season
hopefully he's healthy
PS3: Thumper-Maverick
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I think they should take rooney off and add someone else for a change.
Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

how does KaKa still amking covers tho?

Chill, my dude gonna have a good #*$ comeback this season
hopefully he's healthy
would be nice to see. Anyway im betting Chicharito will be on the US cover
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