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Yea I dont get loading the RAM unles you need it. I had it maxed, but I was using video and photo editing software. I did a lot of rendering so I used abunch of the processing power and ram.

Otherwise most people should be fine with 4-8 for the mean time.
I have a mid-2013 MBA but I want one of those older white MacBooks so bad :lol:. They're just too nice aesthetically. I imagine I'd be able to get one for the low on Craigslist. Anyone know how they perform with an SSD/upgraded RAM? And do they still support the latest OS's?
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I have a mid-2013 MBA but I want one of those older white MacBooks so bad :lol:. They're just too nice aesthetically. I imagine I'd be able to get one for the low on Craigslist. Anyone know how they perform with an SSD/upgraded RAM? And do they still support the latest OS's?
No they don't support the latest os
I have a black one
I still don't understand why anyone (unless their job/major requires it) will need 16 gb of ram. Im on 4 and im good. Just need Chrome + itunes, and sometimes powerpoint or word opened up and im good to go. If I need to run a heavy program, then I just shut off chrome.

Like, do yall even use all the memory b? Or yall just want it for show? 
Yea I dont get loading the RAM unles you need it. I had it maxed, but I was using video and photo editing software. I did a lot of rendering so I used abunch of the processing power and ram.

Otherwise most people should be fine with 4-8 for the mean time.
I have 8GB now (bought it with 4GB and moved to 8GB before I even used it), but I need more. Luckily, I am a Senior Systems Engineer and I do run various VMs of different OS flavors tinkering and testing things out when I am bored according to you guys
. The newer Macs are more efficient in their processing and stuff as well too you have to remember. It also doesn't help that I prefer Google Chrome with a few plug-ins running and I have a resource monitor to watch it for me and I see if that it can creep up there in what is being consumed from time to time as well.

I work with people that have 16/32GB RAM in iMacs and stuff where they have lab simulators running when they are going for certifications. A few other guys actually have servers in their home that they host stuff off of for themselves, lol.
I have a mid-2013 MBA but I want one of those older white MacBooks so bad
. They're just too nice aesthetically. I imagine I'd be able to get one for the low on Craigslist. Anyone know how they perform with an SSD/upgraded RAM? And do they still support the latest OS's?
That is what my wife had before I got the MBA for her. Been trying to sell it for her, bu she claims that one of her friends is going to buy it from her

I wouldn't spend over $200-$250 on one of them though.
8gb RAM + SSD = Sex in a machine
If I wasn't going to run VMs and stuff on my machine, then I would definitely just get the SSD kit to replace my superdrive and chill with the 8GB. Unless you literally just web browse with your laptop, I would always opt to get at least 8gb RAM.

Luckily my wife just goes on FB, Pintrest, GMail, and YT so 4GB RAM with the SSD is perfectly fine for her.
If I wasn't going to run VMs and stuff on my machine, then I would definitely just get the SSD kit to replace my superdrive and chill with the 8GB. Unless you literally just web browse with your laptop, I would always opt to get at least 8gb RAM.

Luckily my wife just goes on FB, Pintrest, GMail, and YT so 4GB RAM with the SSD is perfectly fine for her. :lol:

Agreed. TBH like you said, you prefer to browse with chrome and we know how much of a resource hog it is. You may need 8gb minimum just for that :lol: . But to be honest this RAM debate is whatever. If you want to experience the best possible experience with any OSX or Windows device, and you have the money by all means put as much RAM as the hardware will accept. Also add an SSD, especially with the prices rapidly dropping, you can get some high capacity SSDs for really cheap. With my wife I make sure her stuff is as fast as possible TBH. Maxed RAM and SSD, with a more than capable processor. Why? Because in the long run it is affordable. She will use it much longer, without any hiccups. That equates to less complaining. :smokin

wrightone86 wrightone86 you guys use OSX for work? or do you guys have Windows systems as well? Man I want to get into the tech/IT field, but my job now is just tough to leave with what I have going. Its just boring.
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Agreed. TBH like you said, you prefer to browse with chrome and we know how much of a resource hog it is. You may need 8gb minimum just for that
. But to be honest this RAM debate is whatever. If you want to experience the best possible experience with any OSX or Windows device, and you have the money by all means put as much RAM as the hardware will accept. Also add an SSD, especially with the prices rapidly dropping, you can get some high capacity SSDs for really cheap. With my wife I make sure her stuff is as fast as possible TBH. Maxed RAM and SSD, with a more than capable processor. Why? Because in the long run it is affordable. She will use it much longer, without any hiccups. That equates to less complaining.

@WrightOne86 you guys use OSX for work? or do you guys have Windows systems as well? Man I want to get into the tech/IT field, but my job now is just tough to leave with what I have going. Its just boring.
100% right there man

Chrome is a killer on resources for real man
. Laptop will be at idle and I launch Chrome and a couple tabs and see my resource monitor drop to like ~800 MB  available

I need to check and see if this one plug-in I primarily use is offered in Safari. I know they have it for FF, so I might have to hope they have it for Safari too to help me with this.

