The Official HBO How To Make It In America Thread [INFO ON SEASON 2 ON PAGE 1]

Of course the Dominican would have a Sidekick

Hope Rene doesnt body him.
Truck getting stolen was weak
, we're tired of seeing them fall short.

Darren > Ben

@ Rachel. Brown grad, perfect man, good job = my life is in shambles.

I think Luis Guzman should get a best supporting actor nomination. He's killed every scene.
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

dug the last few episodes.

i think one of my first posts in this thread, i mentioned that the show had potential... as long as they toned down the in-your-face "i know everything about music, art and fashion" references. seems that they have done that over the past few episodes... and it has gotten better.

although the boss at nordstroms or wherever he works, did some heavy name drops on the new denim and adidas. but whatever... it doesnt bother me when its somewhat in context.

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only thing that DID bother me.... was the warehouse of shirts. so you're tellin me, there is a 10,000 sq foot warehouse on the docks of NY/NJ full of blank vintage t-shirts? not only that, but it has some goon guarding the door... offering a $200 grab bag special?

c'mon son.

glad to see this 1st season wrap up tho. it did a good job of introducing the characters and premise. hopefully season 2 will pop off from the jump.

also, HBO usually gives their pilot seasons 6-10 episodes... so this is nothing new. Hung, Bored to Death, etc only got 8 episodes. hell... Eastbound and Down only had 6 episodes.

I don't think the shirts were all blank since they mentioned dying them before. 
episode was nice. but i wish these dudes could catch a break! anywho can someone identify the song where ben is on the subway? please and thanks


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does anybody else see ben smashing both rachel and his new girl? i mean as we can see dude is a sucker for love
Great episode. The truck deal gained points w/ me, their forward progression was going a little to smooth.

...Hopefully there isn't some BS clean up to get them out of the mess. lets see some character building.
had to do a double take when the pic came up on the ipone, comeback season
damn that girl is sexy but you know ben already had strong feelings for rachel. He should def keep hittin julie for a while tho

sucks the finale is coming
as long as they have multiple seasons im good
I really liked this week's episode....

I'm curious to see how thee situation with the females turns out once Rachel sobers up.....

The new girl > Rachel Imo, I just like her vibe better...
The funniest part of episode 7 was Rene coming back to find his boys nervous about getting caught smoking by the PO.

Next episode should be good. Of course they're gonna find the truck. It says Rasta Monsta all over it.
I'm thinking the dude who got $#%$* slapped in episode 6 stole the truck and now Rene and the goons finna pay him back for good
Episode was def one of the better ones. I cant wait to see what happens next.

When ben dipped out after the truck got stolen just shrugging his arms then riding the train home made me wanna just go out for a walk right now an think about stuff.
word that moment when he shrugged gave me goosebumps.... got me thinkin about life after highschool (2 more months) aint gon be a walk in tha park...


Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

song at the end of the episode is by -> Phoenix - Rome
If you're talking about the end credits, it was Broken Bells - The High Road

*Thanks, Shabooyah

GREAT episode.  This show has some serious potential.  Like it was said before, things were going a lil' too smoothly for Cam and Ben.  The truck getting stolen was predictable, but I still felt really bad for the dudes in the aftermath. 

I know Rachel's storyline isn't the most popular, but I like the direction.  There's a ton of confusion in her world right now, and it all centers around her break-up w. Ben.  For the record, if Darren had never kissed dude, maybe Rachel wouldn't have second thoughts about moving in.  I think Darren is putting the full-court press on Rachel in an attempt to overcompensate for possibly being bi or gay. 

Rene & his Goons = PURE COMEDY

All it took was one episode, and I HATE that PO.  I wish he would have gotten a fork jammed in his temple.  I loved the fact that the Jamaican dude had also spent time in jail so that made the awkward situation flip in Rene's favor. 

Well, it's going to be fun to see the season finale.  I hope the feedback is good with this show and it's extended to season 2.  I find myself enjoying it a little more than sue me

*Cam's line "I lost the truck!" in that specific moment was HILARIOUS...

*Jah Energy
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