Whats your favorite Kobe 9 Elite?

  • Masterpiece

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • NRG Black

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  • NRG White

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Devotion (All-Star)

    Votes: 4 12.1%
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    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Detail

    Votes: 1 3.0%
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  • Superhero

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  • Legacy

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Victory

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  • Strategy

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  • Christmas

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • What the Kobe

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • BHM

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
These won't sit.
Super high shoes ushered into Nt fashion like tapered sweats.
Down for the count (boxing pun intended)
Nope. This is my first time. I just figured it would give me a much better chance than if I tried manually. Especially since these are looking like Prelude numbers which i failed miserably on the ones i tried
Nope. This is my first time. I just figured it would give me a much better chance than if I tried manually. Especially since these are looking like Prelude numbers which i failed miserably on the ones i tried
I think im going to try also. The prelude pack was painful, and i really want the MP. Now i Just have to figure out if  I should try rsvp or atc...or both. 
@geraldg2309 I'm thinking the same way, bro.

Nike is always full of BS, these days... they've firgured out all they have to do is make a big to-do about every release and the Kids & Savages alike will EAT IT UP. It's all Strategic BS.

I am a little worried that we haven't seen more than a couple Chinese Camara Phone Pics of the LOWS, so far, but I'm holding out hope that there'll be more than enough of them, mostly because it's too much money out there for Nike not to capitalize on. IMO, there'll be ATLEAST 15 Colorwats of the Lows, given the fact we almost had Twice that amount with the Kobe 8's.

To be honest... those Pics of the "Bruce Lee" Lows look like an Unofficial/Unfinished Sample of the Kobe 9 Lows. My theory is they went back and made some changes to the Lows (hopefully it's changes to the Fugazi looking Heel) and that's the primary reason that the official joints haven't surfaced yet. If they were 100% ready, they'd be in SOMEBODY's Hands right now and they're not... ready to build their own GR Kobe 9 Hype Machine...

That's just my take... I hope I'm right.  
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It doesn't really make sense to me either for them to come out with the Elite version before the regular EM one. But I guess maybe from a marketing perspective, Nike thought the highs would generate more of a buzz compared to the lows because it's really different from the previous models, so they wanted to lead with that instead of the EMs. Plus flyknit is sort of Nike's baby right now in terms of its newest tech, and I think they definitely wanted to feature the fact that it's the very first flyknit basketball shoe. I think maybe if they released them later in the year with the Lebrons and KDs as an Elite pack, the 9 Elite Highs might not get as much shine for featuring flyknit tech because it'd have to "share the stage" so to speak. Just my two cents though.

I'm not happy about the MPs being limited either cuz it's just another pain in the ***, but I wonder if the MPs might be their "pre-heat" colorway for the 9s that generates buzz for the upcoming colorways that would be available in greater #'s. It would really, really suck if every single 9 Elite High were as limited as the MPs look like they'll be.
@geraldg2309 I'm thinking the same way, bro.

Nike is always full of BS, these days... they've firgured out all they have to do is make a big to-do about every release and the Kids & Savages alike will EAT IT UP. It's all Strategic BS.

I am a little worried that we haven't seen more than a couple Chinese Camara Phone Pics of the LOWS, so far, but I'm holding out hope that there'll be more than enough of them, mostly because it's too much money out there for Nike not to capitalize on. IMO, there'll be ATLEAST 15 Colorwats of the Lows, given the fact we almost had Twice that amount with the Kobe 8's.

To be honest... those Pics of the "Bruce Lee" Lows look like an Unofficial/Unfinished Sample of the Kobe 9 Lows. My theory is they went back and made some changes to the Lows (hopefully it's changes to the Fugazi looking Heel) and that's the primary reason that the official joints haven't surfaced yet. If they were 100% ready, they'd be in SOMEBODY's Hands right now and they're not... ready to build their own GR Kobe 9 Hype Machine...

That's just my take... I hope I'm right.  
Yeah man I can agree with that. I think Nike cares about the profits to be made but they also care about their brand more than anything and what they represent. They are THE hype machine from their shirts, to their slogans and their advertisements. It's their brand that keeps raking in those sales, not the quantity.

With those two though.. You don't see much differentiation between those Wear Test sample and the Bruce Lee. (From what I can tell at least besides that collar). Nike said they have been working on this shoe for two years so I'm still kinda surprised they are taking their sweet time about this and modifying a product.. But we have no idea when those pictures were actually taken, we just know when they leaked. And it's still kind of early to tell what Nike's plan is in general whether that be making the Elites limited and having people go crazy for the lows.. Making the Elites an eventual GR along with the lows or whatever but I'm sure they have to take advantage of the profit margin SOMEWHERE within the Kobe line... No way you can build all this hype up for nothing... and they have to mass produce somewhere. 

Also just realized that the tag has FA14.... Maybe that's why we haven't seen it yet I guess?
Maybe the shoes really are blessed, seeing as the Kings can beat Chi town by 20 when Gay is wearing them.
Just checked ebay and the limited 9's that were released last weekend are listed for a minimum of $850. SMH
Just checked ebay and the limited 9's that were released last weekend are listed for a minimum of $850. SMH

Not shocked :lol:

IMO they don't look special enough, despite being limited for dudes to think they can get that much.
Agreed, I think they are gonna have to drop those prices given the CW aren't really special and the shoe itself is either a love or hate... Not everyone is hyped about it , so the potential market is narrowed. Good luck to them though, get that $$$ if they can. Just don't see it happening.
I wonder why Rudy Gay took them off after the 1st quarter and why JR Smith took them off after the half the first time he wore them? Anyone else catch that? Lebron 2.0? 
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