We are mainly a Windows shop here with some Linux, but we are always tinkering and testing out different things. Most of the people I work with have MBP, iMac, or at least a Mac Mini at home that they are using. My previous company, we had one of those Mac Servers (XServe) and that was kind of interesting to get deployed and see how we could tie it in to our LDAP and manage it and stuff.
Mannnn, I'm a few years too late but I just upgraded to a SSD on my 09 Macbook Pro and I'm instantly regretting not doing this earlier. Computer feels brand spanking new, upgraded the RAM to 8GB as well from the previous 4. For anyone who hasn't gone to an SSD yet though, its a must.
Mannnn, I'm a few years too late but I just upgraded to a SSD on my 09 Macbook Pro and I'm instantly regretting not doing this earlier. Computer feels brand spanking new, upgraded the RAM to 8GB as well from the previous 4. For anyone who hasn't gone to an SSD yet though, its a must.

I still need to do that also. Where did you buy your ram from?
Has anyone ever plugged in their charger to their mac where the pins are and the computer wouldn't charge? Sometimes mine does that and the battery icon would be full but it says "not charging." Kind of annoying that I have to take it out and put it back in multiple times. Could my pins be bad?
I still need to do that also. Where did you buy your ram from?

I've always used New Egg. OWC works too. Use to make look up your model number and make sure you get the correct RAM if you go through New Egg. OWC will walk you through the process to ensure that right RAM.

Has anyone ever plugged in their charger to their mac where the pins are and the computer wouldn't charge? Sometimes mine does that and the battery icon would be full but it says "not charging." Kind of annoying that I have to take it out and put it back in multiple times. Could my pins be bad?

Probably not the pins. Use Coconut Battery to check out the health of your battery. The battery can go bad over time. Aside from the first generation unibody Pro you'll have to take it in to Apple to have that addressed.
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What's the system report say about your battery? Have you dropped the Mac? Or frayed the cable on the charger?

All are possible reasons for a faulty connection and I've dealt with all of them in the past.
Anyone know an easy way to import music from an iPod onto my MacBook? I googled some guides but they're either outdated or spam.
I still need to do that also. Where did you buy your ram from?

I've always used New Egg. OWC works too. Use to make look up your model number and make sure you get the correct RAM if you go through New Egg. OWC will walk you through the process to ensure that right RAM.

Has anyone ever plugged in their charger to their mac where the pins are and the computer wouldn't charge? Sometimes mine does that and the battery icon would be full but it says "not charging." Kind of annoying that I have to take it out and put it back in multiple times. Could my pins be bad?

Probably not the pins. Use Coconut Battery to check out the health of your battery. The battery can go bad over time. Aside from the first generation unibody Pro you'll have to take it in to Apple to have that addressed.

What's the system report say about your battery? Have you dropped the Mac? Or frayed the cable on the charger?

All are possible reasons for a faulty connection and I've dealt with all of them in the past.

I got the battery replaced in Dec so I highly doubt it could be that. Never dropped the mac, been babied since day 1. Cable charger is in brand new condition also.

I got the battery replaced in Dec so I highly doubt it could be that. Never dropped the mac, been babied since day 1. Cable charger is in brand new condition also.

You can pick up some contact cleaner and toothbrush to clean the pins on both the charger and laptop. Once again it's probably not the pins themselves but the contact cleaner should rule that out. If that doesn't fix the problem I would take it into Apple. There is a small DC-in board inside the laptop that could be the issue. I can't imagine its a very expensive fix. The part is like $20 but involves removing the entire logic board.
I got the battery replaced in Dec so I highly doubt it could be that. Never dropped the mac, been babied since day 1. Cable charger is in brand new condition also.

You can pick up some contact cleaner and toothbrush to clean the pins on both the charger and laptop. Once again it's probably not the pins themselves but the contact cleaner should rule that out. If that doesn't fix the problem I would take it into Apple. There is a small DC-in board inside the laptop that could be the issue. I can't imagine its a very expensive fix. The part is like $20 but involves removing the entire logic board.

Thanks for the suggestions I'll try those. My dc board looks good from what I can tell on the outside, but I'll try a different charger also and see if the issue continues. Might youtube how to change the dc board and see if it's a DIY job.
Thanks for the suggestions I'll try those. My dc board looks good from what I can tell on the outside, but I'll try a different charger also and see if the issue continues. Might youtube how to change the dc board and see if it's a DIY job.

Magsafe DC-in DIY

Theres the guide to replacing the DC-in. Its not overly difficult you just want to make sure you don't break anything while in there. I would take it to Apple and have them diagnose the problem first.
Thanks for the suggestions I'll try those. My dc board looks good from what I can tell on the outside, but I'll try a different charger also and see if the issue continues. Might youtube how to change the dc board and see if it's a DIY job.

Magsafe DC-in DIY

Theres the guide to replacing the DC-in. Its not overly difficult you just want to make sure you don't break anything while in there. I would take it to Apple and have them diagnose the problem first.

Got it. Every time I go into the apple store the issue doesn't reproduce but if something changes I'll give this a shot.
I just purchased a Mid-2015 Macbook Pro 15 inch and I'm loving it. If you guys are interested in selling your old macs then I would recommend turntronics as an option. I sold them my Early 2009 Macbook Pro 17 inch and the process was good and I received more than I thought I would.
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